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Everything posted by zmref

  1. I followed judas ro setup guide and followed on how to setup Flux cp but there's an error forget it I already solved it
  2. this is a script of KOE which I found somewhere here then I edit some of the parts I would like to know what do I insert? add? in order to make the schedule weekly. - script ACE -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Archon's Castle#Arc"; disablenpc "Reward#Arc"; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "on" ) ) goto L_start; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "off" ) ) goto L_end; else end; L_end: OnClock1909: announce "Archon's Castle Event is over!", 0; set .ACE_start, 0; enablenpc "Reward#Arc"; disablenpc "Archon's Castle#Arc"; killmonsterall "arch_cas"; end; OnClock1910: mapannounce "arch_cas","Please go down and speak to the reward officer to receive your prize.",0; end; L_start: OnClock1907: announce "The Archon's Castle Event (ACE) will begin in 5 minutes.",0; end; OnClock1908: announce "Archon's Castle Event has begun!", 0; set .ACE_start, 1; enablenpc "Archon's Castle#Arc"; disablenpc "Reward#Arc"; set $ACEgid, 0; donpcevent "::OnRevACE"; maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $ACEgid, 6; monster "arch_cas",321,256,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"ACE::OnEmpDead"; end; OnEmpDead: set $ACEgid, getcharid(2); announce "The current Archon is [" + strcharinfo(2) + "] guild.", 0; donpcevent "::OnRevACE"; maprespawnguildid "arch_cas", $ACEgid, 6; sleep 500; if ( .ACE_start ) monster "arch_cas",321,256,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"ACE::OnEmpDead"; end; } // ACE Entrance negel,74,182,0 script Archon's Castle#Arc 723,{ mes "[Archon's Assistant]"; if ( getcharid(2) == 0 ) { mes "You must have a guild to participate in the ^FF0000Archon's Castle Event^000000."; close; } mes "Warp to the ^FF0000Archon's Castle Event^000000?"; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; switch( rand(1,4) ){ case 1: warp "arch_cas", 338, 58; end; case 2: warp "arch_cas", 370, 90; end; case 3: warp "arch_cas", 337, 14; end; case 4: warp "arch_cas", 301, 31; end; } } // ACE Exit arch_cas,286,256,5 script Reward#Arc 51,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "Having fun?"; next; mes "See you again next week!"; if ( getcharid(2) == $ACEgid ) getitem 501, 1; // configure prize here next; warp "Save",0,0; close; } // Flags negel,238,178,3 script ACE#1::ACE_flag 722,{ set .@gid, $ACEgid; if ( .@gid == 0 ) end; mes "[Archon]"; mes "The current Archon is ^7F00FF["+ getguildname(.@gid) +"]^000000 guild."; mes "The guild leader of this guild is ^336699["+getguildmaster($KOEGUILD)+"]^000000."; close; OnRevACE: flagemblem $ACEgid; end; } arch_cas,87,60,3 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#2 722 arch_cas,121,276,5 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#3 722 arch_cas,309,50,4 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#4 722 arch_cas,294,231,4 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#5 722 arch_cas,336,227,4 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#6 722 arch_cas,349,278,4 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#7 722 arch_cas,300,274,3 duplicate(ACE_flag) ACE#8 722 arch_cas mapflag gvg arch_cas mapflag nobranch arch_cas mapflag nomemo arch_cas mapflag nopenalty arch_cas mapflag noreturn arch_cas mapflag nosave SavePoint arch_cas mapflag noteleport arch_cas mapflag gvg_noparty arch_cas mapflag nowarp arch_cas mapflag nowarpto
  3. I made a duplicate but it wasn't randomly moving it's still on its own position only the main one was moving when I click the duplicate or even the main one. cause I'm planning to make more treasure chest in 1 small map /* Programed by: Miles Reginal Version 1.0 An NPC that spawns has a treasure chest. After taking the treasure, it spawns in another place Fixed the error in which the Chest can spawn on Non-Walkable place Version 2.0 by Zmref Duplicates not working so I add 2nd NPC with different variables and names. */ prontera,155,155,5 script Treasure Chest 1902,{ progressbar "", .waiting_time; getitem .treasure_reward, 1; while( 1 ) { set .@x, rand(150,160); set .@y, rand(140,160); sleep 1; if( checkcell("prontera",.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass) ) break; } movenpc "Treasure Chest",.@x,.@y; end; OnInit: set .waiting_time, 5; //Time needed to get the treasure set .treasure_reward, 674; //Reward that you get after opened the treasure end; } prontera,152,152,5 script Treasure Chest#1 1902,{ progressbar "", .waiting_time; getitem .treasure_reward, 1; while( 1 ) { set .@a, rand(150,160); set .@b, rand(140,160); sleep 1; if( checkcell("prontera",.@a,.@b,cell_chkpass) ) break; } movenpc "Treasure Chest#1",.@a,.@b; end; OnInit: set .waiting_time, 5; //Time needed to get the treasure set .treasure_reward, 674; //Reward that you get after opened the treasure end; } What I did to your script was this to make it work lol
  4. I want a gold room that has a random spawning treasure box in it when I click it there will be a loading bar then after the loading bar finishes you will now receive a mithril coin. pls pls pls! thanks! I only imagined this but I don't know how to do it lol
  5. NVM I get it already prontera,163,182,5 script PVP 837,{ OnInit: waitingroom "PVP - users "+getmapusers("prontera"),0; }
  6. How to do the balloon interface where it display the number of players inside a map It's like a chatroom? but it displays number of players inside a map.
  7. Please help me I need an NPC warper where it warps players and display the players inside the map using the chat room like interface.
