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Everything posted by anjoliwanag

  1. Hi! How do I add palettes for hairstyles past 99? I seem to get error'd out whenever I change to a 'non-default' color if my hairstyle is more than 99. Any thoughts?
  2. Hi, I have this build manager I got from a friend. The build only saves stats though. Is there any way I we can make it save and load skills as well? - script Stats Manager -1,{ function Get_Menu; function Save_Build; function Load_Build; set .@BuildCount,10; // Number of builds to use set .@Save,0; // Zeny required to save a build set .@Load,0; // Zeny required to load a build set .@Rename,0; // Zeny required to rename a build set .@MaxLevel,99; // Maximum base level (to prevent stat overflow) if (BaseLevel < .@MaxLevel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You must be level "+.@MaxLevel+" to use this."; } while(1)switch(select("Reset Stats:Reset Skills:Save Build:Load Build:Rename Build:Cancel")) { case 1: resetstatus; message strcharinfo(0),"Stat reset done."; break; case 2: if (BaseLevel == 255 ){message strcharinfo(0),"Cannot skill reset if you're level 255";close;} if (Class == 4064){message strcharinfo(0),"Please unequip the `Mechanic's Headphones+`";close;} resetskill; message strcharinfo(0),"Skill reset done."; break; case 3: if (.@Save) message strcharinfo(0),"It costs "+.@Save+" Zeny to save a build."; set .@Build, Get_Menu(.@BuildCount); if (Zeny<.@Save) { message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough Zeny."; break; } if (getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")!="") { message strcharinfo(0),"Overwrite previous build #"+.@Build+"?"; if(select("Save new build:Cancel")==2) break; } Save_Build(.@Build); message strcharinfo(0),"Type a name for your build."; input getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$"); message strcharinfo(0),"Build #"+.@Build+" ("+getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$")+") saved."; set Zeny, Zeny-.@Save; break; case 4: if (.@Load) message strcharinfo(0),"It costs "+.@Load+" Zeny to load a build."; set .@Build, Get_Menu(.@BuildCount); if (getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")=="") { message strcharinfo(0),"No build info found."; break; } if (Zeny<.@Load) { message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough Zeny."; break; } Load_Build(getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")); message strcharinfo(0),"Build #"+.@Build+" loaded."; set Zeny, Zeny-.@Load; break; case 5: if (.@Rename) message strcharinfo(0),"It costs "+.@Rename+" Zeny to rename a build."; set .@Build, Get_Menu(.@BuildCount); if (getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")=="") { message strcharinfo(0),"No build info found."; break; } if (Zeny<.@Rename) { message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough Zeny."; break; } message strcharinfo(0),"Type a new name for Build #"+.@Build+" ("+getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$")+")."; input getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$"); message strcharinfo(0),"Build #"+.@Build+" renamed."; set Zeny, Zeny-.@Rename; break; case 6: close; } function Get_Menu { set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,1; .@i<=getarg(0); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+"Slot "+.@i+" ("+((getd("Build_"+.@i+"n$")=="")?"^777777empty":"^0055FF"+getd("Build_"+.@i+"n$"))+"^000000):"; return select(.@menu$); } function Save_Build { set .@s$,""; for(set .@i,13; .@i<19; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@s$,.@s$+readparam(.@i)+"|"; setd "Build_"+getarg(0)+"$", .@s$+StatusPoint; return; } function Load_Build { resetstatus; explode(.@s$,getarg(0),"|"); for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) statusup2 (.@i+13), atoi(.@s$[.@i])-1; set StatusPoint, atoi(.@s$[6]); return; } }
  3. Okay, I added this to my server so when I fakename, party and guild will be shown https://rathena.org/board/topic/60188-fakename-show-guildparty/ Now I couldnt invite any other players who names we faked. Any thoughts? It's saying 'The character is not currently online or does not exist'. bump
  4. Is it possible to cap the max stats of a character depending on its level? Like if I want a lvl 50 knight to ONLY have 20 max stats? Thanks in advance!
  5. Okay, I'm using rathena 17704. here are the things I changed. Disabled skills that consumes zeny. Disabled all items that gives zeny. All items that are sold to npc is 0z. Disabled @zeny. Practically disabled zeny from the server. Zeny can only be gained by WoE and events. Yes, this is a zeny based server. Now, HOW else can someone get zeny? I've seen 1 character with 100kz whom which logged in only 6 times in my server. Could it be a hack or 3rd party program of some sort
  6. Hi! How can I ignore the GM palette so we'll look just like the other players BUT have the right click aid and the yellow font? I'm using 20120410a client Advance thanks for the reply!
  7. feature.atcommand_suggestions: yes. Weird bug maybe? Lvl >10 account has the feature, but lvl 0 - 9 does not. any thoughts?
  8. Yeah, I hope they fix it soon. [solved] The latest Revision 17689 fixed it.
  9. Maybe we should wait for the new revision and hope it'll fix it.
  10. I've just got the revision, nothing is changed. I tried to compile it with microsoft visual studio 2012 as I do every time. I get this error: Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  11. Thanks for the reply Unfortunately it didn't solve my problem. it gives me; parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 1 : { 2 : OnMinute57: * 3 : 'a'ddrid(0); I checked trunk/doc/script_commands.txt and the command addrid isn't there.
  12. Hello, I Want a script in which every 30th Minute of the hour all players gets a message. I.E: - script Hello -1,{ OnMinute30: mes "Hello"; close; end; }
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