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Posts posted by cross10hunter

  1. Can someone make a battle royale like pubg event.

    *minimum of 20 players to start the game else all players will be warped back. Maximum of 60.

    *when they click the event npc they will be warp to prontera. 

    *after 5 min of telling the rules of the game the items will be drop on random spots in prontera. Cards that modifies snipers atk and range, healing, backpack to increase weight, weapon, accessory, garment, armor, headgears, arrows etc. 

    *all the item of the player will be automatically be put in storage. 

    *player cant use@storage. 

    *the weight of a player must be fixed, about 1000 weight then they cant loot anymore unless the got a backpack.

    *the only char that can join is sniper. If anyother class try to join they wont be warp or the npc will not entertain him. 

    *the sniper only have DS, traps skills, and arrow shower. 

    *they player who wins will receive reward automatically. 


  2. Hi I am using this Floating drop rate script. but when I type @mobinfo of a boss the boss cards and TCG and everything did not increase the drop rate. I just wanted it to be every Weekend it will increase droprate automatically. I am doing it manually everytime it gets to weekends. here is the script: 

    // Author: _Okuz_
    // Version: 1.0.2 - 20:40 14/10/2016
    -	script	Weekend Floating Exp	-1,{
    	// Setup the rates you want to double here...
    	setarray .server_conf$[0], "base_exp_rate", getbattleflag("base_exp_rate"), 
    				   "job_exp_rate", getbattleflag("job_exp_rate"), 
    				   "item_rate_common", getbattleflag("item_rate_common"),
    				   "item_rate_heal", getbattleflag("item_rate_heal"), 
    				   "item_rate_use", getbattleflag("item_rate_use"), 
    				   "item_rate_equip", getbattleflag("item_rate_equip"), 
    				   "item_rate_card", getbattleflag("item_rate_card"),
     				   "item_rate_mvp", getbattleflag("item_rate_mvp"), 
    				   "item_rate_adddrop", getbattleflag("item_rate_adddrop"), 
    				   "item_rate_treasure", getbattleflag("item_rate_treasure");
    	// To force the event to run even if you have to shutdown your server for some reason...
    	if (gettime(4) != 5 && gettime(4) != 6 && gettime(4) != 0) end;
    	// start double rates on Friday 00:00
    	if (!.active)
    		callsub(S_changeRates, 2);
    	// stop double rates on Monday 00:00
    	callsub(S_changeRates, 1); end;
    // Arg(0): mult
    	set .@size, getarraysize(.server_conf$);
    	for (set .@i, 0; .@i < .@size; set .@i, .@i + 2) {
    		setbattleflag .server_conf$[.@i], atoi(.server_conf$[.@i + 1]) * getarg(0);
    	set .active, !.active;
    	atcommand "@reloadmobdb";
    	announce "[Event] : Rates " + (.active ? "increased" : "restored") + "!",bc_all,0xFF6060;

    BTW, i want it to be x3 instead of x2 on the script. or if you have a better working script pls link it to me thanks!. 

  3. 17 hours ago, Hismoon said:
    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_Start;
    	if (gettime(3) >= 18 && gettime(3) < 23) disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_End;
    	if (gettime(3) >= 04 && gettime(3) < 09) disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_End;

    This will not work because you need a { and } between the if-statements. You can only use one command after the if-statement. If you put two commands, then you need the brace.

    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_Start;
    	if (gettime(3) >= 18 && gettime(3) < 23) { disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_End; }
    	if (gettime(3) >= 04 && gettime(3) < 09) { disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_End; }


    No wonder it only works once then the next hour didnt activate. Thanks! btw, i was trying to mapflag the turbo_room which the NPC is located with no resurrection skill but i always failed to do so.

    THis is what i did.

     "turbo_room mapflag restricted 1" in restricted.txt 
    "54,1 //Resu in" Skill_nocast_db.txt
    "turbo_room    mapflag town" in town.txt.

  4. 3 hours ago, Hismoon said:

    No problem. You're welcome. =)


    22 minutes ago, Hismoon said:

    You need a Time Event e.g:

    // some code
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    // other code

    or use a variable instead of disable/enablenpc. Then you can check the variable at the beginning from the npc if he is active.


    Just put before the game begins this:

    // some code
    if(Zeny < 5000)
    	mes "not enough money";
    set Zeny, Zeny - 5000;
    // other code



    1 minute ago, Hismoon said:

    The announce should before the end; command ... if it then the announce will work.

    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_Start;
    	if (gettime(3) >= 18 && gettime(3) < 23) disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_End;
    	if (gettime(3) >= 04 && gettime(3) < 09) disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); goto L_End;
    	announce "It's time for me to rest",bc_all;
    	announce "Boris is Back!",bc_all;

    I think we are good here! Thank you very much for your help Hismoon.  i'll PM you if i saw any problems. BIG THANKS AGAIN!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Hismoon said:

    You need a Time Event e.g:

    // some code
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    // other code

    or use a variable instead of disable/enablenpc. Then you can check the variable at the beginning from the npc if he is active.


    Just put before the game begins this:

    // some code
    if(Zeny < 5000)
    	mes "not enough money";
    set Zeny, Zeny - 5000;
    // other code


    enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    announce "Boris is Back!",bc_all;
    disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    announce "It's time for me to rest",bc_all;
    enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    if (gettime(3) >= 18 && gettime(3) < 23) disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    if (gettime(3) >= 04 && gettime(3) < 09) disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);

    This is what I've did. so from 6pm-11pm he will be disabled then 4am-9am disabled aswell. but the announcer is not working.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hismoon said:

    No problem. You're welcome. =)

    The players in my server are now addicted to RPSroulette lol. Some of them skipped WoE just to play it because my Jackpot is PODS! anyway, how about disabling NPC on a certain time example 8-10pm boris is disabled. then after 10pm he will return again.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Hismoon said:

    I thinks so. The if statement is with a goto command so if the variable is true, then the goto command is running and goes to the L_1 Event.