  8. Why is it the player rankings not working? 1. I already install the SQL Table 2. Already tested the script all working fine it records Pvp Statistics but Player rankings was empty. Oh sorry it's working I just need to Char select to update it up. nice system btw
  9. anyone has a link for a simple common PvP deathmatch? which I can put the custom map I made? pls pls thanks DONE I used ghost pvp system
  10. you can see how it check battle ground id, make you can't attack same ground monster, then you can create a new system for KoE this is the only one I saw much closer to my problem but I don't have a clue how to change it . if( map_flag_gvg(m) && !sd->status.guild_id && t_bl->type == BL_MOB && ((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM ) return 0; //If you don't belong to a guild, can't target emperium. if( t_bl->type != BL_PC ) state |= BCT_ENEMY; //Natural enemy. break; } Based on this KOE Script. this one. KoEActualStart: if($KoEStatus==1) { end; } set $KoEStatus,1; set $KoEPrizeTracker,0; if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "King Of Emperium Hill has began! Which guild will prove their worth?",bc_all|bc_WoE; } if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; } if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgon "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpon "guild_vs1"; } monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; do you think it has some missing essential part that's why I can still attack the emperium even if it's respawn after broken? If (guild==guild) can't attack emperium else if (guild==false) can attack emperium how do I make this a working script? maybe I'll just insert this somewhere on the KOE script? please help @_@
  11. battle.c battle_check_target /*========================================== * Checks the state between two targets (rewritten by Skotlex) * (enemy, friend, party, guild, etc) * See battle.h for possible values/combinations * to be used here (BCT_* constants) * Return value is: * 1: flag holds true (is enemy, party, etc) * -1: flag fails * 0: Invalid target (non-targetable ever) *------------------------------------------*/ int battle_check_target( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int flag) { int m,state = 0; //Initial state none int strip_enemy = 1; //Flag which marks whether to remove the BCT_ENEMY status if it's also friend/ally. struct block_list *s_bl = src, *t_bl = target; nullpo_ret(src); nullpo_ret(target); m = target->m; //t_bl/s_bl hold the 'master' of the attack, while src/target are the actual //objects involved. if( (t_bl = battle_get_master(target)) == NULL ) t_bl = target; if( (s_bl = battle_get_master(src)) == NULL ) s_bl = src; if ( s_bl->type == BL_PC ) { switch( t_bl->type ) { case BL_MOB: // Source => PC, Target => MOB if ( pc_has_permission((TBL_PC*)s_bl, PC_PERM_DISABLE_PVM) ) return 0; break; case BL_PC: if (pc_has_permission((TBL_PC*)s_bl, PC_PERM_DISABLE_PVP)) return 0; break; default:/* anything else goes */ break; } } switch( target->type ) { // Checks on actual target case BL_PC: { struct status_change* sc = status_get_sc(src); if (((TBL_PC*)target)->invincible_timer != INVALID_TIMER || pc_isinvisible((TBL_PC*)target)) return -1; //Cannot be targeted yet. if( sc && sc->count ) { if( sc->data[sC_VOICEOFSIREN] && sc->data[sC_VOICEOFSIREN]->val2 == target->id ) return -1; } } break; case BL_MOB: if(((((TBL_MOB*)target)->special_state.ai == 2 || //Marine Spheres (((TBL_MOB*)target)->special_state.ai == 3 && battle_config.summon_flora&1)) && //Floras s_bl->type == BL_PC && src->type != BL_MOB) || ((TBL_MOB*)target)->special_state.ai == 4) //Zanzoe { //Targettable by players state |= BCT_ENEMY; strip_enemy = 0; } break; case BL_SKILL: { TBL_SKILL *su = (TBL_SKILL*)target; if( !su->group ) return 0; if( skill_get_inf2(su->group->skill_id)&INF2_TRAP ) { //Only a few skills can target traps... switch( battle_getcurrentskill(src) ) { case RK_DRAGONBREATH:// it can only hit traps in pvp/gvg maps if( !map[m].flag.pvp && !map[m].flag.gvg ) break; case 0://you can hit them without skills case MA_REMOVETRAP: case HT_REMOVETRAP: case AC_SHOWER: case MA_SHOWER: case WZ_SIGHTRASHER: case WZ_SIGHTBLASTER: case SM_MAGNUM: case MS_MAGNUM: case RA_DETONATOR: case RA_SENSITIVEKEEN: case GN_CRAZYWEED: case RK_STORMBLAST: case RK_PHANTOMTHRUST: case SR_RAMPAGEBLASTER: case NC_COLDSLOWER: case NC_SELFDESTRUCTION: #ifdef RENEWAL case KN_BOWLINGBASH: case KN_SPEARSTAB: case LK_SPIRALPIERCE: case ML_SPIRALPIERCE: case MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE: case MO_INVESTIGATE: case MO_TRIPLEATTACK: case MO_EXTREMITYFIST: case CR_HOLYCROSS: case ASC_METEORASSAULT: case RG_RAID: case MC_CARTREVOLUTION: #endif state |= BCT_ENEMY; strip_enemy = 0; break; default: if(su->group->skill_id == WM_REVERBERATION || su->group->skill_id == WM_POEMOFNETHERWORLD){ state |= BCT_ENEMY; strip_enemy = 0; }else return 0; } } else if (su->group->skill_id==WZ_ICEWALL || su->group->skill_id == GN_WALLOFTHORN) { state |= BCT_ENEMY; strip_enemy = 0; } else //Excepting traps and icewall, you should not be able to target skills. return 0; } break; //Valid targets with no special checks here. case BL_MER: case BL_HOM: case BL_ELEM: break; //All else not specified is an invalid target. default: return 0; } switch( t_bl->type ) { //Checks on target master case BL_PC: { struct map_session_data *sd; if( t_bl == s_bl ) break; sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, t_bl); if( sd->state.monster_ignore && flag&BCT_ENEMY ) return 0; // Global inminuty only to Attacks if( sd->status.karma && s_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)s_bl)->status.karma ) state |= BCT_ENEMY; // Characters with bad karma may fight amongst them if( sd->state.killable ) { state |= BCT_ENEMY; // Everything can kill it strip_enemy = 0; } break; } case BL_MOB: { struct mob_data *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, t_bl); if( !((agit_flag || agit2_flag) && map[m].flag.gvg_castle) && md->guardian_data && md->guardian_data->guild_id ) return 0; // Disable guardians/emperiums owned by Guilds on non-woe times. break; } default: break; //other type doesn't have slave yet } switch( src->type ) { //Checks on actual src type case BL_PET: if (t_bl->type != BL_MOB && flag&BCT_ENEMY) return 0; //Pet may not attack non-mobs. if (t_bl->type == BL_MOB && ((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->guardian_data && flag&BCT_ENEMY) return 0; //pet may not attack Guardians/Emperium break; case BL_SKILL: { struct skill_unit *su = (struct skill_unit *)src; if (!su->group) return 0; if (su->group->src_id == target->id) { int inf2 = skill_get_inf2(su->group->skill_id); if (inf2&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF) return -1; if (inf2&INF2_TARGET_SELF) return 1; } } break; case BL_MER: if (t_bl->type == BL_MOB && ((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && flag&BCT_ENEMY) return 0; //mercenary may not attack Emperium break; } switch( s_bl->type ) { //Checks on source master case BL_PC: { struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, s_bl); if( s_bl != t_bl ) { if( sd->state.killer ) { state |= BCT_ENEMY; // Can kill anything strip_enemy = 0; } else if( sd->duel_group && !((!battle_config.duel_allow_pvp && map[m].flag.pvp) || (!battle_config.duel_allow_gvg && map_flag_gvg(m))) ) { if( t_bl->type == BL_PC && (sd->duel_group == ((TBL_PC*)t_bl)->duel_group) ) return (BCT_ENEMY&flag)?1:-1; // Duel targets can ONLY be your enemy, nothing else. else return 0; // You can't target anything out of your duel } } if( map_flag_gvg(m) && !sd->status.guild_id && t_bl->type == BL_MOB && ((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM ) return 0; //If you don't belong to a guild, can't target emperium. if( t_bl->type != BL_PC ) state |= BCT_ENEMY; //Natural enemy. break; } case BL_MOB: { struct mob_data *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, s_bl); if( !((agit_flag || agit2_flag) && map[m].flag.gvg_castle) && md->guardian_data && md->guardian_data->guild_id ) return 0; // Disable guardians/emperium owned by Guilds on non-woe times. if( !md->special_state.ai ) { //Normal mobs if( (target->type == BL_MOB && t_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_MOB*)target)->special_state.ai < 4) || ( t_bl->type == BL_MOB && !((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->special_state.ai ) ) state |= BCT_PARTY; //Normal mobs with no ai are friends. else state |= BCT_ENEMY; //However, all else are enemies. } else { if( t_bl->type == BL_MOB && !((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->special_state.ai ) state |= BCT_ENEMY; //Natural enemy for AI mobs are normal mobs. } break; } default: //Need some sort of default behaviour for unhandled types. if (t_bl->type != s_bl->type) state |= BCT_ENEMY; break; } if( (flag&BCT_ALL) == BCT_ALL ) { //All actually stands for all attackable chars if( target->type&BL_CHAR ) return 1; else return -1; } if( flag == BCT_NOONE ) //Why would someone use this? no clue. return -1; if( t_bl == s_bl ) { //No need for further testing. state |= BCT_SELF|BCT_PARTY|BCT_GUILD; if( state&BCT_ENEMY && strip_enemy ) state&=~BCT_ENEMY; return (flag&state)?1:-1; } if( map_flag_vs(m) ) { //Check rivalry settings. int sbg_id = 0, tbg_id = 0; if( map[m].flag.battleground ) { sbg_id = bg_team_get_id(s_bl); tbg_id = bg_team_get_id(t_bl); } if( flag&(BCT_PARTY|BCT_ENEMY) ) { int s_party = status_get_party_id(s_bl); if( s_party && s_party == status_get_party_id(t_bl) && !(map[m].flag.pvp && map[m].flag.pvp_noparty) && !(map_flag_gvg(m) && map[m].flag.gvg_noparty) && (!map[m].flag.battleground || sbg_id == tbg_id) ) state |= BCT_PARTY; else state |= BCT_ENEMY; } if( flag&(BCT_GUILD|BCT_ENEMY) ) { int s_guild = status_get_guild_id(s_bl); int t_guild = status_get_guild_id(t_bl); if( !