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Everything posted by adarto

  1. adarto

    What client

    What client i should use on latest SVN? and sakexe + ragexe.. ^? link meh lol oh and does it need to be RO RE? i hate renewal.. bumpendalen
  2. nope didnt solve it alright i fixed that error but now after i login it loads then comes Dark screen and nothing happends Fixed. the chars made in the part where i got those error above made it do so. Solved
  3. Yup. everything should be set rightly. but if you have any guides for how to setup both of those i could check from those if i have done everything right.
  4. yeah after i enter name and press create it gives me that error.
  5. So. my server works kinda fine. i can connect to it i can make accounts but WHY on earth i gives me alot of sprite error after i have made an char then it will crash.. next time ill login with the same account that just crashed it wont even let me go to char select it just straight crashes picture of it
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