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Everything posted by Skullz1

  1. It's equal. I compared my skill.c with skill.c's repository, and it's all normal. :(
  2. That's the point @Blokerxz. I've tested this skill in many maps with different sizes of water arround me and this skill never hit two times, or more. And I've tested on deluge, teacher's skill, and nothing changed, just only one hit ?
  3. Hi, I'm having some problems with skills waterball and fireball. These two skills are hiting only one time, even level 1 or level 5 skill. I compare my archives with the repository and it's equal. It's not doing this repeatable hits on target, it's doing only one hit and the skill stops. How can I fix this? Thank you!
  4. Hello, How Can I block HP drain when I'm in berserk/frenzy? Doesn't matter if i'm a Lord Knight or using a LK Card with other classes. For exemple: Solar Sword, or Sky Deleter Card... I don't want this "lifesteal" effect working in my server. I hope you understand, guys! Thank you. Sorry my bad English.
  5. Ty! I solved that way: if(BaseClass==Job_Thief && getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),5) == 34){ bonus bCritical,30;} That's my solution if anybody else need. Close this topic, please! asdfasdf Dasdf
  6. Hi, I'm having a problem. I created a custom card to increase critical damage when equipped with katar. This is my script: 16103,Thief_Card,Thief Card,6,,10,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; if(getequipid(3)>=1250 && getequipid(3)<=1299) {bonus bCriticalRate,30;}},{},{} But, it's not working. When this card is equipped with katar my critical, my critical isn't increasing. How can I fix that? Ty! PS: sorry my bad English.
  7. Hi, I don't know where I need to post this, but I think it's in src. I my emulator I have a system to reset my char, like in the game MU. Every time I reset my char, more status I gain with this. BUT, when I reset my char to level 1 again, all my itens are removing automaticly. I want to remove this option, and when I reset my char, I want to stay with my equips equiped. Is anybody knows how to do this? Thank you very much! ps: sorry my bad English.
  8. Olá, Existe alguma maneira de impedir que meus itens sejam removidos do personagem quando eu renascer? No meu servidor eu criei um sistema de resetes (igual no MU), porém quando eu renasço, todos meus itens são retirados, mesmo sem mudar de mapa. Teria como retirar isso? Atenciosamente, Skullz1
  9. I solved this error. Close here, pls. And sorry
  10. Hi, None of my NPC's that have "dispbottom" commands is working in my emulator. I'm using a newest emulator with new refineUI. For example: - script gobind -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("go","gobind::OnAtcommand",1,99); end; OnAtcommand: set @warp$,.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; set @warp,@warp$; // map name,x,y,level requirement, group id minimum requirement if(@warp$ == "0" || @warp$ == "principal") { callsub Process,"prontera",156,175,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "1" || @warp$ == "pr" || @warp$ == "pro" || @warp$ == "pron" || @warp$ == "pront" || @warp$ == "prontera") { callsub Process,"prontera",156,175,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "2" || @warp$ == "moc" || @warp$ == "mor" || @warp$ == "moro" || @warp$ == "moroc" || @warp$ == "morocc") { callsub Process,"morocc",156,93,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "3" || @warp$ == "gef" || @warp$ == "geffen") { callsub Process,"geffen",119,59,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "4" || @warp$ == "pay" || @warp$ == "payo" || @warp$ == "payon") { callsub Process,"payon",177,101,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "5" || @warp$ == "al" || @warp$ == "alb" || @warp$ == "alberta") { callsub Process,"alberta",192,147,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "6" || @warp$ == "iz" || @warp$ == "izl" || @warp$ == "izlude") { callsub Process,"izlude",128,114,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "7" || @warp$ == "ald" || @warp$ == "alde" || @warp$ == "aldebaran") { callsub Process,"aldebaran",140,131,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "8" || @warp$ == "xmas" || @warp$ == "lutie") { callsub Process,"xmas",147,134,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "9" || @warp$ == "co" || @warp$ == "com" || @warp$ == "comodo") { callsub Process,"comodo",209,143,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "10" || @warp$ == "ju" || @warp$ == "yu" || @warp$ == "juno" || @warp$ == "yuno") { callsub Process,"yuno",157,51,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "11" || @warp$ == "ama" || @warp$ == "amat" || @warp$ == "amatsu") { callsub Process,"amatsu",198,84,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "12" || @warp$ == "gon" || @warp$ == "gonr" || @warp$ == "gonryun") { callsub Process,"gonryun",160,120,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "13" || @warp$ == "um" || @warp$ == "umb" || @warp$ == "umbala") { callsub Process,"umbala",89,157,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "14" || @warp$ == "nif" || @warp$ == "nifl" || @warp$ == "niflh" || @warp$ == "niflheim") { callsub Process,"niflheim",21,153,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "15" || @warp$ == "lou" || @warp$ == "ly" || @warp$ == "louyang") { callsub