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Everything posted by kotsumu

  1. Ok, thanks. Then I should be fine. I noticed that my packets.hpp is targeting the correct client version. I still have a couple questions from my first post, hoping someone with knowledge can shed some light!
  2. Thanks Amir, I am running in renewal mode. - I do not have a packets.h file, only a packets.hpp which points me to updating my packet version (on Linux) using the ./configure command. - I understand that every langtype and servertype has a value. I am just not sure how it affects my client at all.
  3. I just setup a server and want to make sure I'm doing things right. I get a lot of mixed information reading all the different posts so it's very easy to get confused. I've seen some information about how packetver only need to be specified through the configure --packetver command to work with specific client versions. However some people say that we also need to update the define_pre.hpp. Which do I need to do, or do I need to do both? I'm trying to figure why my warps/npcs are off in iz_az02 for warps and I noticed that a npc was in the water in morroc. I have a couple guesses Either my server is not running renewal My client is not loading renewal maps Perhaps this has something to do with my clientinfo.xml Perhaps rAthena npc/warp scripts are not update to date to latest kRO maps (iz_ac02 and morocc are my only examples here). I noticed that this PR is not merged in yet https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/3650 I understand that 0 langtype is for korea and 1 langtype is for america in your clientinfo. What specifically does this do and why do some people say to set it to 0 and some say set it to 1? I understand that there are a couple types of servertypes in the clientinfo. The documentation says that this should be set to sakray. But zackdreaver's translations has this defaulted to primary. What does this value actually do? Does primary mean it loads prerenewal resources and sakray mean it loads renewal resources? Just wanted to say thanks ahesd to anyone that answers this.
  4. I have a question about the queue... Lets say I have 3 events, players queue on all 3 events. If the a player gets pulled from 1 event, does it remove that player from the other event's queue?
  5. I have some questions about temporary NPC variables. Lets say I use .@r to store a variable in a NPC would that variable exist only within that NPC? Now lets say, I have something like... main { .@r = 0; call somefunc; } somefunc() { .@r = 2; } will .@r exist within 2 namespaces? namely main and somefunc or just the npc's namespace? Also, Is there any problems with nested switches? Anything to watch out for? switch(select("1","2","3")) { case 1: switch(select("2","3")) { case 1: .... case 2: ..... } case 2: switch(selec... .... ...... }
  6. Nah, I was talking about Euphy. It was his code, lol. I'd like to thank both of you for the help however!
  7. I guess I misunderstood the script commands... But this is just what I was looking for thanks for the suggestions! Edit: Here's what I changed to your script btw, just for aesthetics you know? function Go { specialeffect2 501; specialeffect2 502; sleep2 1600; warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); close; } function Disp { set @menu$,""; if(getarg(0)=="") { set @menu$,getarg(1); return; } for(set .@i,getarg(1); .@i<=getarg(2); set .@i,.@i+1) set @menu$, @menu$+getarg(0)+" "+.@i+":"; return; } function Pick { if(getarg(0)=="") { set .@i, select(@menu$); specialeffect2 501; specialeffect2 502; sleep2 1600; warp getarg(.@i),@c[.@i*2],@c[.@i*2+1]; } else { set .@i, select(@menu$)-getarg(1,0); specialeffect2 501; specialeffect2 502; sleep2 1600; warp getarg(0)+((.@i<10)?"0":"")+.@i,@c[.@i*2],@c[.@i*2+1]; } getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); close; } Btw, for the record this is a really great script! Thanks for coding it!
  8. Oh ok, *disappointed* Since you're on this thread anyway, do you mind if I ask you one more question about scripting? Original Function function Go { warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); close; } I'm trying to do something like...Have slight delay before actually instantiating "warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0);" function Go { addtimercount 2600,"My NPC::OnMyLabel"; OnMyLabel: deltimer "My NPC::OnMyLabel"; warp getarg(0),getarg(1,0),getarg(2,0); getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); close; } Doesn't seem to work thought, just jumps directly into warp.
  9. Is it possible to use this script command to spawn monsters at the same time limit a certain area on the map so that it doesn't spawn there? prt_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Poring 1002,70,0,0,0 Instead of specifying where it will spawn, I want to specify where it won't spawn instead.
  10. I'm trying to script a NPC who would cast a effect centered on a player. Simple, - script - -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: misceffect 890; end; } I have looked through some of the documentation and it says that misceffect would center around the character instantiating the script if the npc is a floating npc. However, it seems that misceffect does not center the effect on the character. skilleffect does another set of effects that are specific to skills. So that's out of the question. npcskilleffect, not yet sure if that will give my desired outcome. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Is there anyway I can sync login information for RO accounts to boards like IPB or phpBB? Registering through FluxCP.
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