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Posts posted by Tofee

  1. I am having trouble fixing this problem. please help me.

    I was using the same patcher/config/web files on our test server, and it works perfectly fine.we are setting up our real server, this patcher is giving me this error. I already changed the url's (basic thing to do when setting up) and that's all I changed on my config.ini and main.ini. so I really don't know what's the problem here. I know that my url's is correct because my notice box is perfectly fine and working. I will give a free patcher design on anyone who can help me fix this. TIA

    Notice Box





    //Allow patching or not?
    //Should patcher ignore everything else and finish patch immediately?
    //if not, what message should appear?
    policy_msg=Server is taking a nap.



  2. 10 hours ago, Jey said:
    *mobcount("<map name>","<event label>")
    if (mobcount (.map$,.mob) <= .quan) {
    monster .map$[.t],0,0,"Time Void",.mob,.add,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPrize";

    Mobcount needs an event label as second paramter and you're missing the array index of the map. Also your if clause seems to be always true?

    Anyways your OnTimer will never trigger, because the npctimer hasn't been started. Just try to add an initnpctimer at the end of your event initialisation.


    sorry, where exactly should I add initnpctimer?

  3. -	script	Invasion	-1,{
    set .t, rand(getarraysize(.@map$));
    set .cnt, 1;
    set .killed, .quan;
    announce "Siege Guardian : The Time Voids are invading "+.map$[.t],0;
    monster .map$[.t],0,0,"Time Void",.mob,.quan,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    set .item_size,getarraysize( .item );
    set .@prize, rand(1,100);
    if ( .@prize > 50 ) {
    getitem .item[ rand( .item_size ) ],1;
    if (mobcount (.map$,.mob) <= .quan) {
    monster .map$[.t],0,0,"Time Void",.mob,.add,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPrize";
    killmonster .map$[.t],"All";
    announce "Siege Guardian : Thank you for defending "+.map$[.t],0;
    set .add, 1; // Number of Additional Spawn
    set .quan, 100; // Number of mobs spawned for each non-MVP wave and mobcount
    set .mob, "3074"; // Mob id
    setarray .item, 7528,14565,14556,14553,14559,14562,14568; // Rewards
    setarray .map$[0],"prontera","morocc","aldebaran"; // Add all the map warps you want your invasion to take place at random

    I can't get what's wrong, my script is not stoping 15sec after it starts. Help guys.
    script should run: onhour: spawn 100 mob > onkill: get item > spawn mob until mobcount is 100 > and all this should run for about 15seconds. I need suggestions and advice for improving.

  4. Hi guys, i'm new in scripting. Just want to ask you guys to help me improve this and correct the strings.

    -	script	World Boss	-1,{
    OnHour09: //Nyd
    killmonster "hu_fild06","All";
    monster hu_fild06,143,298,"Great Nidhoggr",2022,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    announce "Siege Guardian : Great Nidhoggr has been revived by the Elder spirits.";
    OnHour03: //FBH
    killmonster "ve_fild07","All";
    monster ve_fild07,103,85,"Great Hibram",1871,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    announce "Siege Guardian : Great Hibram has been revived by the Elder spirits.";
    OnHour15: //Great Bapho
    killmonster "All";
    monster prt_fild06,69,255,"Great Baphomet",1039,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    announce "Siege Guardian : Great Baphomet has been revived by the Elder spirits.";
    OnHour21: //Satan
    killmonster "All";
    monster moc_fild12,221,286,"Great Satan",1916,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    announce "Siege Guardian : Great Satan has been revived by the Elder spirits.";
    announce "Siege Guardian : Peace has been restored! Thank you!";

    Script structure is, OnHour: a certain mvp will spawn in a certain map(exact spot) -> announce "spawned" -> onkill: announce.

    and if you guys can add a getitem to all players that participated in the event. (like consolation price) TIA

  5. On 7/12/2013 at 6:04 PM, Emistry said:




    setarray .item,512,512,512,512;

    set .item_size,getarraysize( .item );



    getitem .item[ rand( .item_size ) ],1;




    what if i want to add a drop rate too. like 10% chance of getting item on kill.


  6. On 4/21/2017 at 3:32 PM, Cyro said:

    just add mote items in itemdb like emistry example givem by emistry in the script

    i want 1 item only . that can enchant any types of equips but different random effects set depending on the type of equip.

    oh ok i get it. but can someone guide me please :P what item execute the script and what script should i put on the (stones)

    stone0 = triger
    stone1 = str+1
    stone2 = str+3
    stone3 = int+1
    stone4 = int+3
    stone5 = dex+1
    stone6 = dex+3

    what if i want the enchants on headgear random str and dex only
    weapon random int and dex only


    help with this error on compiling.


  7. On 1/10/2012 at 5:55 PM, Emistry said:

    try this


    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{
    // What Item you want to Make ?
    set .GiveItem,5001;
    // Item Requirements + Amounts
    setarray .Item[0],
    for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 )
    if( countitem( .Item[.@i] ) < .Item[.@i + 1] ){
     for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 )
      mes "Need "+.Item[.@i + 1]+" x "+getitemname( .Item[.@i] );
    if( select("Make ^FF0000"+getitemname( .GiveItem )+"^000000:Cancel") == 2 ) close;
    for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 )
    delitem .Item[ .@i ],.Item[ .@i + 1 ];
    getitem .GiveItem,1;
    mes "You have Make ^FF0000"+getitemname( .GiveItem )+"^000000";
    announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has made ["+getitemname( .GiveItem )+"]",0;



    what if i want an input of how many items i want to make? and i want this  part to count the item. 

    mes "Need "+.Item[.@i + 1]+" x "+getitemname( .Item[.@i] );


    mes "you only have",;

    mes "<item count>/6 <item name>";

    instead of just echoing how many items is required

  8. @Judas 

    Can you help me construct my client side for my server? I want to use 2013-12-23 Ragexe, I know the basics because I had my own server(solo dev-ing/self-taught) but after 2 years of being busy at college, I don't know what to do, what the recommended files to download. Years back when I'm still learning I am using your client guide(Judas' Bible) that's why you're the first person I think who can help me.

    Sorry, i can't message you so I just posted this here.

  9. @Emistry Can you make this as an npc please? Same flow but can you make the effects randon ex. stat +1 and stat +2 and all equip except accessories. then the usable item will be the required item on to enchant. Thanks in advance.

    how do i add more stats effect equip.

    ex. for armor i want (str+1,agi+1,dex+1) then for weapon i want (str+1, agi+1, dex+1 ,attack+1%)

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