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Everything posted by Imbecile

  1. Hello sir @Haziel. I already followed your way. It worked! But when i used the @bodystyle, my sorceress and sura become black. Did i do something wrong? I use client 2015 btw
  2. THIS IS IT! OMG YOU ARE A GENIUS @Cyro! Thank you so much for sharing this with me sir. Thank you so much!
  3. what a great script @Cyro! thanks! but it's not what i mean sir. i guess my explanation are really bad so people can't understand what i'm trying to tell. here lemme give you an example : i run some event. the event ends after the event, i gave the player a password you click the npc, it ask you to input the password. if the password are correct, the npc will give you items but it can only be claimed once for every event and if i want to run another event, the password can be resettable. and if the password are already reset, other player can claim the items again but only once for every event i already tried every script that i found on the forum. but still doesn't solve my problem so sorry for the bad explanation before sir
  4. Hi everyone. I have a question too. how to make a event npc with password that if you put the password correctly, it will give you items. but the password can be reset for every event and the items can only be claimed once for every event. i saw once on some private server, i've try every script but it doesn't work sorry for the complicated request. just wondering if you guys got the same script and wouldn't mind sharing it with me thank you
  5. Hi everyone. I have a question too. how to make a event npc with password that if you put the password correctly, it will give you items. but the password can be reset for every event and the items can only be claimed once for every event. i saw once on some private server, i've try every script but it doesn't work
  6. ah i see. thank you so much @Aureon for the explanation!
  7. ah so if i type @maprecall prontera, every players in the prontera will be warped at me right?
  8. dear @Cyro hello sir. can i ask something? how this work? i already inputing the script and yes the commands actually doing something. but it's only doing a black screen for a moment and not warping player or me to other map. what is the proper command to use this script? thank you for your cool script btw
  9. Ah i get it! Thank you so much sir @sader1992! This help me a lot sir!
  10. How can i put the npc on the non walkable area sir?
  11. Thank you @Haziel for the crystal clear information. I will try it later. Many thanks for you sir. God bless you!
  12. Hello, is it possible to put npc on off coordinates map? I want to put a fishing spot npc on the water. But i can't check the coordinates because its off map
  13. you mean this sir @Haziel? @model <hair style> <hair color> <cloth color> @hairstyle <default: 0-27> @haircolor <default: 0-8> @dye <default: 0-4> @bodystyle <default: 0-1> Changes appearance based on the given parameters. The min/max values are set in '/conf/battle/client.conf'. Appearance changed via @bodystyle won't save unless 'save_body_style' is enabled in '/conf/battle/client.conf'
  14. Hello sir. I have put the sprites on my grf. but when i use @bodystyle, only the sorceress costume won't change. Can you help me?
  15. Hello. Can anyone help me? I'm having an login issue. So, there's a player who playing on my server. Suddenly, his region got blackout, electricity went off. And after the blackout finished, he trying to login on my server, but always got result "Failed To Connect To Server". I've tried everything. Checking clientinfo.xml, checking the IP etc. But he still can't login. And then one idea comes up. I'm trying to turn off my gepard hack shield, and ask him to login. He can! But when turn on the gepard hack shield, he can't login again. I'm contacting the provider and asking about it, but they got no idea what happen. Is there anyone got same issue like this on your server?
  16. sorry sir. newbie here. so i have no idea where to put my issue. so sorry
  17. Hello there, newbie here. I'm using rathena PACKETVER 20151104. Full renewal I got some problem with my skill buff like increase agi, blessing, impositio manus etc. Whenever i click on a buff npc or get buff from other player, my luk status got minus and the skill got no effect. Like in the picture below. Please can anyone help me?
  18. oh sorry, wrong issue. it's whenever i got buff like increase agi, blessing etc, my luk dropped to -1 and the skill got no effect to the char. please, can anyone help me?
  19. oh sorry, i run a renewal server. i already found what the cause is. it's from gloria skill. my healer provide a gloria skill. everytime someone click the healer, the luk got minus. the minus status won't gone along with the skill effect. can you help me sir?
  20. Can anyone help me? The luk status on my ragnarok suddenly got minus. Example : A new character will got luk status like this : 1 + -51 Please help
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