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Everything posted by Gladio

  1. Apologise from the missing logs (I will post them later) and from my lack of knowledge about C/C++, still learning on the job, anyway after some weeks I decided to patch the servers, our latest commit from rAthena master branch was from 06/06/2018 (ef04615) so I just took the latest available today 03/07/2018 (e4eddc3) , after merge and resolved conflicts, I pushed the code into my server, stopped and ran 'make clean' the clean was moaning about some .h class missing, so it fails and also the make server fails, so I had to revert the changes, recompile and start. My understanding that recently many sources was moved from C to C++, .h to hpp, and I can see some updates in the the Makefile.in (that should be the compiler config/map for Linux based OS) am I missing something ? Many Thanks
  2. I was thinking that was the opposite based on the information found online, like many I do not have time to play on official server....neither mine ? Thanks @Kakaroto you are my favourite sayan ?
  3. Reading around seems that for some skills, except Hoover, the accessory needs to be just in the inventory, as reportedin the offcial wiki https://irowiki.org/wiki/Madogear On different forum I found that seems that this feature is supported in rAthena, however I tested on our server, usually updated every 2 weeks, with Emergency Cool and Accelerator and both requires me to equip the accessory. I tried to check in the code to find something but the only reference that I can I checked the skill he skill_db.txt and the skill_require_db.txt but everything looks fine, I also don't have any error message on the rAthena console or from the client , did I miss to enable something some where? Or I was wrong and it is just not supported? Thank you for your answer
  4. My bad was caused by missing check in the flux code the set up was correct but the item/view module was looking in the pre-re table https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/issues/180
  5. That makes more than sense thanks @Secrets
  6. Hi I don't know if is related to this issue that I found but our flux seems to point on the item_db/mob_db/mob_skill_db instead of the _re version, same for the db2 table. So despite we are RE server and we set some new drop in the mob_db2_re table, those are no appearing except if we overwrite the non re table with our data, and it sucks a bit because I cannot use the FluxCP editor ? We installed it around February, so no April update yet, and the renewal flag in the server config is set to true ('Renewal' => true,) and we did not mod other things like the Flux.php that should be on this version at the moment. Not a php guy so any help or hint where to look it will be great, I would like to fix it before doing any cheap workaround
  7. Hi, I checked around, including the monster.conf, there is any option to enable HP regen for non-engaged MVP? I would like to avoid the abuse of: damage+teleport+town healer > rinse&repeat. An option probably will be to add HP recovery to any MVP but could affect also a "regular" fight
  8. Cheers @Radian, I will do it after the the clear up to check for something left, unfortunately I am still not familiar with the data-model and last time I played seriously was some years ago so I ignore some of the new game functionalities , and the relative DB table. Thank you @Emistry to move it in the right place edit: I added further tables in the code section
  9. Hi, we ran a beta to test a server for several days with very high rates, now we would like to wipe the user data (no the accounts) before re opening, could you please confirm that I am truncate the right tables and I am not forgetting anything ? TRUNCATE TABLE `auction`; TRUNCATE TABLE `cart_inventory`; TRUNCATE TABLE `charlog`; TRUNCATE TABLE `char`; TRUNCATE TABLE `elemental`; TRUNCATE TABLE `friends`; TRUNCATE TABLE `global_reg_value`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_alliance`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_castle`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_expulsion`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_member`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_position`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_skill`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild_storage`; TRUNCATE TABLE `guild`; TRUNCATE TABLE `homunculus`; TRUNCATE TABLE `hotkey`; TRUNCATE TABLE `interlog`; TRUNCATE TABLE `interreg`; TRUNCATE TABLE `inventory`; TRUNCATE TABLE `ipbanlist`; TRUNCATE TABLE `mail`; TRUNCATE TABLE `mapreg`; TRUNCATE TABLE `memo`; TRUNCATE TABLE `mercenary_owner`; TRUNCATE TABLE `mercenary`; TRUNCATE TABLE `party`; TRUNCATE TABLE `pet`; TRUNCATE TABLE `quest`; TRUNCATE TABLE `ragsrvinfo`; TRUNCATE TABLE `sc_data`; TRUNCATE TABLE `skill_homunculus`; TRUNCATE TABLE `skill`; TRUNCATE TABLE `sstatus`; TRUNCATE TABLE `storage`; // not sure about those TRUNCATE TABLE `atcommandlog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `bonus_script`: TRUNCATE TABLE `branchlog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `buyingstore_items`: TRUNCATE TABLE `atcommandlog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `buyingstores`: TRUNCATE TABLE `cashlog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `cp_charprefs`: TRUNCATE TABLE `cp_choko_rename_log`: TRUNCATE TABLE `mvplog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `mvprank`: TRUNCATE TABLE `npclog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `atcommandlog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `picklog`: TRUNCATE TABLE `pvprank`: TRUNCATE TABLE `skillcooldown`: TRUNCATE TABLE `vendings`: TRUNCATE TABLE `zenylog`: I took from an existing post but is from 2013 so I don't know if there is any new table not considered Many thanks
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