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Everything posted by megasundown

  1. good. So I'm going to test thanks for the help you can close topic, vlw even
  2. Type place + option in hexed it n uncheck hide map and hide hid
  3. Yeah, I tried but the same mistake
  4. Hello, I am modifying this hexed and wanted to activate the options: hide map and hide quest 2014-10-22bRagexe.exe
  5. Sorry to make a new topic to resurrect an old one that I did not explain right to right, well I diffused a 2014 hexed in the version 2.6 nemo I activated an option and it gives this error: http://prntscr.com/fr3htw, http: //prntscr.com/fr3i1o. I want to enable hide map and hide quest. But the 2 give errors does anyone know why and how to solve them?
  6. Good I tested with 2 hexeds, 2014 and 2012 and 2 gave the same error, I tried to use another dff hexed but has no hides option ..
  7. god. i want edit hexed To remove map & nav option these options in nemo are available but of the error when activating them, does anyone know why? Is there some hexed that leaves her clean with everything hide?
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