(map[m].flag.pvp && map[m].flag.pvp_noguild) && s_guild && t_guild && (s_guild == t_guild || guild_isallied(s_guild, t_guild)) && (!map[m].flag.battleground || sbg_id == tbg_id) ) state |= BCT_GUILD; else state |= BCT_ENEMY; } if( state&BCT_ENEMY && map[m].flag.battleground && sbg_id && sbg_id == tbg_id ) state &= ~BCT_ENEMY; if( state&BCT_ENEMY && battle_config.pk_mode && !map_flag_gvg(m) && s_bl->type == BL_PC && t_bl->type == BL_PC ) { // Prevent novice engagement on pk_mode (feature by Valaris) TBL_PC *sd = (TBL_PC*)s_bl, *sd2 = (TBL_PC*)t_bl; if ( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE || (sd2->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_NOVICE || (int)sd->status.base_level < battle_config.pk_min_level || (int)sd2->status.base_level < battle_config.pk_min_level || (battle_config.pk_level_range && abs((int)sd->status.base_level - (int)sd2->status.base_level) > battle_config.pk_level_range) ) state &= ~BCT_ENEMY; } } else { //Non pvp/gvg, check party/guild settings. if( flag&BCT_PARTY || state&BCT_ENEMY ) { int s_party = status_get_party_id(s_bl); if(s_party && s_party == status_get_party_id(t_bl)) state |= BCT_PARTY; } if( flag&BCT_GUILD || state&BCT_ENEMY ) { int s_guild = status_get_guild_id(s_bl); int t_guild = status_get_guild_id(t_bl); if(s_guild && t_guild && (s_guild == t_guild || guild_isallied(s_guild, t_guild))) state |= BCT_GUILD; } } if( !state ) //If not an enemy, nor a guild, nor party, nor yourself, it's neutral. state = BCT_NEUTRAL; //Alliance state takes precedence over enemy one. else if( state&BCT_ENEMY && strip_enemy && state&(BCT_SELF|BCT_PARTY|BCT_GUILD) ) state&=~BCT_ENEMY; return (flag&state)?1:-1; } This one? I can only search but i really don't know, pls how
  12. I found this KOE somewhere here and when I tested it out there's 1 error. When I broke the emperium I can still hit it even if I already conquered it. anyone know which part of this script is wrong? please help me. thanks //********************************************************************************** // ____ _ _ _ ____ //| _ \ ___ ___ ____ | | ___ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ | |_| |/ __ | //| |__// _ \ / _ \ | _ \| | / _ \ | _ \ / _ \ / _| / _)/ _ \ | \| ||___ |\__ | //| | | __/ ||_|| | |__/| || __/ | |__/| __/ | | _\ \ ||_|| | \\ | | | | | //|_|___\___|_\___/_| |___|_|_\___|_| |____\___|_|_|_(___/ \___/_|_|\_|____|_|___|_| //------------------|_|-------------|_|--------------------------------------------- //********************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************** //===== rAthena Script ============================================================= //= King Of Emperium Hill //===== By: ======================================================================== //= Peopleperson49 (Eddie) //===== Start Date: ================================================================ //= 27AUG2012 //===== Current Version: =========================================================== //= 5.0 //===== Compatible With: =========================================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: =============================================================== //= My version of King Of Emperium Hill. It was make for donkeyg on rAthena.org. //= I did not use the other versions as a base. You can set it to give both a //= zeny and item prizes to the guild leader through the Emperium Assistant. //= They can collect once after each time the KoE ends. //===== Version Control: =========================================================== //= 1.0 First Version. //= 1.1 Minor Bug Fixes. //= 1.2 Small Optomizations. Added Assitant to give rewards daily. //= 1.3 Only guild master man collect rewards. //= 1.4 Rewards changed from daily to only be collected once after KoE ends. //= 1.5 Changed the days and time that KoE happens. //= 1.6 Removed all KoE functions from script and based just on start and stop time. //= 1.7 Added warp portals from prontera to any character that is in a guild. //= 1.8 Added GM feature to allow adjustment of zeny and item prizes in game. //= 1.9 Added restriction to prevent changing prizes while KoE is running. //= 2.0 Added KoE prizes to OnInit to reset prizes each time scripts are reloaded. //= 2.1 Added $KoEPrizeTracker to the OnInit however I suggest that you keep it //= commented out unless you want to allow prizes to be collected again //= everytime you reload scripts. I mainly added it for easy testing. //= 2.2 Moved flags to a better location that was not hanging over the edge of the //= steps. //= 2.3 Commented out the $KoEPrizeTracker in the OnInit section. //= 2.4 Moved location of emperium from 49,49 to 50,50 so that is is centered in the //= block. //= 2.5 Changed the mapannounce when the emperium is broken. //= 2.6 Changed the OnClock gettime(4) to use&&instead of || . Now the check //= actually works! //= 2.7 Added gettime(3) and KoEActualStart to the OnInit incase scripts are //= reloaded during the time that KoE is set to be running. //= 2.8 Added $KoEStatus to ending OnClock to prevent it from running ending portion //= of the script when KoE was not already going. //= 2.9 Adding missing mapflag loadevent. //= 3.0 Changed item prize to allow 5 seperate prizes to be given. //= 3.1 Added the option for monster or guildmonster function using the variable //= $EmpSpawnMode to control which mode to use. //= 3.2 Removed the next; after case 255: that was causing error. //= 3.3 Removed $EmpSpawnMode because it still detected the guildmonster command //= even if it was not being used. //= 3.4 Removed the guildmonster command completely since it just confused people //= who did not have command. //= 3.5 Added ability to set KoE time in game. //= 3.6 Expanded the ability to set KoE time in game by allowing 4 different times. //= 3.7 Removed zeny/item prize setting from script and made completely controlled //= in game by GM. //= 3.8 Added alot of next; where they should have been. //= 3.9 Added set @KoEAddMenu$,0; to prevent it from displaying menu itmes more than //= once. //= 4.0 Added .@RandomFinalize to allow finalize number to change each time. //= 4.1 Fixed error that prevented KoE from ending at the set time. //= 4.2 Added option to switch between PvP and GvG. //= 4.3 Fixed incorrect variable. Changed GvGPvP to $GvGPvP. //= 4.4 Added function to clear zeny and item prizes when you Clear All KoE Events. //= 4.5 Fixed finalize zeny prize to allow you to finalize prize. //= 4.6 Added OnWhisperGlobal to script to all starting and stopping KoE manually //= using commands. Uses NPC:KingOfEmperium<TAB>StartKoE and NPC:KingOfEmperium //= <TAB>EndKoE. //= 4.7 Modified scripts to show the guild emblem. I should have done this a long //= time ago, but it worked fine without it and I got lazy. Thanks to donkeyg on //= rAthena.org else for the push. //= 4.8 Added checkweight to script for collecting rewards. //= 4.9 Replaced whisper system with bindatcmd function. //= 5.0 Modified KoE event to allow up to 7 events to be set. //===== Additional Comments: ======================================================= //= Need to remove the random '0' before the first event slot in the Add New KoE //= Event section. //================================================================================== guild_vs1,27,68,5 script Emperium Assistant 55,{ if(getgmlevel()>98) { goto GMEmpMenu; end; } if($KOEGUILD==0) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Only the King Of Emperium Hill can reap the rewards!"; close; } if(strcharinfo(2)!=GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Your guild is not the King Of Emperium Hill!"; close; } if(strcharinfo(0)!=GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD)) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Only the guild master may collect the rewards for the guild as King Of Emperium Hill!"; close; } goto EmpAssStart; end; EmpAssStart: mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Your guild is the King Of Emperium Hill!"; next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot access my services at this time."; close; } if($KoEPrizeTracker==1) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "You can only reap the rewards of being the King Of Emperium Hill once after each battle for the Hill!"; close; } mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Your rewards await you!"; next; if(checkweight(1201,1)==0) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "You are carrying too many items with you."; mes "Please come back again after you store some items into storage."; close; } if($KoEZenyPrize>0) { set zeny,zeny+$KoEZenyPrize; } if($KoEItemPrize1!=0&&$KoEItemAmount1!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize1,$KoEItemAmount1; } if($KoEItemPrize2!=0&&$KoEItemAmount2!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize2,$KoEItemAmount2; } if($KoEItemPrize3!=0&&$KoEItemAmount3!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize3,$KoEItemAmount3; } if($KoEItemPrize4!=0&&$KoEItemAmount4!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize4,$KoEItemAmount4; } if($KoEItemPrize5!=0&&$KoEItemAmount5!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize5,$KoEItemAmount5; } set $KoEPrizeTracker,1; mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "You have been rewarded for your victory!"; close; GMEmpMenu: mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can set event times, zeny prize, and item prizes."; switch(prompt("Add New KoE Event:Clear All KoE Events:View KoE Events:Stop Current KoE Event:Change Zeny Prize:Change Item Prize 1:Change Item Prize 2:Change Item Prize 3:Change Item Prize 4:Change Item Prize 5:Return To Non-GM Menu")) { case 1: next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From here you can add new KoE events."; set .KoE,0; set @KoEAddMenu$,0; AddCountCheck: if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { goto AddCountCheck2; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; goto AddCountCheck; AddCountCheck2: for( set .