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  1. RCharles's post in Question about making a patch with grf thor. was marked as the answer   
    You need to edit file that correspond to your custom item:
    If you need to change idnum2itemdesctable.txt
    You open that idnum2itemdesctable.txt and just add
    A potion made from ground Red Herbs that restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.
    Weight :^777777 7^000000
    then load it on thor maker. What you are doing is just to use the file and just add lines if necessary.
  2. RCharles's post in lua and lub files was marked as the answer   
    Look for your lua version that fits your client.
    here: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/Lub%20Files%205.0.2/
  3. RCharles's post in newbie request was marked as the answer   
    There is a tool could Quest Maker, its a very simple tool for creating a quest NPC. It generates the script automatically.
    Link: http://vince.dc.free.fr/Quest%20Maker%20v3.0.rar
    Also, as it will generate simple script, try looking at the script so you can familiarize how is it being done.
  4. RCharles's post in How to add a Custom Map the Server ... was marked as the answer   
    This is a video of BrowEdit Tutorial on how to Add custom map into your server.

    I hope that will really make you understand now..
  5. RCharles's post in Can i request a script on the ff. quest npc thanks was marked as the answer   
    Try using this..
    Or maybe you can learn simple quest scripting from this example:
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