    If it not work you can answer in the thread. I look later here again and answer on it then or you PM me.

    Thankyou so much ! you've been very helpful!! 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Hismoon said:

    If you want a permanent account variable then you can use the prefix "#" before the variable name. But if one character from the account has won the jackpot prize, no other characters can win the prize from this account.

    ohh ok isee, thats how # works. got it! so ill just remove it then. but do you think the script that i showed you will work?. like the goto L_1; then a msg will pop up "You had already received the jackpot."?

  9. 2 hours ago, Hismoon said:

    In your switch you have forgot to check the command "getitem". There is nearly all with "geitem" and in your 70% switch you have in case 6 forgot the semikolon (;) after the getitem command.

    Try to put a close command at the end of the event "KILL" to close the message from the npc. I'm not sure if it necessary or not.


        mes "Rock... Paper...";
        set .@opp, rand(1,3);
        menu "^0000FFROCK!",-,"^FF0000SCISSORS!",SCISSORS,"^00FF00PAPER!^000000",PAPER;
        if (#JackPotWin == 1) goto L_1;
          if (.@lastchoice == 1) set .@opp, rand(1,3);
          if (.@opp == 1) emotion e_rock;
          else if (.@opp == 2) emotion e_scissors;
          else emotion e_paper;
          set .@lastchoice,1;
        if (.@opp == 1) goto SAME;
        if (.@opp == 2) goto WIN;
        goto LOSE;
        mes "You had already received the jackpot.";
        emotion e_bzz;
        specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION;
        emotion e_omg;
        mes "*^0000FFClick^000000* *^FF0000BANG^000000*";
        mes "OWWW @#$%^!! THAT HURT LIKE HELL!!";
        set .@rand, rand(1,100);
        if(.@rand < 2) { //Jackpot Prize 1% Win
        Announce "Crazy Boris: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won the Jackpot Prize of 1 POD! ",bc_all;
        getitem 7179,1;
        set #JackPotWin,1;
        else if(.@rand < 5) { // Conso Prize 5% win
        mes "Congratulations you won consolation prize!!";
        switch(rand(6)) {
            case 1: getitem 7539,5; break;
            case 2: getitem 677,1; break;
            case 3: getitem 12103,1; break;
            case 4: getitem 7539,2; break;
            case 5: getitem 750,1; break;    // 1x bapodoll
            case 6: getitem 7008,1; break;    // 1x Stiff Horn

    I added this if (#JackPotWin == 1) goto L_1;

        mes "You had already received the jackpot.";
        emotion e_bzz;

  10. 17 minutes ago, cross10hunter said:

    Sorry this is kinda difficult for me especially the character variable you were saying. can you give me an example with char variable and where do i insert it in the jackpot prize? and about the announcement, someone already got the jackpot prize but there was no announcement going on.

    it's already announcing but the first few minutes it doesnt.

    additional question.

    can i use bc_all instead of 8? in "Crazy Boris: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won the Jackpot Prize of 1 POD! ",8; ?

  11. 13 minutes ago, Hismoon said:

    Just give the player who won the jackpot prize a permanent character variable e.g.

    //Jackpot Prize 1% Win
    	Announce "Crazy Boris: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won the Jackpot Prize of 1 POD! ",8;
    	getitem 7179,1;
    	set JackPotWin, 1;

    and check this variable with a if-statement before the player comes to this option to play the game.

    Sorry this is kinda difficult for me especially the character variable you were saying. can you give me an example with char variable and where do i insert it in the jackpot prize? and about the announcement, someone already got the jackpot prize but there was no announcement going on.

  12. 1 hour ago, Hismoon said:

    In your switch you have forgot to check the command "getitem". There is nearly all with "geitem" and in your 70% switch you have in case 6 forgot the semikolon (;) after the getitem command.

    Try to put a close command at the end of the event "KILL" to close the message from the npc. I'm not sure if it necessary or not.

    Thanks for fast reply!. its working!. Now im going to observe if the jackpot prize will be announce. Btw, how about if he already got the jackpot prize, how am i going to make him not play the NPC anymore? i mean he cant play the npc anymore.

  13. Hi. I try to edit the rpsroulette by Acky 1.2. I came up with this but I cant make it work. Can someone point out to me on what did i do wrong? I try to put an announcer and add a jackpot prize and consilation prize. Here is the script that i did.

    	specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION;
    	emotion e_omg;
    	mes "*^0000FFClick^000000* *^FF0000BANG^000000*";
    	mes "OWWW @#$%^!! THAT HURT LIKE HELL!!";
    	set .@rand, rand(1,100);
    	if(.@rand < 2) { //Jackpot Prize 1% Win
    	Announce "Crazy Boris: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won the Jackpot Prize of 1 POD! ",8;
    	getitem 7179,1;
    	else if(.@rand < 5) { // Conso Prize 5% win
    	mes "Congratulations you won consolation prize!!";
    	switch(rand(6)) {
    		case 1: getitem 7539,5; break;
    		case 2: getitem 677,1; break;
    		case 3: getitem 12103,1; break;
    		case 4: getitem 7539,2; break;
    		case 5: geitem 750,1; break;	// 1x bapodoll
    		case 6: geitem 7008,1; break;	// 1x Stiff Horn
    	else if(.@rand < 70) { // Trash
    	switch(rand(7)) {
    		case 1: geitem 984,10; break;
    		case 2: geitem 601,100; break;	// 100x Fly Wings
    		case 3: geitem 603,8; break;	// 8x Old Blue Box
    		case 4: geitem 4,617; break;	// 4x Old Violet Box
    		case 5: geitem 7139,3; break;	// 3x Gold
    		case 6: geitem 11502,20 break;	// 20x Light Blue Potion
    		case 7: geitem 985,10;
    	else {
    	mes "too bad you didn't win anything!!";
    	mes "Pansy.";


  14. On 12/4/2017 at 4:07 PM, Alayne said:

    I don't get it. set base and set job isn't modified nor doubled, it just gives exp according to the running rate. If you don't want players to have twice the exp, once by killing mob and once by this script, just don't load it (or did I missed something in your explanations?)