@i,1; .@i<=7; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { set @KoEAddMenu$,@KoEAddMenu$+((getd("KoEEvent_"+.@i+"$")=="")?"No Event Set":getd("KoEEvent_"+.@i+"$"))+":"; } set .KoE,select(@KoEAddMenu$); next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "Which day do you want KoE to ^00FF00start^000000?"; switch(select("Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday")) { case 1: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],0; break; case 2: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],1; break; case 3: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],2; break; case 4: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],3; break; case 5: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],4; break; case 6: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],5; break; case 7: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],6; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "When do you want KoE to ^00FF00start^000000?"; switch(select("1AM:2AM:3AM:4AM:5AM:6AM:7AM:8AM:9AM:10AM:11AM:Noon:1PM:2PM:3PM:4PM:5PM:6PM:7PM:8PM:9PM:10PM:11PM:Midnight")) { case 1: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"01"; break; case 2: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"02"; break; case 3: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"03"; break; case 4: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"04"; break; case 5: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"05"; break; case 6: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"06"; break; case 7: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"07"; break; case 8: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"08"; break; case 9: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"09"; break; case 10: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"10"; break; case 11: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"11"; break; case 12: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"12"; break; case 13: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"13"; break; case 14: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"14"; break; case 15: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"15"; break; case 16: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"16"; break; case 17: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"17"; break; case 18: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"18"; break; case 19: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"19"; break; case 20: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"20"; break; case 21: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"21"; break; case 22: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"22"; break; case 23: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"23"; break; case 24: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"00"; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "Which day do you want KoE to ^00FF00finish^000000?"; next; switch(select("Same Day:Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday")) { case 1: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],$KoEStartDay[.KoE]; break; case 2: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],0; break; case 3: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],1; break; case 4: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],2; break; case 5: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],3; break; case 6: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],4; break; case 7: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],5; break; case 8: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],6; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "When do you want KoE to ^00FF00finish^000000?"; switch(select("1AM:2AM:3AM:4AM:5AM:6AM:7AM:8AM:9AM:10AM:11AM:Noon:1PM:2PM:3PM:4PM:5PM:6PM:7PM:8PM:9PM:10PM:11PM:Midnight")) { case 1: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"01"; break; case 2: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"02"; break; case 3: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"03"; break; case 4: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"04"; break; case 5: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"05"; break; case 6: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"06"; break; case 7: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"07"; break; case 8: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"08"; break; case 9: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"09"; break; case 10: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"10"; break; case 11: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"11"; break; case 12: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"12"; break; case 13: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"13"; break; case 14: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"14"; break; case 15: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"15"; break; case 16: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"16"; break; case 17: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"17"; break; case 18: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"18"; break; case 19: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"19"; break; case 20: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"20"; break; case 21: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"21"; break; case 22: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"22"; break; case 23: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"23"; break; case 24: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"00"; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to set a new KoE event? To finalize the new KoE event? If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust KoE event times!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoETime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Saturday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Saturday"; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes ""+$@KoEStartDayName$+" from "+$KoEStartTime[.KoE]+":00 till "+$@KoEStartDayName$+" at "+$KoEEndTime[.KoE]+":00"; setd("KoEEvent_"+.KoE+"$"),"Event "+.KoE+" Set"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 2: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "KoE events cannot be cleared at this time. You must stop the current KoE event first."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "You are about to clear all the set KoE events and prizes set for them. If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't clear KoE events!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } set $KoEZenyPrize,0; set $KoEItemPrize1,0; set $KoEItemAmount1,0; set $KoEItemPrize2,0; set $KoEItemAmount2,0; set $KoEItemPrize3,0; set $KoEItemAmount3,0; set $KoEItemPrize4,0; set $KoEItemAmount4,0; set $KoEItemPrize5,0; set $KoEItemAmount5,0; set .KoE,0; ResetLoop: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],0; set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],0; set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],0; set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],0; setd("KoEEvent_"+.KoE+"$"),"No Event Set"; set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "All KoE events have been cleared."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } goto ResetLoop; end; case 3: next; mes "Current KoE Event Times:"; mes " "; set .KoE,1; KoEDayCheck: if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Saturday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Saturday"; } mes "^FF0000Event "+.KoE+"^000000"; if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { mes "No Event Set"; } else { mes ""+$@KoEStartDayName$+" at "+$KoEStartTime[.KoE]+":00 till "+$@KoEEndDayName$+" at "+$KoEEndTime[.KoE]+":00"; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } goto KoEDayCheck; end; case 4: next; if($KoEStatus==0) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "There is currently no KoE event running."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "You are about to stop the current KoE event. If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't stop KoE events while there going!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } set $KoEStatus,0; gvgoff "guild_vs1"; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,7; } killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0; set .@name$,GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD); if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! No guild has proven themselves King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; } close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 5: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Zeny Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Zeny Prize amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEZenyPrize+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Zeny Prize to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<0) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Zeny Prize cannot be less than 0."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Zeny Prize to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000? To finalize the change in Zeny Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize==.@RandomFinalize) { next; set $KoEZenyPrize,.@GMAdjust; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Zeny Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEZenyPrize+"^000000."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Zeny Prize!