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Files posted by DarkIrata

  1. Free

    Server Monitor

    !! UPDATE !! 
    If there is still interst in this project, and you really would like a update with better performance. Write me a private message. I would like to renew this, but i dont have any server to test it. Also if no one want a new version, i dont see any reason to rewrite it.
    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    This application is made for windows servers, since it doesn't make much sense to have something like this on a linux system.
    Login-, Char- and Map-Server gets started without a window. All Output is redirected to this application so you can see all 3 windows in 1 application.
    Version 2.2.6 is really old, but still have some "nice" features like coloring of [info], [status], etc.
    Also it counts different messages. (Error, Warning, ...)
    1. Download the newest Version.
    2. Unrar it & Place it where you want.
    3. Start the Application and go to "Options".
    4. Configurate the Path to your executables.
    5. Click on Start.
    Have fun.
    I'm sorry. This project is by the time i changed this, about 4,2 years old. After cleaning my github i deleted it without thinking about it.
    The only thing i can say is.. it was a horrible source code... I'm sorry for all the developers who looked at it. ^^

    >> Please, no mirrors without asking. <<



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