    Opps. Sorry. nevermind my post. I think I wont be using that monster of the day script anymore. Im thinking of MVP of The day now. If the boss is the MVP of the day he will have double drop rate. 

    Everytime you login, a window will popup that says "The MVP of the day is  <MVP_Name> ".
    The MVP will have double or triple the Droprate.
    No limit in killing the boss.


  15. Hi! I need help. I want to exchange the top 20 PVP players's skull in my server to cashpoints. I found a script, I just want some help on 1. Detecting the top 20 player's skull in our server to exchange to cashpoints. 2.If he WAS on the top 20 his skull cant be traded to cashpoints.  Thank You!

    //Original Script : RevelationRO Custom Script by Zeshan.
    //Edited by Rakuzas
    prontera,147,157,0 script Kafra points 861,{
        mes .NPC$;
        mes "Do you want to exchange your " + getitemname(.ID) + " into Cashpoints?";
    mes "The conversion rate is " + .NP + " Cashpoint for each " + getitemname(.ID) + ".";
        if (select("Yes:No") - 1) close;
    mes .NPC$;
        mes "How many " + getitemname(.ID) + " do you have?";
        input .@amount;
        if (.@amount == 0) {
            mes .NPC$;
            mes "Umm, please enter your amount!";
    .@amount2 = (.@amount * .ID); 
    if (.@amount > .@amount2) {
    mes .NPC$;
    mes "You dont' have enough coins!!!";
    if (.@amount2 == 0){
    mes .NPC$;
    mes "You don't have coins!!";
    mes .NPC$;
        mes "Here you go!";
        set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS += .@amount2;
        delitem .ID,.@amount;
        dispbottom "You got "+.@amount+" Cashpoints!";
            set .NPC$,"[ " +strnpcinfo(1)+ " ]"; // NPC Name
            set .ID,671; // Item to take
            set .NP,1; // Amount of Cashpoints to give