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 6: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount1+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize1,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize1+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount1+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount1,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount1+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 7: if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount2+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize2,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize2+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount2+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount2,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount2+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 8: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount3+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize3,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize3+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount3+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount3,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount3+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 9: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount4+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize4,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize4+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount4+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount4,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount4+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 10: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount5+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize5,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize5+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount5+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount5,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount5+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 11: next; goto EmpAssStart; end; case 255: goto EmpAssStart; end; } } - script KingOfEmperium -1,{ end; OnInit: bindatcmd("koestart",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKoEStart"); bindatcmd("koeend",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKoEEnd"); set $GvGPvP,0; //Set to 0 for GvG and 1 for PvP set $KoEStatus,0; OnMinute00: set .KoE,0; StartLoop: if(gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE]) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; } if(gettime(4)==$KoEStartDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)>=$KoEStartTime[.KoE]&&(gettime(3)<$KoEEndTime[.KoE] || $KoEStartDay[.KoE]!=$KoEEndDay[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualStart; end; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { goto StartLoopEnd; } goto StartLoop; end; KoEActualStart: if($KoEStatus==1) { end; } set $KoEStatus,1; set $KoEPrizeTracker,0; if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "King Of Emperium Hill has began! Which guild will prove their worth?",bc_all|bc_WoE; } if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; } if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgon "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpon "guild_vs1"; } monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; StartLoopEnd: set .KoE,0; EndLoop: if((gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE])&&(gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { end; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { end; } goto EndLoop; end; KoEActualEnd: if($KoEStatus==0) { end; } set $KoEStatus,0; if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgoff "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpoff "guild_vs1"; } if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,7; } killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0; set .@name$,GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD); if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! No guild has proven themselves King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; } end; OnEmperiumBreak: if(getskilllv(10000)!=1) { announce "Only a guild with the Guild Approval skill can kill the Emperium!",bc_self; monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; } killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0; set $KOEGUILD,getcharid(2); donpcevent "KoEFlag::OnChangeKoE"; mapannounce "guild_vs1",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has broken the emperium for the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_map|bc_WoE,"0x00CCFF",FW_NORMAL,12; sleep 2000; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; } announce "The ["+getguildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild has became the King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; sleep 5000; if($KoEStatus==1) { monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; } end; OnKoEStart: if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; } if($KoEStatus==1) { dispbottom "KoE is already running."; end; } goto KoEActualStart; end; OnKoEEnd: if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; } if($KoEStatus==0) { dispbottom "KoE is currently not running."; end; } goto KoEActualEnd; end; } //================================================================================== //--------|King Of Emperium Hill Guild Protection|---------------------------------- //================================================================================== - script KoEGuildProtection -1,{ OnInit: end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(getgmlevel()<20&&strcharinfo(3)=="guild_vs1"&&getcharid(2)==0) { announce "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!",bc_self; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } end; } //================================================================================== //--------|KoE Flag Script|--------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== - script KoEFlag 723,-1,-1,{ mes "[Emperium Hill]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; if($KOEGUILD!=0) { mes "The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild."; } else { mes "Only the strongest warriors should may over take Emperium Hill!"; } close; OnInit: OnChangeKoE: if($KOEGUILD==0) { end; } flagemblem $KOEGUILD; end; } guild_vs1,54,59,0 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH1 722 guild_vs1,45,59,0 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH2 722 guild_vs1,40,54,2 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH3 722 guild_vs1,40,45,2 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH4 722 guild_vs1,45,40,4 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH5 722 guild_vs1,54,40,4 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH6 722 guild_vs1,59,45,6 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH7 722 guild_vs1,59,54,6 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH8 722 //================================================================================== //--------|KoE Waper Script|-------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== - script KoEWarper 723,-1,-1,{ mes "Portal Emperium Hill."; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Only the strongest warriors should pass through the portal to Emperium Hill"; next; switch(prompt("Procede to the Emperium Hill:Nevermind")) { case 1: next; if(getgmlevel()<20&&getcharid(2)==0) { mes "[Notice:]"; mes " "; mes "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!"; close; } warp "guild_vs1",0,0; close; case 2: close; case 255: close; } } prontera,147,204,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#1 723 prontera,147,203,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#2 723 prontera,164,204,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#3 723 prontera,164,203,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#4 723 guild_vs1,8,50,5 warp KoEWarp#WP1 2,2,prontera,161,187 guild_vs1,50,91,5 warp KoEWarp#WP2 2,2,prontera,161,187 guild_vs1,91,50,5 warp KoEWarp#WP3 2,2,prontera,161,187 guild_vs1,50,8,5 warp KoEWarp#WP4 2,2,prontera,161,187 //================================================================================== //--------|Map Flags|--------------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs1 mapflag noreturn guild_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1 mapflag loadevent SORRY FOR THE SPAM IT's CAUSE BY MY INTERNET CONNECTION. DEEPLY SORRY
