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  1. enum e_additem_result pc_additem(map_session_data *sd,struct item *item,int amount,e_log_pick_type log_type) { struct item_data* data; struct homun_data* hd; int i; unsigned int w; int amt2 = 0; if (item->nameid > 8030 && item->nameid < 9001) { for (i = 8031; i < 9001; i++) { amt2 += pc_countitem(sd, i); } amt2 += 1; if ((hd = sd->hd) == NULL) { amt2 -= 1; } if ((sd->status.lock) == 0) amt2 = 0; if (amt2 >= 6) { storage_storageadd(sd, item->nameid, 1, LOG_TYPE_NONE); return 7; } } int pc_countitem(struct map_session_data* sd, int itemid) //[Hold -brA] { struct item_data* it_tmp; int i, id, amt = 0; if (!(it_tmp = item_db.exists(itemid))) return 0; id = it_tmp->nameid; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if (sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].nameid == id) amt += sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].amount; return amt; } Anyone can help me adapt this code for Reathena pls Code 01 ERROR - storage_storageadd(sd, item->nameid, 1, LOG_TYPE_NONE); Code 02 ERROR - if(! (it_tmp = item_db.exists(itemid))) return 0 ;
  2. I managed to add homunculus 6053 to 6080, everything works normally and evolutions, but when it reaches 6081 it no longer works, does anyone know where to edit the quantity of homunculus? i know best client for homunculus ? 2015 or 2018 ? I’m using 2022 I think there is a limit to younger clients mmo.hpp //Base Homun skill. #define HM_SKILLBASE 8001 #define MAX_HOMUNSKILL 59 #define MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS 1000 //[orn], Increased to 60 from 16 to allow new Homun-S. #define HM_CLASS_BASE 6001 #define HM_CLASS_MAX (HM_CLASS_BASE+MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS-1)
  3. There are servers that managed to add custom homunculus and I was wondering how?
  4. I'm trying to add a custom homunculus to the newest RATHENA emulator but I'm not succeeding
  5. Anyone have a tutorial for add custom homunculus in Reathena patch 20220330 please help me !
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