  16. //**********************************************************************************
    // ____                    _                                            _   _  ____ 
    //|  _ \ ___   ___   ____ | |  ___   ____   ___   ___   __  ___   _  _ | |_| |/ __ |
    //| |__// _ \ / _ \ |  _ \| | / _ \ |  _ \ / _ \ /  _| / _)/ _ \ | \| ||___  |\__  |
    //| |  |  __/ ||_|| | |__/| ||  __/ | |__/|  __/ | |  _\ \ ||_|| | \\ |    | |   | |
    //|_|___\___|_\___/_| |___|_|_\___|_| |____\___|_|_|_(___/ \___/_|_|\_|____|_|___|_|
    //===== rAthena Script =============================================================
    //= Monster Of The Day
    //===== By: ========================================================================
    //= Peopleperson49 (Eddie) - [email protected]
    //===== Start Date: ================================================================
    //= 20NOV2011
    //===== Current Version: ===========================================================
    //= 1.4
    //===== Compatible With: ===========================================================
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: ===============================================================
    //= Another Monster Of The Day script. I made this one from scratch to be very
    //=	simple and work automatically. Uses almost the full list of monsters from
    //=	the mob_branch. I included the dispbottom here when players login, but I
    //=	actually perfer to use a login script with this in it.
    //===== Version Control: ===========================================================
    //= 1.0 First Version.
    //= 1.1	Broke .MobTypeArray[0] into ten seperate arrays to allow full list of mobs
    //=	to be used without overflowing the array. Before I had to limit the number
    //=	of mobs in an array to around 100 or I would randomly get an error from it.
    //= 1.2	Modified script to not change mobs if scripts are reloaded. Will set mob if
    //=	not already set on OnInit.
    //= 1.3 Changed getexp to BaseExp.
    //= 1.4 Added bindatcmd to allow GM to repick the MOTD.
    //===== Additional Comments:========================================================
    -	script	MOTD#RoUG	-1,{
    if($MobType!=0) { end; }
    set .RandomArray,rand(0,9);
    if(.RandomArray==0) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1001,1002,1004,1005,1007,1008,1009,1010,1011,1012,1013,1014,1015,1016,1018,1019,1020,1023,1024,1025,1026,1028,1029,1030,1031,1032,1033,1034,1035,1036,1037,1040,1041,1042,1044,1045,1047,1048; }
    if(.RandomArray==1) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1049,1050,1051,1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,1057,1058,1060,1061,1062,1063,1064,1065,1066,1067,1068,1069,1070,1071,1072,1073,1074,1076,1077,1088,1089,1090,1091,1092,1093,1094,1095,1096,1097,1099; }
    if(.RandomArray==2) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1100,1101,1102,1103,1104,1105,1106,1107,1108,1109,1110,1111,1113,1114,1116,1117,1118,1119,1121,1122,1123,1124,1125,1126,1127,1128,1129,1130,1131,1132,1133,1134,1135,1138,1139,1140,1141,1143; }
    if(.RandomArray==3) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1144,1145,1146,1148,1149,1151,1152,1153,1154,1155,1156,1158,1160,1161,1163,1164,1165,1166,1167,1169,1170,1174,1175,1176,1177,1178,1179,1180,1182,1185,1186,1188,1189,1191,1192,1193,1194,1195; }
    if(.RandomArray==4) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1196,1197,1199,1200,1201,1202,1203,1204,1205,1206,1207,1208,1209,1211,1212,1213,1214,1215,1216,1219,1242,1243,1245,1246,1248,1249,1250,1253,1254,1255,1256,1257,1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263; }
    if(.RandomArray==5) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1264,1265,1266,1267,1268,1269,1270,1271,1273,1274,1275,1276,1277,1278,1279,1280,1281,1282,1283,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296,1297,1298,1299,1300,1301,1302,1303,1304,1305,1306,1307; }
    if(.RandomArray==6) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1308,1309,1310,1311,1313,1314,1315,1316,1317,1318,1319,1320,1321,1322,1323,1365,1366,1367,1368,1369,1370,1371,1372,1374,1375,1376,1377,1378,1379,1380,1381,1382,1383,1384,1385,1386,1387,1390; }
    if(.RandomArray==7) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1391,1392,1400,1401,1402,1403,1404,1405,1406,1408,1409,1410,1412,1413,1415,1416,1417,1493,1494,1495,1497,1498,1499,1500,1503,1504,1505,1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516,1517; }
    if(.RandomArray==8) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1519,1520,1582,1584,1586,1587,1613,1614,1615,1616,1617,1618,1619,1620,1621,1622,1627,1628,1629,1631,1632,1633,1664,1665,1666,1667,1668,1669,1670,1671,1672,1673,1675,1676,1677,1678,1679,1680; }
    if(.RandomArray==9) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1681,1682,1686,1687,1692,1693,1694,1695,1696,1699,1703,1713,1714,1715,1717,1718,1736,1737,1738,1752,1753,1754,1755,1769,1770,1772,1773,1774,1775,1776,1777,1778,1780,1781,1782,1783,1784,1789; }
    set $MobType,.MobTypeArray[rand(0,37)];
    announce "Players will earn twice the EXP from hunting "+getmonsterinfo($MobType,0)+"'s today!",0;
    	if(killedrid!=$MobType) { end; }
    	dispbottom "MOTD Experience Gained Base:"+strmobinfo(6,killedrid)+" Job:"+strmobinfo(7,killedrid)+"";
    	set BaseExp,(BaseExp+strmobinfo(6,killedrid));
    	set JobExp,(JobExp+strmobinfo(7,killedrid));
    if(getgmlevel()<99) { dispbottom "You do not have permission to use this command."; end; }
    set .RandomArray,rand(0,9);
    if(.RandomArray==0) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1001,1002,1004,1005,1007,1008,1009,1010,1011,1012,1013,1014,1015,1016,1018,1019,1020,1023,1024,1025,1026,1028,1029,1030,1031,1032,1033,1034,1035,1036,1037,1040,1041,1042,1044,1045,1047,1048; }
    if(.RandomArray==1) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1049,1050,1051,1052,1053,1054,1055,1056,1057,1058,1060,1061,1062,1063,1064,1065,1066,1067,1068,1069,1070,1071,1072,1073,1074,1076,1077,1088,1089,1090,1091,1092,1093,1094,1095,1096,1097,1099; }
    if(.RandomArray==2) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1100,1101,1102,1103,1104,1105,1106,1107,1108,1109,1110,1111,1113,1114,1116,1117,1118,1119,1121,1122,1123,1124,1125,1126,1127,1128,1129,1130,1131,1132,1133,1134,1135,1138,1139,1140,1141,1143; }
    if(.RandomArray==3) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1144,1145,1146,1148,1149,1151,1152,1153,1154,1155,1156,1158,1160,1161,1163,1164,1165,1166,1167,1169,1170,1174,1175,1176,1177,1178,1179,1180,1182,1185,1186,1188,1189,1191,1192,1193,1194,1195; }
    if(.RandomArray==4) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1196,1197,1199,1200,1201,1202,1203,1204,1205,1206,1207,1208,1209,1211,1212,1213,1214,1215,1216,1219,1242,1243,1245,1246,1248,1249,1250,1253,1254,1255,1256,1257,1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263; }
    if(.RandomArray==5) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1264,1265,1266,1267,1268,1269,1270,1271,1273,1274,1275,1276,1277,1278,1279,1280,1281,1282,1283,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296,1297,1298,1299,1300,1301,1302,1303,1304,1305,1306,1307; }
    if(.RandomArray==6) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1308,1309,1310,1311,1313,1314,1315,1316,1317,1318,1319,1320,1321,1322,1323,1365,1366,1367,1368,1369,1370,1371,1372,1374,1375,1376,1377,1378,1379,1380,1381,1382,1383,1384,1385,1386,1387,1390; }
    if(.RandomArray==7) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1391,1392,1400,1401,1402,1403,1404,1405,1406,1408,1409,1410,1412,1413,1415,1416,1417,1493,1494,1495,1497,1498,1499,1500,1503,1504,1505,1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516,1517; }
    if(.RandomArray==8) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1519,1520,1582,1584,1586,1587,1613,1614,1615,1616,1617,1618,1619,1620,1621,1622,1627,1628,1629,1631,1632,1633,1664,1665,1666,1667,1668,1669,1670,1671,1672,1673,1675,1676,1677,1678,1679,1680; }
    if(.RandomArray==9) { setarray .MobTypeArray[0],1681,1682,1686,1687,1692,1693,1694,1695,1696,1699,1703,1713,1714,1715,1717,1718,1736,1737,1738,1752,1753,1754,1755,1769,1770,1772,1773,1774,1775,1776,1777,1778,1780,1781,1782,1783,1784,1789; }
    set $MobType,.MobTypeArray[rand(0,37)];
    announce "Players will earn twice the EXP from hunting "+getmonsterinfo($MobType,0)+"'s today!",0;
    dispbottom "You will earn twice the EXP from hunting "+getmonsterinfo($MobType,0)+"'s today!";

    Hi i am going to use this script for my server. But my server already has Instant job change so i dont need twice EXP from hunting. I am asking for help on how can i make it DropRate instead of Set baseEXP and Set JobEXP. Thank You for the help!