  13. I found this KOE somewhere here and when I tested it out there's 1 error. When I broke the emperium I can still hit it even if I already conquered it. anyone know which part of this script is wrong? please help me. thanks //********************************************************************************** // ____ _ _ _ ____ //| _ \ ___ ___ ____ | | ___ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ | |_| |/ __ | //| |__// _ \ / _ \ | _ \| | / _ \ | _ \ / _ \ / _| / _)/ _ \ | \| ||___ |\__ | //| | | __/ ||_|| | |__/| || __/ | |__/| __/ | | _\ \ ||_|| | \\ | | | | | //|_|___\___|_\___/_| |___|_|_\___|_| |____\___|_|_|_(___/ \___/_|_|\_|____|_|___|_| //------------------|_|-------------|_|--------------------------------------------- //********************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************** //===== rAthena Script ============================================================= //= King Of Emperium Hill //===== By: ======================================================================== //= Peopleperson49 (Eddie) //===== Start Date: ================================================================ //= 27AUG2012 //===== Current Version: =========================================================== //= 5.0 //===== Compatible With: =========================================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: =============================================================== //= My version of King Of Emperium Hill. It was make for donkeyg on rAthena.org. //= I did not use the other versions as a base. You can set it to give both a //= zeny and item prizes to the guild leader through the Emperium Assistant. //= They can collect once after each time the KoE ends. //===== Version Control: =========================================================== //= 1.0 First Version. //= 1.1 Minor Bug Fixes. //= 1.2 Small Optomizations. Added Assitant to give rewards daily. //= 1.3 Only guild master man collect rewards. //= 1.4 Rewards changed from daily to only be collected once after KoE ends. //= 1.5 Changed the days and time that KoE happens. //= 1.6 Removed all KoE functions from script and based just on start and stop time. //= 1.7 Added warp portals from prontera to any character that is in a guild. //= 1.8 Added GM feature to allow adjustment of zeny and item prizes in game. //= 1.9 Added restriction to prevent changing prizes while KoE is running. //= 2.0 Added KoE prizes to OnInit to reset prizes each time scripts are reloaded. //= 2.1 Added $KoEPrizeTracker to the OnInit however I suggest that you keep it //= commented out unless you want to allow prizes to be collected again //= everytime you reload scripts. I mainly added it for easy testing. //= 2.2 Moved flags to a better location that was not hanging over the edge of the //= steps. //= 2.3 Commented out the $KoEPrizeTracker in the OnInit section. //= 2.4 Moved location of emperium from 49,49 to 50,50 so that is is centered in the //= block. //= 2.5 Changed the mapannounce when the emperium is broken. //= 2.6 Changed the OnClock gettime(4) to use&&instead of || . Now the check //= actually works! //= 2.7 Added gettime(3) and KoEActualStart to the OnInit incase scripts are //= reloaded during the time that KoE is set to be running. //= 2.8 Added $KoEStatus to ending OnClock to prevent it from running ending portion //= of the script when KoE was not already going. //= 2.9 Adding missing mapflag loadevent. //= 3.0 Changed item prize to allow 5 seperate prizes to be given. //= 3.1 Added the option for monster or guildmonster function using the variable //= $EmpSpawnMode to control which mode to use. //= 3.2 Removed the next; after case 255: that was causing error. //= 3.3 Removed $EmpSpawnMode because it still detected the guildmonster command //= even if it was not being used. //= 3.4 Removed the guildmonster command completely since it just confused people //= who did not have command. //= 3.5 Added ability to set KoE time in game. //= 3.6 Expanded the ability to set KoE time in game by allowing 4 different times. //= 3.7 Removed zeny/item prize setting from script and made completely controlled //= in game by GM. //= 3.8 Added alot of next; where they should have been. //= 3.9 Added set @KoEAddMenu$,0; to prevent it from displaying menu itmes more than //= once. //= 4.0 Added .@RandomFinalize to allow finalize number to change each time. //= 4.1 Fixed error that prevented KoE from ending at the set time. //= 4.2 Added option to switch between PvP and GvG. //= 4.3 Fixed incorrect variable. Changed GvGPvP to $GvGPvP. //= 4.4 Added function to clear zeny and item prizes when you Clear All KoE Events. //= 4.5 Fixed finalize zeny prize to allow you to finalize prize. //= 4.6 Added OnWhisperGlobal to script to all starting and stopping KoE manually //= using commands. Uses NPC:KingOfEmperium<TAB>StartKoE and NPC:KingOfEmperium //= <TAB>EndKoE. //= 4.7 Modified scripts to show the guild emblem. I should have done this a long //= time ago, but it worked fine without it and I got lazy. Thanks to donkeyg on //= rAthena.org else for the push. //= 4.8 Added checkweight to script for collecting rewards. //= 4.9 Replaced whisper system with bindatcmd function. //= 5.0 Modified KoE event to allow up to 7 events to be set. //===== Additional Comments: ======================================================= //= Need to remove the random '0' before the first event slot in the Add New KoE //= Event section. //================================================================================== guild_vs1,27,68,5 script Emperium Assistant 55,{ if(getgmlevel()>98) { goto GMEmpMenu; end; } if($KOEGUILD==0) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Only the King Of Emperium Hill can reap the rewards!"; close; } if(strcharinfo(2)!=GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Your guild is not the King Of Emperium Hill!"; close; } if(strcharinfo(0)!=GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD)) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Only the guild master may collect the rewards for the guild as King Of Emperium Hill!"; close; } goto EmpAssStart; end; EmpAssStart: mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Your guild is the King Of Emperium Hill!"; next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot access my services at this time."; close; } if($KoEPrizeTracker==1) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "You can only reap the rewards of being the King Of Emperium Hill once after each battle for the Hill!"; close; } mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "Your rewards await you!"; next; if(checkweight(1201,1)==0) { mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "You are carrying too many items with you."; mes "Please come back again after you store some items into storage."; close; } if($KoEZenyPrize>0) { set zeny,zeny+$KoEZenyPrize; } if($KoEItemPrize1!=0&&$KoEItemAmount1!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize1,$KoEItemAmount1; } if($KoEItemPrize2!=0&&$KoEItemAmount2!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize2,$KoEItemAmount2; } if($KoEItemPrize3!=0&&$KoEItemAmount3!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize3,$KoEItemAmount3; } if($KoEItemPrize4!=0&&$KoEItemAmount4!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize4,$KoEItemAmount4; } if($KoEItemPrize5!=0&&$KoEItemAmount5!=0) { getitem $KoEItemPrize5,$KoEItemAmount5; } set $KoEPrizeTracker,1; mes "[Emperium Assistant]"; mes "You have been rewarded for your victory!"; close; GMEmpMenu: mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can set event times, zeny prize, and item prizes."; switch(prompt("Add New KoE Event:Clear All KoE Events:View KoE Events:Stop Current KoE Event:Change Zeny Prize:Change Item Prize 1:Change Item Prize 2:Change Item Prize 3:Change Item Prize 4:Change Item Prize 5:Return To Non-GM Menu")) { case 1: next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From here you can add new KoE events."; set .KoE,0; set @KoEAddMenu$,0; AddCountCheck: if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { goto AddCountCheck2; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; goto AddCountCheck; AddCountCheck2: for( set .@i,1; .@i<=7; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { set @KoEAddMenu$,@KoEAddMenu$+((getd("KoEEvent_"+.@i+"$")=="")?"No Event Set":getd("KoEEvent_"+.@i+"$"))+":"; } set .KoE,select(@KoEAddMenu$); next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "Which day do you want KoE to ^00FF00start^000000?"; switch(select("Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday")) { case 1: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],0; break; case 2: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],1; break; case 3: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],2; break; case 4: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],3; break; case 5: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],4; break; case 6: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],5; break; case 7: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],6; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "When do you want KoE to ^00FF00start^000000?"; switch(select("1AM:2AM:3AM:4AM:5AM:6AM:7AM:8AM:9AM:10AM:11AM:Noon:1PM:2PM:3PM:4PM:5PM:6PM:7PM:8PM:9PM:10PM:11PM:Midnight")) { case 1: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"01"; break; case 2: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"02"; break; case 3: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"03"; break; case 4: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"04"; break; case 5: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"05"; break; case 6: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"06"; break; case 7: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"07"; break; case 8: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"08"; break; case 9: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"09"; break; case 10: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"10"; break; case 11: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"11"; break; case 12: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"12"; break; case 13: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"13"; break; case 14: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"14"; break; case 15: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"15"; break; case 16: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"16"; break; case 17: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"17"; break; case 18: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"18"; break; case 19: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"19"; break; case 20: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"20"; break; case 21: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"21"; break; case 22: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"22"; break; case 23: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"23"; break; case 24: set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],"00"; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "Which day do you want KoE to ^00FF00finish^000000?"; next; switch(select("Same