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Posts posted by Kiso

  1. It can be done, but a lot of things will be lost intranslation or would look wonky. One such thing that will be directly affected would be the freedom of movement; the 3D world of RO2 isn't designed with a grid in mind, so you would have to either recode the server to support the Cartesian coordinate system on all 3 axises and bounding boxes (how the world of RO2 is deisgned, or you would have to "frankernstein" the current RO1 bi-axial system for movement. Either one doesn't work with the other well, and both would require a great effort to implement in any remotely acceptable manner.

    Like I said, it can be done, but you're always better off getting the thing to work from scratch. Code a server system from scrat that would take the current formulas and make it work. Code a custom client made with the intent heavily use 3D models instead of 2D sprite chars (I can't stress this enough, don't use xray, sakexe, ragexe, ragexeRE, etc. I think Open Ragnarok was working on the premise that you could make RO1 3D. Dunno how fas have they gone or if that ide has been dropped.). Rework animations to so that really fast movements don't screw up your computer's resources or the models themselves and so that they don't look weird when they go 193 on each other (remember the high-speed movement effect they use in anime/manga? well, that can be one way of doing it).

    You could therotically use the current RO formats and tools to works as the package system, but at that point if you're going to use a 3D engine to make the game, you may as wekk go full throttle and use the tools and formate provided by the engine itself, that is, if you're not willing to work through the whole process of making new tools and support the file formates to read the new game models and animations and what not.

  2. Greetings, folks.

    I'm one of those refugees that has come from the eA forums after coming back there and noticing the eerie feel of having "no activity" in there.

    Hope i am welcome here. I kinda just like messing with servers offline... I'm the tinkerer type. I always wanted to make a private server of my own, but I never did it under the principle that I wanted to have a fully licensed server from kRO or something along those lines. That and I ha no money avaialble to make a server and keep it runnig at the grade that I would expect it to.

  3. I more than once thought about making a party system for mobs so that MVPs don't just summon slaves, but that they are actually partied in a sesne and that they could get customized to have party-wide buffs like Magnificant or Gloria. You could only imagine the rape that would ensue should Alpoccio and Trentini Partied up to do Loki on the players while their mob slaves buffed up and chewed through the desperate players as they cried for mercy.

    The extension of this idea was making the server create "dummy" accounts that would have preset characters that could be instanced in some form to be placed in player-owned parties (or they could just group up and party each other) so that they could get buffs and work as a unit. The intended goal for that was to artifically increase the amount of people that took part in WoE battles either in small population servers or in large ones to make it look like an actual war. This would mean that these mobs would resemble actual player characters for all intents and purposes, and they would have gears of their own and all that. And finally, they would have a set of skills that they would do, depending on the job class and the AI type that the player chose.

    Finally, to make sure balance is maintained, the number of these "NPC/AI players" (I couldn't really call them Mercenaries because of how fundamentally different they are) would be made proportional to either: a)the amount of online guild members, b)the level of the castle's economy, c)a fixed amount that you can reach, or d)a combination of the above . This final part is more related to giving players a chance to have their castle still be defended in the event that player couldn't come online for whatever reason (not like attacking guilds wouldn't have them in the first place, just not in the same quantities).

    They would also be limited in what things they would do and would not do. For example, a limitation would be to cap their level and stats to a point lower than players, to make actuall players stand out as the "hero units". Another thing that these AI players would be limited in is only aiding the players, these mobs would never directly target the Emperium or Prevent an ecall from happening. They would also not target the guardians, and instead would flee from them (or maybe the guardian system could be replaced with this "AI player" system... idk...). in PvE, these mobs would not gain EXP for the player unless the player deals more than at least 60% damage to the mobs and they would also not give drops to the players (the loots they get are discarded form the server). Finally, they would never target MVPs, and instead would go into "flee" mode or "support" mode to just support the player if they can buff or heal.

    Meh, I don't think I'll ever get to see that or make it myself since I don't know much of coding, and what I did know of coding has long since been forgotten due to lack of constant practice.

  4. IF what you want is just to make the 3D models of RO2 (LotS, right? Not GotW?), then you could probably do it if you create a custom client that can read the models. The main problem would be to have the 3D models work like in the first game, and that may may be very resource intensive (ol computers might not run the game at all). You'd also be faced with making the whole world fit the characters (actually make the world around them feel like it was made for people like them) if you ever are interested in making the players interact with it (something that most people will be keen to try), like sitting on chair the way people would do normally. At that point, you are better off designing a server system from scratch to fit your client.

    So, yeah, although you can say for certain that it's possible, it's not safe to say it's feasible in any length of the word.

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