  17. 1 hour ago, cross10hunter said:
    // ____                    _                                            _   _  ____
    //|  _ \ ___   ___   ____ | |  ___   ____   ___   ___   __  ___   _  _ | |_| |/ __ |
    //| |__// _ \ / _ \ |  _ \| | / _ \ |  _ \ / _ \ /  _| / _)/ _ \ | \| ||___  |\__  |
    //| |  |  __/ ||_|| | |__/| ||  __/ | |__/|  __/ | |  _\ \ ||_|| | \\ |    | |   | |
    //|_|___\___|_\___/_| |___|_|_\___|_| |____\___|_|_|_(___/ \___/_|_|\_|____|_|___|_|
    //===== rAthena Script =============================================================
    //= King Of Emperium Hill
    //===== By: ========================================================================
    //= Peopleperson49 (Eddie)
    //===== Start Date: ================================================================
    //= 27AUG2012
    //===== Current Version: ===========================================================
    //= 5.0
    //===== Compatible With: ===========================================================
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: ===============================================================
    //= My version of King Of Emperium Hill. It was make for donkeyg on rAthena.org.
    //=     I did not use the other versions as a base. You can set it to give both a
    //=     zeny and item prizes to the guild leader through the Emperium Assistant.
    //=     They can collect once after each time the KoE ends.
    //===== Version Control: ===========================================================
    //= 1.0 First Version.
    //= 1.1 Minor Bug Fixes.
    //= 1.2 Small Optomizations. Added Assitant to give rewards daily.
    //= 1.3 Only guild master man collect rewards.
    //= 1.4 Rewards changed from daily to only be collected once after KoE ends.
    //= 1.5 Changed the days and time that KoE happens.
    //= 1.6 Removed all KoE functions from script and based just on start and stop time.
    //= 1.7 Added warp portals from prontera to any character that is in a guild.
    //= 1.8 Added GM feature to allow adjustment of zeny and item prizes in game.
    //=     1.9 Added restriction to prevent changing prizes while KoE is running.
    //= 2.0 Added KoE prizes to OnInit to reset prizes each time scripts are reloaded.
    //= 2.1 Added $KoEPrizeTracker to the OnInit however I suggest that you keep it
    //=     commented out unless you want to allow prizes to be collected again
    //=     everytime you reload scripts. I mainly added it for easy testing.
    //= 2.2 Moved flags to a better location that was not hanging over the edge of the
    //=     steps.
    //= 2.3 Commented out the $KoEPrizeTracker in the OnInit section.
    //= 2.4 Moved location of emperium from 49,49 to 50,50 so that is is centered in the
    //=     block.
    //= 2.5 Changed the mapannounce when the emperium is broken.
    //= 2.6 Changed the OnClock gettime(4) to use&&instead of  || . Now the check
    //=     actually works!
    //= 2.7 Added gettime(3) and KoEActualStart to the OnInit incase scripts are
    //=     reloaded during the time that KoE is set to be running.
    //= 2.8 Added $KoEStatus to ending OnClock to prevent it from running ending portion
    //=     of the script when KoE was not already going.
    //= 2.9 Adding missing mapflag loadevent.
    //= 3.0 Changed item prize to allow 5 seperate prizes to be given.
    //= 3.1 Added the option for monster or guildmonster function using the variable
    //=     $EmpSpawnMode to control which mode to use.
    //= 3.2 Removed the next; after case 255: that was causing error.
    //= 3.3 Removed $EmpSpawnMode because it still detected the guildmonster command
    //=     even if it was not being used.
    //= 3.4 Removed the guildmonster command completely since it just confused people
    //=     who did not have command.
    //= 3.5 Added ability to set KoE time in game.
    //= 3.6 Expanded the ability to set KoE time in game by allowing 4 different times.
    //= 3.7 Removed zeny/item prize setting from script and made completely controlled
    //=     in game by GM.
    //= 3.8 Added alot of next; where they should have been.
    //= 3.9 Added set @KoEAddMenu$,0; to prevent it from displaying menu itmes more than
    //=     once.
    //= 4.0 Added .@RandomFinalize to allow finalize number to change each time.
    //= 4.1 Fixed error that prevented KoE from ending at the set time.
    //= 4.2 Added option to switch between PvP and GvG.
    //= 4.3 Fixed incorrect variable. Changed GvGPvP to $GvGPvP.
    //= 4.4 Added function to clear zeny and item prizes when you Clear All KoE Events.
    //= 4.5 Fixed finalize zeny prize to allow you to finalize prize.
    //= 4.6 Added OnWhisperGlobal to script to all starting and stopping KoE manually
    //=     using commands. Uses NPC:KingOfEmperium<TAB>StartKoE and NPC:KingOfEmperium
    //=     <TAB>EndKoE.
    //= 4.7 Modified scripts to show the guild emblem. I should have done this a long
    //=     time ago, but it worked fine without it and I got lazy. Thanks to donkeyg on
    //=     rAthena.org else for the push.
    //= 4.8 Added checkweight to script for collecting rewards.
    //= 4.9 Replaced whisper system with bindatcmd function.
    //= 5.0 Modified KoE event to allow up to 7 events to be set.
    //===== Additional Comments: =======================================================
    //= Need to remove the random '0' before the first event slot in the Add New KoE
    //=     Event section.
    turbo_room,99,115,5     script  Reward KOE#KoE  51,{
            mes "[Reward]";
            if ( getvariableofnpc( .koe_start, "KingOfEmperium" ) ) {
                    mes "King of Emperium Hill event is currently running";
            if ( getcharid(2) == $KOEGUILD ) {
                    set .@size, getarraysize(.koe_prize);
                    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@size; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
                            if ( .koe_prize[.@i] == getcharid(0) ) {
                                    mes "You already received the rewards";
                    mes "Congratulation on becoming the winner of ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill^000000";
                    getitem 30070, 25; // configure prize here
                    getitem 7828, 500; // configure prize here
                    set .koe_prize[ getarraysize(.koe_prize) ], getcharid(0);
            else {
                    mes "Your guild is not the winner of King of Emperium Hill";
            deletearray .koe_prize;
    -       script  KingOfEmperium  -1,{
    disablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
    set $GvGPvP,0;  //Set to 0 for GvG and 1 for PvP
    set $KoEStatus,0;
            set .KoE,0;
            if(gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE]) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; }
