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Everything posted by KRMizu

  1. Hello guys, I'm trying to use a BG from the game itself, but when I try to enter kvm I have the following problem : Entering battleground.cpp, I noticed that it always enters this validation Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
  2. Already managed to solve by adding an option ORDER BY `xpmineracao` DESC , `account_hourly` ASC , thank you very much I'm using the code you created.
  3. Thank you very much, what you did is perfect, I only have one problem, I have an NPC that also shows the Top 20, and the positions do not match the one shown for my character, for example this showing that I am the top 6, more in this than you made it for me shows that i am the top 9 This is just to show my position in the rank : This shows the overall rank for all players:
  4. I understand what you mean, unfortunately I have no other criteria for the tiebreaker or... I have an online time field, would it be possible to use it for the tiebreaker?
  5. Hello, I'm trying to show the player's classification, I found an example but he doesn't count the position if the amount is equal, for example: Player 1: 600Exp Player 2: 400 Exp Player 3: 400 Exp Player 4: 300 Exp The way I found the position of player 2 and 3 is the same as: Player 1: Top 1 Player 2: Top 2 Player 3: Top 2 Player 4: Top 3 I would like it to look like this: Player 1: Top 1 Player 2: Top 2 Player 3: Top 3 Player 4: Top 4 Here is an example I found below: dispbottom "============== My Rank ==============", 0xffe066; query_sql( "SELECT `points`, 1 + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `mvp_ranking` t1 WHERE t1.`points` > t2.`points`) FROM `mvp_ranking` t2 WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0), .@points, .@rank); dispbottom "My Rank is: " + .@rank+ ".", 0x6666ff; dispbottom "My Points is: " + .@points+ ".", 0x6666ff; dispbottom "==========================================", 0xffe066;
  6. I just didn't want it to show the available examples . For example, in this case, I would like to show only the 3 colors available:
  7. I'll take a look, thank you very much
  8. If I run a second case, the player will not be able to use a color, but that window will continue showing the available colors and showing all black sprites
  9. Is it possible to open two different dressrooms? For example if it is a class x opens dressroom x, if it is class y opens dressroom y. I wonder where I need to go to add a second dressroom
  10. The channels created on @channel appear only in the PUBLIC chat, is there a way to change it, to appear in the PRIVATE chat for example?
  11. I would like to make the last 5 levels of my server very difficult but I do not know how, Is it possible to add an exp penalty from a specific level? If so, how?
  12. Boa noite, Estou quebrando a cabeça tentando descobrir como posso selecionar a % de chances do equipamento refinar, estou fazendo um npc que por exemplo se eu der dois itens a ele, vai ficar 100 % de chance de refinar, se eu der apenas 1 fica com 50%, consigo apenas usar a % das próprias regras estabelecidas pelo jogo mas dessa forma não consigo estabelecer um bônus de % por item, se alguém puder me dar uma luz, não quero script pronto, só quero ter um norte pra saber oque precisa ser feito, deis de já obrigado.
  13. Hi guys, my titles tab disappeared, don't have the option to choose titles, was it because i put pre-ré ? if yes, how can i use the pre-re title option ?
  14. Alguém tem um sistema de vip por ticket, que mostre uma msg de quantos dias faltam sempre que logar, eu encontrei só no brathena mais não é compativel .
  15. KRMizu

    Help me

    Consegui resolver, o problema estava na data, estava usando a data ROenglishRE-master e por algum motivo não estava funcionando com hexed 2018 talvez por algum erro meu ou própria compatibilidade
  16. KRMizu

    Help me

    Estou usando uma das ultimas versões 2018-02-13aRagexeRE e configurei tudo usando o iteminfo.lub
  17. @Tyrfing Mano aproveitando, to com um problema que n aparece nenhum hat do jogo nem os originais do bro, vc sabe oque pode ser ? consigo equipar jogar no chao e tudo mais n mostra no personagem
  18. KRMizu

    Help me

    not show any item in the character
  19. oh, I need data folder, but thanks
  20. Hi guys, help me pls Where is the error ? ---->
  21. Por acaso já existem datas 2018 ? a mais recente que encontrei foi uma 2017 chamada ROenglishRE-master, se alguém souber e puder me falar agradeço . Deis de já obrigado .
  22. No, I'll check thanks @Haziel This line ? // Use SQL item_db, mob_db and mob_skill_db for the map server? (yes/no) use_sql_db: yes not show any items in the character
  23. @srhmike Thanks guys, this is same process of brathena, i 'm using "MARIADB database" and after make all process says "invalid item id" why ? i'm using client 2018 acessoryid , accname, sprite, texture same name "visual01" item_db iteminfo.lub
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