Process,"louyang",217,40,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "16" || @warp$ == "jaw" || @warp$ == "jawa" || @warp$ == "jawaii") { callsub Process,"jawaii",249,127,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "17" || @warp$ == "ayo" || @warp$ == "aya" || @warp$ == "ayothoya" || @warp$ == "ayathoya" || @warp$ == "ayothaya") { callsub Process,"ayothaya",151,117,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "18" || @warp$ == "ein" || @warp$ == "ein1" || @warp$ == "einbr" || @warp$ == "einbro" || @warp$ == "einbroch") { callsub Process,"einbroch",64,200,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "19" || @warp$ == "lhz" || @warp$ == "light" || @warp$ == "lighthalzen") { callsub Process,"lighthalzen",158,92,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "20" || @warp$ == "einbe" || @warp$ == "ein2" || @warp$ == "einbech") { callsub Process,"einbech",70,95,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "21" || @warp$ == "hu" || @warp$ == "hug" || @warp$ == "hugel") { callsub Process,"hugel",96,145,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "22" || @warp$ == "ra" || @warp$ == "rach" || @warp$ == "rachel") { callsub Process,"rachel",130,110,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "23" || @warp$ == "ve" || @warp$ == "vei" || @warp$ == "vein" || @warp$ == "veins") { callsub Process,"veins",216,123,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "24" || @warp$ == "mosc" || @warp$ == "mosk" || @warp$ == "mosco" || @warp$ == "moscov" || @warp$ == "moscovia") { callsub Process,"moscovia",223,184,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "25" || @warp$ == "man" || @warp$ == "manuk") { callsub Process,"manuk",282,138,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "26" || @warp$ == "spl" || @warp$ == "splen" || @warp$ == "splend" || @warp$ == "splendide") { callsub Process,"splendide",197,176,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "27" || @warp$ == "br" || @warp$ == "bra" || @warp$ == "bras" || @warp$ == "brasi" || @warp$ == "brasil" || @warp$ == "brasilis") { callsub Process,"brasilis",182,239,0,0; } //RebuildRO if(@warp$ == "28") { callsub Process,"pvp_n_1-1",106,100,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "29") { callsub Process,"force_1-1",100,120,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "30") { callsub Process,"pay_fild05",90,90,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "31") { callsub Process,"gld_dun02",80,33,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "32") { callsub Process,"gld_dun01",119,17,0,0; } if(@warp$ == "33") { callsub Process,"gld_dun04",99,99,0,0; } else { dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; dispbottom " Use: @go # "; dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; dispbottom "0=Cidade Principal 1=Prontera 2=Morroc 3=Geffen 4=Payon"; dispbottom "5=Alberta 6=Izlude 7=Al De Baran 8=Lutie 9=Comodo"; dispbottom "10=Yuno 11=Amatsu 12=Gonryun 13=Umbala 14=Niflheim"; dispbottom "15=Louyang 16=Jawaii 17=Ayothaya 18=Einbroch 19=Lighthalzen"; dispbottom "20=Einbech 21=Hugel 22=Rachel 23=Veins 24=Moscovia"; dispbottom "25=Manuk 26=Splendide 27=Brasilis "; dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; dispbottom " RebuildRO"; dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; dispbottom "28=Mapa dos Mvps 29=Mini Boss 1 30=Mini Boss 2"; dispbottom "31=Super Party 32=Level1 - Payon 33=Leve2 - Geffen"; dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; end; } Process: set @group,getarg(4); set @mapname$,getarg(0); set @x,getarg(1); set @y,getarg(2); if(@group < 0) { if(getgroupid() < @group) { dispbottom "[RebuildRO] : Você não tem permissão para usar este comando"; end;} } warp @mapname$,@x,@y; end; } This code was working very well in the other rathena emulador. In this new, the command works fine but the dispbottom is not showing the options when I enter only "@go". And all NPC's of mine are having the same problem. How can I fix it? ps: Sorry my bad English. Thanks!
  11. Didn't work because I'm not using de VIP emulator. I programmed my own VIP system. I'll fix this manually putting conditions comparing my groupid Thank you for helping me!
  12. I need this working for VIP, not normal player, only VIP's.
  13. Hey, I'm having problems with bindatcmd in my NPC's while I'm creating new commands. This command works for everyone (players, vip and GM): bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",0,99; But when I change this command for that: bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1,99; It stops working correctly and works only for GM's. All NPC's of mine are having the same problem, then I think is my emulator but I'm not sure. How can I fix that? Thanks! PS: I'm using the newest version with refineui. Sorry my bad English.
  14. Olá, Estou tendo problemas com o comando "bindatcmd" quando eu limito os grupos para qual o comando deve funcionar. Exemplo: bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",0,99; // Funciona para todo mundo, tanto player, quanto vip, quanto GM. E quando eu coloco para funcionar só para vip, ele não funciona. bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1,99; // Funciona apenas para GM. Alguém tem ideia de como consertar isso? Agradeço desde já. edit: Estou usando a última versão, com o refineui.
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