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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. Hello, I would like to know if there are scripts that exist for login message. i did an RP mode on my server and i use the Groups.conf to make extra ranks. basically a new player is no longer a player but a villager and when the villager player or an admin sends a message to the server. a bit like the @who command it tells us the name of the group ect. I would like the login message to tell us Villager Gollum just logged in.
  2. I change all the file to test but it still does not work item_db 3000,Black_Aerial,Black Aerial,4,,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,512,,1,0,1650,{},{},{} AccesoryID.lub ACCESSORY_Black_Aerial = 1650 1650, iteminfo.lua [3000] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Black_Aerial", unidentifiedResourceName = "Black_Aerial", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Black_Aerial", identifiedResourceName = "Black_Aerial", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Type:^6666CC Costume^000000", "Emplacement:^6666CC Haut^000000", "Poids:^009900 10^000000", "Niveau requis:^009900 1^000000", "Classes:^6666CC Toutes les classes^000000", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1650 }, ACCname.lub [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Black_Aerial] = "_Black_Aerial",
  3. Hello I'm having a hassle when installing custom on a tutorial I followed. I took the Pre-renewal version But I meet this when I equip the item custom. Turotial follow : Client.exe : 2017/06/14
  4. Yes everything is good on this side. But I do not understand why that makes mistakes? is it that I previously installed custom maps and cards? I also wanted to know if all customs can be implemented in any client version
  5. Hello, I encounter some problems with the implementation of custom on my server. I am with a 2018 version and a RagexeRE 20170614, all customs are put and works well when I do @item but when I want the equipped I gravity. I specify that all customs wanted are costumes. I thank you for the help.
  6. Hi, i want changing language thor patcher version : Thank for help.
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