            if(gettime(4)==$KoEStartDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)>=$KoEStartTime[.KoE]&&(gettime(3)<$KoEEndTime[.KoE] || $KoEStartDay[.KoE]!=$KoEEndDay[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualStart; end; }
            set .KoE,.KoE+1;
            if(.KoE>7) { goto StartLoopEnd; }
            goto StartLoop;
            if($KoEStatus==1) { end; }
            set $KoEStatus,1;
            disablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
            set $KoEPrizeTracker,1;
            if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "King Of Emperium Hill has began! Which guild will prove their worth?",bc_all|bc_WoE; }
            if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; }
            if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgon "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpon "guild_vs1"; }
            monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak";
            set .KoE,0;
            if((gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE])&&(gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; }
            if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { end; }
            set .KoE,.KoE+1;
            if(.KoE>7) { end; }    
            goto EndLoop;
            if($KoEStatus==0) { end; }
            set $KoEStatus,0;
            enablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
            if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgoff "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpoff "guild_vs1"; }
            if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,7; }
            killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0;
            set .@name$,GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD);
            if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! No guild has proven themselves King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; }
            if(getskilllv(10000)!=1) { announce "Only a guild with the Guild Approval skill can kill the Emperium!",bc_self; monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; }
            killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0;
            set $KOEGUILD,getcharid(2);
            donpcevent "::OnRevKoE";
            mapannounce "guild_vs1",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has broken the emperium for the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_map|bc_WoE,"0x00CCFF",FW_NORMAL,12;
            sleep 2000;
            if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; }
            announce "The ["+getguildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild has became the King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE;
            sleep 5000;
            if($KoEStatus==1) { monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; }
            if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; }
            if($KoEStatus==1) { dispbottom "KoE is already running."; end; }
            goto KoEActualStart;
            if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; }
            if($KoEStatus==0) { dispbottom "KoE is currently not running."; end; }
            goto KoEActualEnd;
            disablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
    //--------|King Of Emperium Hill Guild Protection|----------------------------------
    -       script  KoEGuildProtection      -1,{
    if(getgmlevel()<20&&strcharinfo(3)=="guild_vs1"&&getcharid(2)==0) { announce "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!",bc_self; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; }
    //--------|KoE Flag Script|---------------------------------------------------------
    -       script  King of Emperium Hill#1::koe_flag       722,{
    set .@GID, $KOEGUILD;
    if (.@GID == 0) end;
    mes "[Emperium Hill]";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    if($KOEGUILD!=0) { mes "The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild."; } else { mes "Only the strongest warriors should may over take Emperium Hill!"; }
    FlagEmblem $KOEGUILD;
    Flagemblem $KOEGUILD;
    guild_vs1,54,59,0       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH1       722
    guild_vs1,45,59,0       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH2       722
    guild_vs1,40,54,2       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH3       722
    guild_vs1,40,45,2       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH4       722
    guild_vs1,45,40,4       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH5       722
    guild_vs1,54,40,4       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH6       722
    guild_vs1,59,45,6       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH7       722
    guild_vs1,59,54,6       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH8       722
    turbo_room,106,74,3     duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#pront     722
    //--------|KoE Waper Script|--------------------------------------------------------
    -       script  KoEWarper       723,-1,-1,{
    mes "Portal Emperium Hill.";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes "Only the strongest warriors should pass through the portal to Emperium Hill";
    switch(prompt("Procede to the Emperium Hill:Nevermind")) {
            case 1:
                    if(getgmlevel()<20&&getcharid(2)==0) { mes "[Notice:]"; mes " "; mes "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!"; close; }
                    warp "guild_vs1",0,0;
            case 2:
            case 255:
    prontera,164,208,0      duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#1 723
    turbo_room,90,119,0     duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#2 723
    prontera,164,204,0      duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#3 723
    prontera,164,203,0      duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#4 723
    guild_vs1,8,50,5        warp    KoEWarp#WP1     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    guild_vs1,50,91,5       warp    KoEWarp#WP2     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    guild_vs1,91,50,5       warp    KoEWarp#WP3     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    guild_vs1,50,8,5        warp    KoEWarp#WP4     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    //--------|Map Flags|---------------------------------------------------------------
    guild_vs1       mapflag nobranch
    guild_vs1       mapflag nomemo
    guild_vs1       mapflag nopenalty
    guild_vs1       mapflag noreturn
    guild_vs1       mapflag nosave  SavePoint
    guild_vs1       mapflag noteleport
    guild_vs1       mapflag nowarp
    guild_vs1       mapflag nowarpto
    guild_vs1       mapflag loadevent

