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Everything posted by Arkwright

  1. File Name: Narrator PvP File Submitter: Evanio File Submitted: 18 Feb 2014 File Category: PvP, GvG, WoE, Battleground Content Author: Evanio A Narrator PvP where you have the option to choose which speaker you want. There are 4 types of Narrators: UnrealTournament Badass Flamboyant Pimp If you prefer, you can engage in your main NPC PvP, just add the whole body of the NPC "Narrator PvP" in a Case in your script pvp. If your system already has a system of narrator advise to disable it. Configurations: The only configuration necessary is add in to array $@MapName$ the names of the maps you want the script to act. Instalation: To install the NPC completely, just grab the wav folder, which is in the .rar file, and put it in your data folder. And narrator.txt file post it in your folder loading scripts. Badass Flamboyant Pimp UnrealTournament Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1.0


    A Narrator PvP where you have the option to choose which speaker you want. There are 4 types of Narrators: UnrealTournament Badass Flamboyant Pimp If you prefer, you can engage in your main NPC PvP, just add the whole body of the NPC "Narrator PvP" in a Case in your script pvp. If your system already has a system of narrator advise to disable it. Configurations: The only configuration necessary is add in to array $@MapName$ the names of the maps you want the script to act. Instalation: To install the NPC completely, just grab the wav folder, which is in the .rar file, and put it in your data folder. And narrator.txt file post it in your folder loading scripts. Badass Flamboyant Pimp UnrealTournament
  3. Well, I'm trying to put some voiceovers when using a skill, but do not quite understand the source, then come to you asking for help. Let me give an example: When a player uses the skill StormGust, while a sound to play the data folder on the client. I thought of four ways: 1st - When the player the ability to use a script (NPC) was executed with the command to run the SOM. In the source there is a command that calls a script. Something like this: struct npc_data* nd; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); switch(atoi(message)){ case 1: nd = npc_name2id("CodeBuff"); break; case 2: nd = npc_name2id("CodeAnun"); break; case 3: nd = npc_name2id("CodeQuest"); break; case 4: nd = npc_name2id("CodeSom"); break; } if (nd == NULL){ clif_displaymessage(fd,"..."); return -1; } run_script(nd->u.scr.script, 0, sd->bl.id, nd->bl.id); return 0; } (I took this from a custom command, which when used, runs one of the scripts) I do not know if you can use it in the structure of ability. 2nd - If, in any command that runs directly from a source media file. 3rd - A command similar to "OnPCKillEvent" but instead of running the code to kill, execute a code where when someone used a skill, perform the function. Something like: "OnSkillUsed." 4th - Create a new effect with the sound, but how? Well I'm sorry my English. I used Google translate. I'll be super grateful if someone help me. hugs.
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