Day:Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday")) { case 1: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],$KoEStartDay[.KoE]; break; case 2: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],0; break; case 3: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],1; break; case 4: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],2; break; case 5: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],3; break; case 6: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],4; break; case 7: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],5; break; case 8: set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],6; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "When do you want KoE to ^00FF00finish^000000?"; switch(select("1AM:2AM:3AM:4AM:5AM:6AM:7AM:8AM:9AM:10AM:11AM:Noon:1PM:2PM:3PM:4PM:5PM:6PM:7PM:8PM:9PM:10PM:11PM:Midnight")) { case 1: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"01"; break; case 2: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"02"; break; case 3: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"03"; break; case 4: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"04"; break; case 5: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"05"; break; case 6: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"06"; break; case 7: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"07"; break; case 8: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"08"; break; case 9: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"09"; break; case 10: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"10"; break; case 11: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"11"; break; case 12: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"12"; break; case 13: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"13"; break; case 14: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"14"; break; case 15: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"15"; break; case 16: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"16"; break; case 17: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"17"; break; case 18: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"18"; break; case 19: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"19"; break; case 20: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"20"; break; case 21: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"21"; break; case 22: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"22"; break; case 23: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"23"; break; case 24: set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],"00"; break; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to set a new KoE event? To finalize the new KoE event? If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust KoE event times!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoETime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Saturday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Saturday"; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes ""+$@KoEStartDayName$+" from "+$KoEStartTime[.KoE]+":00 till "+$@KoEStartDayName$+" at "+$KoEEndTime[.KoE]+":00"; setd("KoEEvent_"+.KoE+"$"),"Event "+.KoE+" Set"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 2: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "KoE events cannot be cleared at this time. You must stop the current KoE event first."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "You are about to clear all the set KoE events and prizes set for them. If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't clear KoE events!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } set $KoEZenyPrize,0; set $KoEItemPrize1,0; set $KoEItemAmount1,0; set $KoEItemPrize2,0; set $KoEItemAmount2,0; set $KoEItemPrize3,0; set $KoEItemAmount3,0; set $KoEItemPrize4,0; set $KoEItemAmount4,0; set $KoEItemPrize5,0; set $KoEItemAmount5,0; set .KoE,0; ResetLoop: set $KoEStartDay[.KoE],0; set $KoEEndDay[.KoE],0; set $KoEStartTime[.KoE],0; set $KoEEndTime[.KoE],0; setd("KoEEvent_"+.KoE+"$"),"No Event Set"; set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "All KoE events have been cleared."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } goto ResetLoop; end; case 3: next; mes "Current KoE Event Times:"; mes " "; set .KoE,1; KoEDayCheck: if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEStartDayName$,"Saturday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Sunday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==1) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Monday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==2) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Tuesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==3) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Wednesday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==4) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Thursday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==5) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Friday"; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==6) { set $@KoEEndDayName$,"Saturday"; } mes "^FF0000Event "+.KoE+"^000000"; if($KoEStartDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { mes "No Event Set"; } else { mes ""+$@KoEStartDayName$+" at "+$KoEStartTime[.KoE]+":00 till "+$@KoEEndDayName$+" at "+$KoEEndTime[.KoE]+":00"; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } goto KoEDayCheck; end; case 4: next; if($KoEStatus==0) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "There is currently no KoE event running."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "You are about to stop the current KoE event. If your 100% sure type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't stop KoE events while there going!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } set $KoEStatus,0; gvgoff "guild_vs1"; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,7; } killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0; set .@name$,GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD); if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! No guild has proven themselves King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; } close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 5: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Zeny Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Zeny Prize amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEZenyPrize+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Zeny Prize to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<0) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Zeny Prize cannot be less than 0."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Zeny Prize to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000? To finalize the change in Zeny Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize==.@RandomFinalize) { next; set $KoEZenyPrize,.@GMAdjust; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Zeny Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEZenyPrize+"^000000."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Zeny Prize!"; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 6: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount1+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize1,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize1+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount1+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount1,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount1+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize1)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 7: if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount2+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize2,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize2+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount2+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount2,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount2+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize2)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 8: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount3+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize3,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize3+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount3+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount3,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount3+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize3)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 9: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount4+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize4,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize4+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount4+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount4,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount4+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize4)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 10: next; if($KoEStatus==1) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "You cannot adjust the Item Prize at this time."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "From this menu you can adjust the item prize. The current Reward is: ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount5+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes " "; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize to be. WARNING: If you input an invalid itemID it will error everytime a player tries to recieve it!"; input .@GMAdjust; next; set $KoEItemPrize5,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"^000000[^ff0000"+$KoEItemPrize5+"^000000]."; next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The current Item Prize Amount is ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount5+"^000000."; mes "NOTE: If it says 'NULL' or '0' then that value has not been set."; mes "Enter what you want the new Item Prize Amount to be."; input .