    Help! I just want to remove the reward NPC and replace it with Automatic reward for all the Guild Members. Thank You for the help!

    additional question. is this the latest KOE? why i can hit the emperium our own emperium? how about if only the guild leader can receive the reward what should I edit?


  18. //**********************************************************************************
    // ____                    _                                            _   _  ____
    //|  _ \ ___   ___   ____ | |  ___   ____   ___   ___   __  ___   _  _ | |_| |/ __ |
    //| |__// _ \ / _ \ |  _ \| | / _ \ |  _ \ / _ \ /  _| / _)/ _ \ | \| ||___  |\__  |
    //| |  |  __/ ||_|| | |__/| ||  __/ | |__/|  __/ | |  _\ \ ||_|| | \\ |    | |   | |
    //|_|___\___|_\___/_| |___|_|_\___|_| |____\___|_|_|_(___/ \___/_|_|\_|____|_|___|_|
    //===== rAthena Script =============================================================
    //= King Of Emperium Hill
    //===== By: ========================================================================
    //= Peopleperson49 (Eddie)
    //===== Start Date: ================================================================
    //= 27AUG2012
    //===== Current Version: ===========================================================
    //= 5.0
    //===== Compatible With: ===========================================================
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: ===============================================================
    //= My version of King Of Emperium Hill. It was make for donkeyg on rAthena.org.
    //=     I did not use the other versions as a base. You can set it to give both a
    //=     zeny and item prizes to the guild leader through the Emperium Assistant.
    //=     They can collect once after each time the KoE ends.
    //===== Version Control: ===========================================================
    //= 1.0 First Version.
    //= 1.1 Minor Bug Fixes.
    //= 1.2 Small Optomizations. Added Assitant to give rewards daily.
    //= 1.3 Only guild master man collect rewards.
    //= 1.4 Rewards changed from daily to only be collected once after KoE ends.
    //= 1.5 Changed the days and time that KoE happens.
    //= 1.6 Removed all KoE functions from script and based just on start and stop time.
    //= 1.7 Added warp portals from prontera to any character that is in a guild.
    //= 1.8 Added GM feature to allow adjustment of zeny and item prizes in game.
    //=     1.9 Added restriction to prevent changing prizes while KoE is running.
    //= 2.0 Added KoE prizes to OnInit to reset prizes each time scripts are reloaded.
    //= 2.1 Added $KoEPrizeTracker to the OnInit however I suggest that you keep it
    //=     commented out unless you want to allow prizes to be collected again
    //=     everytime you reload scripts. I mainly added it for easy testing.
    //= 2.2 Moved flags to a better location that was not hanging over the edge of the
    //=     steps.
    //= 2.3 Commented out the $KoEPrizeTracker in the OnInit section.
    //= 2.4 Moved location of emperium from 49,49 to 50,50 so that is is centered in the
    //=     block.
    //= 2.5 Changed the mapannounce when the emperium is broken.
    //= 2.6 Changed the OnClock gettime(4) to use&&instead of  || . Now the check
    //=     actually works!
    //= 2.7 Added gettime(3) and KoEActualStart to the OnInit incase scripts are
    //=     reloaded during the time that KoE is set to be running.
    //= 2.8 Added $KoEStatus to ending OnClock to prevent it from running ending portion
    //=     of the script when KoE was not already going.
    //= 2.9 Adding missing mapflag loadevent.
    //= 3.0 Changed item prize to allow 5 seperate prizes to be given.
    //= 3.1 Added the option for monster or guildmonster function using the variable
    //=     $EmpSpawnMode to control which mode to use.
    //= 3.2 Removed the next; after case 255: that was causing error.
    //= 3.3 Removed $EmpSpawnMode because it still detected the guildmonster command
    //=     even if it was not being used.
    //= 3.4 Removed the guildmonster command completely since it just confused people
    //=     who did not have command.
    //= 3.5 Added ability to set KoE time in game.
    //= 3.6 Expanded the ability to set KoE time in game by allowing 4 different times.
    //= 3.7 Removed zeny/item prize setting from script and made completely controlled
    //=     in game by GM.
    //= 3.8 Added alot of next; where they should have been.
    //= 3.9 Added set @KoEAddMenu$,0; to prevent it from displaying menu itmes more than
    //=     once.
    //= 4.0 Added .@RandomFinalize to allow finalize number to change each time.
    //= 4.1 Fixed error that prevented KoE from ending at the set time.
    //= 4.2 Added option to switch between PvP and GvG.
    //= 4.3 Fixed incorrect variable. Changed GvGPvP to $GvGPvP.
    //= 4.4 Added function to clear zeny and item prizes when you Clear All KoE Events.
    //= 4.5 Fixed finalize zeny prize to allow you to finalize prize.
    //= 4.6 Added OnWhisperGlobal to script to all starting and stopping KoE manually
    //=     using commands. Uses NPC:KingOfEmperium<TAB>StartKoE and NPC:KingOfEmperium
    //=     <TAB>EndKoE.
    //= 4.7 Modified scripts to show the guild emblem. I should have done this a long
    //=     time ago, but it worked fine without it and I got lazy. Thanks to donkeyg on
    //=     rAthena.org else for the push.
    //= 4.8 Added checkweight to script for collecting rewards.
    //= 4.9 Replaced whisper system with bindatcmd function.
    //= 5.0 Modified KoE event to allow up to 7 events to be set.
    //===== Additional Comments: =======================================================
    //= Need to remove the random '0' before the first event slot in the Add New KoE
    //=     Event section.
    turbo_room,99,115,5     script  Reward KOE#KoE  51,{
            mes "[Reward]";
            if ( getvariableofnpc( .koe_start, "KingOfEmperium" ) ) {
                    mes "King of Emperium Hill event is currently running";
            if ( getcharid(2) == $KOEGUILD ) {
                    set .@size, getarraysize(.koe_prize);
                    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@size; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
                            if ( .koe_prize[.@i] == getcharid(0) ) {
                                    mes "You already received the rewards";
                    mes "Congratulation on becoming the winner of ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill^000000";
                    getitem 30070, 25; // configure prize here
                    getitem 7828, 500; // configure prize here
                    set .koe_prize[ getarraysize(.koe_prize) ], getcharid(0);
            else {
                    mes "Your guild is not the winner of King of Emperium Hill";
            deletearray .koe_prize;
    -       script  KingOfEmperium  -1,{
    disablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
    set $GvGPvP,0;  //Set to 0 for GvG and 1 for PvP
    set $KoEStatus,0;
            set .KoE,0;
            if(gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE]) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; }
            if(gettime(4)==$KoEStartDay[.KoE]&&gettime(3)>=$KoEStartTime[.KoE]&&(gettime(3)<$KoEEndTime[.KoE] || $KoEStartDay[.KoE]!=$KoEEndDay[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualStart; end; }
