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About chevansea

  • Birthday 12/15/1990

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Yoona's Heart ♥
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  1. seems you're missing to setting DATA.INI. try to download data+lua+lub and put them into your own grf files. and... i suggest you don't marked "read data folder first", just IMO.
  2. Oh, it's not your LUA/LUB. it's because you mark "Enable Official Fonts" when you're patching. if you don't have these files, unmark "Enable Official Fonts".
  3. is there any error messages ? like lua error? you can search client lua and lub here : http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/ make sure you choose matches for your client. And... about lub files, just join with lua files.
  4. what do you mean "renewal monster sprite"? just patch your kRO and use latest client..
  5. thanks everybody who replied at here thank you so much :3 !
  6. Hi! i want to ask about how to give npc's delay aftar i was finished his quest? hm.. for example. i already finished quest A from NPC X, and i want to take the quest again, but i must waiting 3hours to take the quest again. Thanks before. and sorry for my english T_T
  7. satan? satan morroc? AFAIK it's already in rAthena.(CMIIW) Naght Sieger? it's in Endless Tower isn't ? Pori-pori -> i never hear that quest
  8. Does anyone have this script npc ? xD
  9. Upgrade working copy changed default folder to be SVN folder. not update the version of svn. so this menu didn't need .svn folder but make .svn folder. That's all i know.
  10. Hum, just right click > and choose "SVN Upgrade working copy" if you already have tortoiseSVN.
  11. whoah! thanks malufett!
  12. Hi! does anyone can help my problem? i use Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 OS winXP and, the problem starts when i recompile :| this is the image : Thank you before! can anyone help me please ?
  13. Hi! i'm looking for a VPS hosting which like this : - Support International Connection - OS WindowsXP - RAM 1GB - Price under US$20 (or AUS$20) I'm so sorry if i entered wrong subforum.. Thank you.
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