@GMAdjust; if(.@GMAdjust<1) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "The Item Prize Amount cannot be less than 1."; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set .@RandomFinalize,rand(100,999); mes "Are you sure you want to modify the Item Prize Amount to ^ff0000"+.@GMAdjust+"^000000 "+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"? To finalize the change in Item Prize type the number ^0000FF"+.@RandomFinalize+"^000000."; input .@Finalize; if(.@Finalize!=.@RandomFinalize) { next; mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "It is probably for the best that you don't adjust the Item Prize!"; next; goto GMEmpMenu; end; } next; mes "[GM Menu]"; set $KoEItemAmount5,.@GMAdjust; mes "The Item Prize amount has been changed to ^ff0000"+$KoEItemAmount5+"^000000 ^ff0000"+getitemname($KoEItemPrize5)+"^000000."; close2; goto GMEmpMenu; end; case 11: next; goto EmpAssStart; end; case 255: goto EmpAssStart; end; } } - script KingOfEmperium -1,{ end; OnInit: bindatcmd("koestart",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKoEStart"); bindatcmd("koeend",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKoEEnd"); set $GvGPvP,0; //Set to 0 for GvG and 1 for PvP set $KoEStatus,0; OnMinute00: set .KoE,0; StartLoop: if(gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE]) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; } if(gettime(4)==$KoEStartDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)>=$KoEStartTime[.KoE]&&(gettime(3)<$KoEEndTime[.KoE] || $KoEStartDay[.KoE]!=$KoEEndDay[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualStart; end; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { goto StartLoopEnd; } goto StartLoop; end; KoEActualStart: if($KoEStatus==1) { end; } set $KoEStatus,1; set $KoEPrizeTracker,0; if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "King Of Emperium Hill has began! Which guild will prove their worth?",bc_all|bc_WoE; } if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; } if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgon "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpon "guild_vs1"; } monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; StartLoopEnd: set .KoE,0; EndLoop: if((gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE])&&(gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; } if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { end; } set .KoE,.KoE+1; if(.KoE>7) { end; } goto EndLoop; end; KoEActualEnd: if($KoEStatus==0) { end; } set $KoEStatus,0; if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgoff "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpoff "guild_vs1"; } if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,7; } killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0; set .@name$,GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD); if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! No guild has proven themselves King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; } end; OnEmperiumBreak: if(getskilllv(10000)!=1) { announce "Only a guild with the Guild Approval skill can kill the Emperium!",bc_self; monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; } killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0; set $KOEGUILD,getcharid(2); donpcevent "KoEFlag::OnChangeKoE"; mapannounce "guild_vs1",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has broken the emperium for the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_map|bc_WoE,"0x00CCFF",FW_NORMAL,12; sleep 2000; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; } announce "The ["+getguildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild has became the King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; sleep 5000; if($KoEStatus==1) { monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; } end; OnKoEStart: if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; } if($KoEStatus==1) { dispbottom "KoE is already running."; end; } goto KoEActualStart; end; OnKoEEnd: if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; } if($KoEStatus==0) { dispbottom "KoE is currently not running."; end; } goto KoEActualEnd; end; } //================================================================================== //--------|King Of Emperium Hill Guild Protection|---------------------------------- //================================================================================== - script KoEGuildProtection -1,{ OnInit: end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(getgmlevel()<20&&strcharinfo(3)=="guild_vs1"&&getcharid(2)==0) { announce "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!",bc_self; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } end; } //================================================================================== //--------|KoE Flag Script|--------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== - script KoEFlag 723,-1,-1,{ mes "[Emperium Hill]"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; if($KOEGUILD!=0) { mes "The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild."; } else { mes "Only the strongest warriors should may over take Emperium Hill!"; } close; OnInit: OnChangeKoE: if($KOEGUILD==0) { end; } flagemblem $KOEGUILD; end; } guild_vs1,54,59,0 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH1 722 guild_vs1,45,59,0 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH2 722 guild_vs1,40,54,2 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH3 722 guild_vs1,40,45,2 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH4 722 guild_vs1,45,40,4 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH5 722 guild_vs1,54,40,4 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH6 722 guild_vs1,59,45,6 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH7 722 guild_vs1,59,54,6 duplicate(KoEFlag) Emperium Hill#EH8 722 //================================================================================== //--------|KoE Waper Script|-------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== - script KoEWarper 723,-1,-1,{ mes "Portal Emperium Hill."; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Only the strongest warriors should pass through the portal to Emperium Hill"; next; switch(prompt("Procede to the Emperium Hill:Nevermind")) { case 1: next; if(getgmlevel()<20&&getcharid(2)==0) { mes "[Notice:]"; mes " "; mes "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!"; close; } warp "guild_vs1",0,0; close; case 2: close; case 255: close; } } prontera,147,204,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#1 723 prontera,147,203,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#2 723 prontera,164,204,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#3 723 prontera,164,203,0 duplicate(KoEWarper) Emperium Hill#4 723 guild_vs1,8,50,5 warp KoEWarp#WP1 2,2,prontera,161,187 guild_vs1,50,91,5 warp KoEWarp#WP2 2,2,prontera,161,187 guild_vs1,91,50,5 warp KoEWarp#WP3 2,2,prontera,161,187 guild_vs1,50,8,5 warp KoEWarp#WP4 2,2,prontera,161,187 //================================================================================== //--------|Map Flags|--------------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================================== guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs1 mapflag noreturn guild_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1 mapflag loadevent
  14. I'm planning to get Harmony or just simply ROCSHIELD. If I get Harmony are there issues about it? ROCSHIELD is for anti WPE/RPE only right? does it really works? Additional Question: Are there any program that could encrypt my GRF? and enable me to patch also my server using thor? aren't there any conflicts?
  15. Hi! I'm planning to create my own WoE castle like the common King of the Hill? but on different map. I know how to create a map but I don't know how to put the Emperium and the WoE time duration. please help me. or just simply share to me your king of the hill script? then I'll study it.
  16. Hi I don't know if why I'm dealing only 1 dmg but the emperium's hp can easily goes down slowly when I hitted it, help please how to fix this
  17. zmref

    Tax Script

    http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=yZvG8usH Thank you very much emistry, gonna test it. hopefully this works.
  18. zmref

    Tax Script

    sorry for the late reply yeah you guys are right Player A purchase 1 jellopy (cost 10k) Player B earned 10% tax(1K zeny) from the transaction ok ok now my idea was cracked what will I'm going to do is Input that script on the guild related codes thus making that script like... When THISGUILD conquered this castle all NPC shops are now theirs thus getting the 10% tax on every single purchases of any player/s No this is just for a single NPC shop Player A bought jellopy (costs 10K) Guildowner(earns 1K from 10% tax of the purchased item).
  19. zmref

    Tax Script

    No it's not like that. It's like a TAX system. example you buy an item on a NPC shop costs 10k, and I'll receive the 1k as a 10% tax on your purchase let me give you a condition If "this player" bought an item on a NPC, 10% tax would be given to "this player"
  20. zmref

    Tax Script

    Please script this for me this "player" will take the 10% tax from the transaction on a shop NPC Example If someone bought an item costs 10,000 zeny the player will take the 10% of it from that someone, thus making the player earn 1k from that transaction. It's hard!!
  21. I want to set my server as 99/70 trans only but I want to enable the items like proxy man2 and items on manuk and splendide field. how to do that?
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