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Posts posted by LancerAce

  1. 11 minutes ago, Aries said:

    PayPalIpnUrl  should be www.paypal.com for live and www.sandbox.paypal.com for testing not this www.myROdomain.com/?module=donate&action=notify

    If you followed the instruction you should have atleast reach the paypal website upon clicking donate.

    Thank you. Also thank Akkarin for the solution ?.

  2. Hi guys. im having problem getting donation to work. when the donate button is clicked.i get error "mission action" notifycgi-binwebscr. Tried googling, seem like no one got the same error as me..? 

    i've already set

    1. 'PayPalIpnUrl'  parameter correctly to  www.myROdomain.com/?module=donate&action=notify' and
    2. ensuring case sensitive for   'PayPalBusinessEmail' value, and
    3. also checking on the Notification URL  that is set at paypal.


    But it still doesnt work. would appreciate some help.. Thank you



    image provided below

    1. Clicking the donate btn.


    2. Error page shown






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