            set .KoE,.KoE+1;
            if(.KoE>7) { goto StartLoopEnd; }
            goto StartLoop;
            if($KoEStatus==1) { end; }
            set $KoEStatus,1;
            disablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
            set $KoEPrizeTracker,1;
            if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "King Of Emperium Hill has began! Which guild will prove their worth?",bc_all|bc_WoE; }
            if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; }
            if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgon "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpon "guild_vs1"; }
            monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak";
            set .KoE,0;
            if((gettime(4)==$KoEEndDay[.KoE])&&(gettime(3)==$KoEEndTime[.KoE])) { goto KoEActualEnd; end; }
            if($KoEEndDay[.KoE]==0&&$KoEStartTime[.KoE]==0&&$KoEEndTime[.KoE]==0) { end; }
            set .KoE,.KoE+1;
            if(.KoE>7) { end; }    
            goto EndLoop;
            if($KoEStatus==0) { end; }
            set $KoEStatus,0;
            enablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
            if($GvGPvP==0) { gvgoff "guild_vs1"; } else { pvpoff "guild_vs1"; }
            if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,7; }
            killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0;
            set .@name$,GetGuildMaster($KOEGUILD);
            if($KOEGUILD!=0) { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_WoE; } else { Announce "The King of Emperium Hill has ended! No guild has proven themselves King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE; }
            if(getskilllv(10000)!=1) { announce "Only a guild with the Guild Approval skill can kill the Emperium!",bc_self; monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; end; }
            killmonsterall "guild_vs1",0;
            set $KOEGUILD,getcharid(2);
            donpcevent "::OnRevKoE";
            mapannounce "guild_vs1",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has broken the emperium for the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild.",bc_map|bc_WoE,"0x00CCFF",FW_NORMAL,12;
            sleep 2000;
            if(getmapusers("guild_vs1")>0) { MapRespawnGuildID "guild_vs1",$KOEGUILD,6; }
            announce "The ["+getguildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild has became the King Of Emperium Hill!",bc_all|bc_WoE;
            sleep 5000;
            if($KoEStatus==1) { monster "guild_vs1",50,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KingOfEmperium::OnEmperiumBreak"; }
            if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; }
            if($KoEStatus==1) { dispbottom "KoE is already running."; end; }
            goto KoEActualStart;
            if(getgmlevel()<99) { end; }
            if($KoEStatus==0) { dispbottom "KoE is currently not running."; end; }
            goto KoEActualEnd;
            disablenpc "Reward KOE#KoE";
    //--------|King Of Emperium Hill Guild Protection|----------------------------------
    -       script  KoEGuildProtection      -1,{
    if(getgmlevel()<20&&strcharinfo(3)=="guild_vs1"&&getcharid(2)==0) { announce "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!",bc_self; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; }
    //--------|KoE Flag Script|---------------------------------------------------------
    -       script  King of Emperium Hill#1::koe_flag       722,{
    set .@GID, $KOEGUILD;
    if (.@GID == 0) end;
    mes "[Emperium Hill]";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    if($KOEGUILD!=0) { mes "The King Of Emperium Hill is the ["+GetGuildName($KOEGUILD)+"] guild."; } else { mes "Only the strongest warriors should may over take Emperium Hill!"; }
    FlagEmblem $KOEGUILD;
    Flagemblem $KOEGUILD;
    guild_vs1,54,59,0       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH1       722
    guild_vs1,45,59,0       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH2       722
    guild_vs1,40,54,2       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH3       722
    guild_vs1,40,45,2       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH4       722
    guild_vs1,45,40,4       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH5       722
    guild_vs1,54,40,4       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH6       722
    guild_vs1,59,45,6       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH7       722
    guild_vs1,59,54,6       duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#EH8       722
    turbo_room,106,74,3     duplicate(koe_flag)     Emperium Hill#pront     722
    //--------|KoE Waper Script|--------------------------------------------------------
    -       script  KoEWarper       723,-1,-1,{
    mes "Portal Emperium Hill.";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes "Only the strongest warriors should pass through the portal to Emperium Hill";
    switch(prompt("Procede to the Emperium Hill:Nevermind")) {
            case 1:
                    if(getgmlevel()<20&&getcharid(2)==0) { mes "[Notice:]"; mes " "; mes "You must be in a guild to enter Emperium Hill!"; close; }
                    warp "guild_vs1",0,0;
            case 2:
            case 255:
    prontera,164,208,0      duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#1 723
    turbo_room,90,119,0     duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#2 723
    prontera,164,204,0      duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#3 723
    prontera,164,203,0      duplicate(KoEWarper)    Emperium Hill#4 723
    guild_vs1,8,50,5        warp    KoEWarp#WP1     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    guild_vs1,50,91,5       warp    KoEWarp#WP2     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    guild_vs1,91,50,5       warp    KoEWarp#WP3     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    guild_vs1,50,8,5        warp    KoEWarp#WP4     2,2,turbo_room,100,103
    //--------|Map Flags|---------------------------------------------------------------
    guild_vs1       mapflag nobranch
    guild_vs1       mapflag nomemo
    guild_vs1       mapflag nopenalty
    guild_vs1       mapflag noreturn
    guild_vs1       mapflag nosave  SavePoint
    guild_vs1       mapflag noteleport
    guild_vs1       mapflag nowarp
    guild_vs1       mapflag nowarpto
    guild_vs1       mapflag loadevent

    Help! I just want to remove the reward NPC and replace it with Automatic reward for all the Guild Members. Thank You for the help!

  19. On 11/20/2017 at 5:30 PM, Alayne said:

    Here's the base of what you asked.

    You just have to fill the town array with the maps names, and change the World Boss Id, the reward Id and the reward amount.


    Hi how about if all the players who participated in the world boss can also get a reward. Like for example the MVP will definitely get the rewards from killing the world boss but the participant will get some consolation prize aswell. And also to avoid abuse they need to have like atleast 50k damage to the boss or every every 50k damage the boss receive from you the reward will increase. 

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