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Petey Pablo

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Posts posted by Petey Pablo

  1. My Ceres CP has disabled new account creations. I have not changed anything in the config.php and account creation is set to 0. help me?

    My confing.php

    Ceres Control Panel
    This is a control pannel program for Athena and Freya
    Copyright (C) 2005 by Beowulf and Nightroad
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
    To contact any of the authors about special permissions send
    a mail to [email protected]
    //sql connections
    $CONFIG['rag_serv']  = 'my ip here'; // SQL Ragnarok Host
    $CONFIG['rag_user']  = 'my user here';  // SQL Ragnarok User
    $CONFIG['rag_pass']  = 'my pass here';  // SQL Ragnarok Password
    $CONFIG['rag_db']   = 'my db here';  // SQL Ragnarok Database name
    $CONFIG['log_db']   = '';  // SQL Ragnarok Log Database name
    $CONFIG['cp_serv']  = 'my ip here'; // SQL CP Host
    $CONFIG['cp_user']  = 'my user here';  // SQL CP User
    $CONFIG['cp_pass']  = 'my pass here';  // SQL CP Password
    $CONFIG['cp_db']   = 'my db here';   // SQL CP Database name
    $CONFIG['md5_pass']  = '0';   // Use MD5 password (enable = 1, disable = 0)
    $CONFIG['safe_pass']  = '1';   // Force the use of a safer password with size 6 and at least 2 letter and 2 numbers (enable = 1, disable = 0)
    //Admin Area
    $CONFIG['cp_admin']  = '99';   // CP admin functions
    $CONFIG['gm_level']  = '99';   // CP GM funtions
    $CONFIG['gm_hide']  = '40';   // GMs this level and above will be hidden from whoisonline.php
    // sun = sunday, mon = monday, tue = tuesday, wed = wednesday, thu = thursday, fri = friday, sun = sunday
    // place week_day(start_time, end_time) and a ';' between the times the freya default woe times is set as an example
    // there is no limit you can place as many as you want, no spaces are needed, but using it you can understand.
    $CONFIG['woe_time']  = 'tue(2100, 2300); sat(1600, 1800); ';
    $CONFIG['agit_check']  = '0';   // This WILL NOT WORK unless you installed the npc script AND you updated your ragsrvinfo table, read the installation notes for more info.
    //server name, rates
    $CONFIG['name']   = 'Ceres Control Panel'; // name of the server
    $CONFIG['rate']   = '255/255/120';  // rates of the server
    date_default_timezone_set('Philippines GMT +8');  // game server Timezone (useful if your webserver's timezone is different than game server).
    $CONFIG['dynamic_info']  = '0';   // Use info (rates) from the server itself?
    $CONFIG['dynamic_name']  = 'Ceres Control Panel'; // The name of the server in ragsrvinfo's server name column (Used for dynamic info)
    $CONFIG['show_rates']  = '0';   // Show rates below server status?
    //map,char,login servers settings
    $CONFIG['accip']   = 'my ip here'; // Account/Login Server IP
    $CONFIG['accport']  = '6900';  // Account/Login Server Port
    $CONFIG['charip']   = 'my ip here'; // Char Server IP
    $CONFIG['charport']  = '6121';  // Char Server Port
    $CONFIG['mapip']   = 'my ip here'; // Zone/Map Server IP
    $CONFIG['mapport']  = '5121';  // Zone/Map Server Port
    //default language
    $CONFIG['language']  = 'English';  // default language (remember to check if the translation exist before set)
    //cp features
    $CONFIG['disable_account'] = '0';   // disable the account creation disable = 1, enable = 0
    $CONFIG['auth_image']  = '0';   // enable the verification code image, to check if it's a real person using the cp, instead of a bot (brute-force atack) - Recommended, but requires gd library (enable = 1 disable = 0)
    $CONFIG['max_accounts']  = '0';   // Max accounts allowed to be in the DB (0 = disabled)
    $CONFIG['password_recover'] = '1';   // password recover enable = 1, disable = 0
    $CONFIG['reset_enable']  = '1';   // reset position enable = 1, disable = 0
    $CONFIG['reset_cost']  = '300';  // reset position cost, disable cost = 0
    $CONFIG['money_transfer'] = '0';   // money transfer enable = 1, disable = 0
    $CONFIG['money_cost']  = '0';   // money transfer cost (100 = 1%), disable cost = 0
    $CONFIG['set_slot']  = '1';   // change char slot enable = 1, disable = 0
    $CONFIG['reset_look']  = '1';   // reset char equips and colors with error enable = 1, disable = 0
    $CONFIG['marry_enable']  = '1';   // enable marriage view and divorce
    $CONFIG['prison_map']  = 'sec_pri';  // Name of the map that is used as your jail (mapname.gat)
    //About Information
    $CONFIG['classlist_show'] = '1';   // Show the class list on about.php? (disable = 0, enable = 1)
    $CONFIG['smtp_server']  = 'localhost'; // the smtp server, the cp will use to send mails
    $CONFIG['smtp_port']  = '25';   // the smtp server port
    $CONFIG['smtp_mail']  = '[email protected]';  // the email of the admin
    $CONFIG['smtp_username'] = '';   // the username of the smtp server
    $CONFIG['smtp_password'] = '';   // the password of the smtp server
    extract($_GET, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "GET");
    extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "POST");

    Here's a screenshot


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