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  1. yesterday was my first time farming in hall of abyss. i misteleported on the chests frequently because of how small it is. is there any easy way to change the treasure model into guardian so that it's more visible. i play on official server. and I only know how to do simple edit with grf & act editor.
  2. I downloaded NEMO but it doesn't have patch for removing fade animation. I'm guessing I will have to create one myself? I tried adding random patch. But no matter what I add, the client always recognize the change and gave an error message 'File Checksum changed'. I have no idea what that means. Sorry I'm really no expert on computer and programming in general. I only know how to play games. Anyone have an idea of what can be done to solve this? EDIT: I just realized I'm posting in the wrong sf. Please mod-san move my thread to graphic support. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for replying. I've only used grf & act editor. I wasn't familiar at all with the term 're-diff'. But thanks for the info, I will google it. And I just googled it. You need a program called NEMO. I'm reading about it now. Hopefully this can work on official client and will solve my problem. Thanks again.
  4. When a monster/npc is moving out of your screen their sprite gets a fade animation for a split second before they disappear. Is there a way to disable this? Instead I want them to keep their sprite "RGB color code" without fading before they disappear. The reason for this is I'm using keyboard macro "loop pixelsearch+teleport" when searching my hunting target. I change the monster sprite to a unique color so that the teleport loop will automatically stop if my target is on screen. I've been using this method for leveling, farming, boss/mvp. The problem is if the target is fading out of the screen, the sprite "RGB color code" will also change. The change is also affected by its current background texture, so I can't for example just add more pixelsearch for every fading animation's frame. I often miss my target this way even though I can clearly see it on my screen. If anyone can help me, it will be very much appreciated. P.S. I play on official server. Hope it's okay to ask about official server here.
  5. I see. But I've seen people with edited grf in my server. How do they do that? I would buy from them but theirs don't have gutterlines either, only flatmap. Guess I'm stuck with /where to find gutterlines.
  6. Hi everyone. I play in idro official server. I want to edit my maps to show gutterlines using grf editor tool. This is my first time trying to edit grf. But when I try to edit my grf this showed up. I just downloaded the game from the official site. I don't know the encryption password. Can anyone help me? What do I have to do now? I don't know anything about programming or anything like that. Thank you.
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