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Posts posted by kimjoshua99

  1. Hello, I need help when I'm equipping my custom weapons it always disconnecting right after I double-clicked it to equip then when I'll try to enter the game again it is saying "the map is not available". Btw I'm using 2015-11-04 client.

    https://imgur.com/a/Qlwt6Lp here is the screenshot of my custom weapon in-game as well as my files

    My db\import\item_db

    30281,30281,Banryu,5,,,400,200,,3,4,0x00000080,7,2,2,4,1,1,103,{ bonus bHit,100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,57,100; },{},{}

    My System\itemInfo.lua

    	[30281] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "",
    		unidentifiedResourceName  = "",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Banryu",
    		identifiedResourceName = "30281",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"[^00C5FFDemureRO Custom Item^000000]",
    			"Hit + 100",
    			"Increase damage of ^ff0000Brandish Spear^000000 by 100%",
    			"Class :^777777 Spear^000000",
    			"Attack :^777777 200^000000",
    			"Weight :^777777 40^000000",
    			"Weapon Level :^777777 4^000000",
    			"Required Level :^777777 50^000000",
    			"Applicable Job :^777777 Lord Knight Class^000000",
    		slotCount = 4,
    		ClassNum = 103

    My luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\weapontable.lub

    [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_30281] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR,
    [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_30281] = "_30281",
    WEAPONTYPE_30281 = 103,

    Only my custom weapons are not working but custom hg/armors are working. Please help me thanks!

    And the error I can only see in the terminal is

    [Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters!


  2. 8 hours ago, Zutcer said:

    you have a mistake with the date of your lua file, update your kro.
    i'm sorry for my little knowing of english. i hope u can understand me :(

    Thanks for the reply, but i got updated lua files and kro client. I got 2 servers to test on same client files, the other one when i use @allskills it's working for taekwon but for the other one, it won't.

  3. Hi, im encountering a problem right now. Everytime im trying to use @allskills for taekwon master job, nothing happens. It just says that skills added but in reality there was no skills added. Im using latest revision of rathena and it's only happening for taekwon. Here's a screenshot of it. IMAGE

    When i try to minimize the skill window, i can add points to the skill but when i clicked apply, nothing happens. The skills still are not there.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Help. I use 2010-07-30 client and I've already set in mmo.h the client ver. And this is a freshly installed server, when I tried to @item a headgear, the item appears in the inventory but when I try to equip it, it doesn't show in my character, but I can see the item when i try to relogin while the headgear is still equipped, when I try to change headgear, again it cannot be seen. But when my friend tried to equip headgear, i can see it but he cant see it in his client(same situation as me) and vice versa.


    edit: i cant also equip any items, like knife or cloth

  5. Oh i'm sorry, but i've tried to run a 2013-06-05 client (and yea i'm 32bit, sorry again), and it opens up, it's just that my palletes are not working there, so i then changed again to 2012 client.


    Just try to use virtual machines, if there is no other solution.

  6. qzmA2UX.jpg



    So this is my problem, my weapon won't show correctly, what i mean is that the weapon that is showing is just a plain sword, what i want is like Naght sieger that it shows not a plain sword. I've tried another custom weapon, it shows the weapon but it is always on the floor, it is not wield by the character.



     1191,valkyrian_broad_sword,Valkyrian Broad Sword,4,,,10,250,,,4,0x00000080,7,2,2,4,1,1,2,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,KN_BOWLINGBASH,100; },{},{}




    ^4682B4EqRO^000000 Custom Item.




    1191#Valkyrian Broad Sword#














    data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\ÆäÄÚÆäÄÚ_±â»ç ( i think this is for knight with peco? )




    data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\±â»ç ( i think this is the knight without peco peco? )












    I think that is all the information that i changed in the files, and im using 2012-04-10 client.

    As you can see i've used 1191 as item id, 1190 is the last id next to dagger which starts at 1201, so i have space.


    I've also tried to use this http://rathena.org/board/topic/79646-release-2012-04-10a-with-no-weapon-item-id-restriction/

    but im getting error which is this.




    Please help me, thanks!


    EDIT: So i thought i've solved my own problem, i noticed that my "ÆäÄÚÆäÄÚ_±â»ç"  and "±â»ç" files are for id 13423 which is wrong so it should be 1191, that needs to correspond to other files. But here is a new problem, the custom weap was showed but it is on the ground.




    As you can see from the screenshot, that the weap is on the floor, actually it disappear then appear then disappear again.

  7. Thanks for replying, and so i just tested with read data folder and load lua before lub, with same client, so that i would not be repacking again and again the grf. And still the same output, and oh, btw. i've tried with armor, it's the same, it's just plain white, no sprite and no image.

  8. Im using a 2012-04-10a client, i've already diffed it, i've unchecked read data folder first, and load lua before lub since i've read many post saying that using lua will not be good since it will take you to many errors and when i use auto select recommended patches, and asked for the headgear viewid something, i've put 5000. My error is that i cant see either the sprite or the image of my custom item, here is a sample of it.

    EDIT: From these picture, you'll be observing that my "Texture" folder is in capital "T" i've just notice it after posting, and so i've change it to small "t" then repack again my grf but no luck, its still the same


    I've also edited my itemInfo.lub, i've use the item converter program. Here are my files


    The num2* files, they are all the same with the idnum2* files, that's why they are not included in the picture.

    Please help me, Thanks in advance.

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