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Posts posted by Jonald

  1. On 10/7/2017 at 12:28 AM, SpiritD said:

    No no no no... you're doing it wrong /heh 


    step 1: remove Kiel card item script (make Kiel card do nothing on it's own)

    step 2: add the function to your script_custom.conf (this has the logic to control the combo)

    step 3: change your Expert Ring item script back to normal (it doesn't work anyway)

    step 4: add the line I posted to item_combo_db.txt (this will activate the Kiel card + expert Ring combo)

    how about my 1 kiel effect with no expert ring?

  2. @SpiritD i got script but when i equipped sprint armor sprint shoes 1 sprint ring and 1 expert ring 1 kiel = -70% after cast delay


    2703,Expert_Ring,Expert Ring,4,30000,,100,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ if ( isequippedcnt(4403) >= 2 && isequippedcnt(2703) < 2 ) bonus bDelayRate, -70 / isequippedcnt(4403); else bonus bDelayRate, -25; },{},{}


  3. 1 minute ago, Jonald said:

    function script expertKielNum { if(isequippedcnt(2703) == 1 && isequippedcnt(4404) == 1) { return -30; } if(isequippedcnt(2703) == 2 && isequippedcnt(4404) == 2) { return -60; } else { return 0; } }

    where i can put this? item_db.txt?

  4. On 10/3/2017 at 1:49 AM, SpiritD said:

    first of all remove the Kiel Card script from item_db.txt ... this new script will replace it


    4403:2703,{ callfunc "expertKielNum",@num; bonus bDelayRate,@num; }

    then add this script somewhere

    function	script	expertKielNum	{
    	if(isequippedcnt(2703) == 1 && isequippedcnt(4404) == 1) {
    		return -30;
    	if(isequippedcnt(2703) == 2 && isequippedcnt(4404) == 2) {
    		return -60;
    	else { return 0; }


    Haven't tested it because it's hard to test something like this... maybe one of the more experienced scripters can check it out if it doesn't work

    Okay i will try it now btw thank you man

  5. 17 minutes ago, SpiritD said:

    You don't need a combo for -70%...

    kiel card = bonus bDelayRate,-30; (each)
    expert ring = bonus bDelayRate,-5; bonus bUseSPrate,5; (each)

    2 kiel + 2 Exper Ring = -70%

    2 kiel +1 Expert Ring = -35% (Only 1 kiel and 1 Experting will work)

    2 kiel = - 30% (Only 1 kiel will work)

    3 kiel +2 Expert Ring = 70% (Three kiels will not work instead only 2 will work)

    like that @SpiritD

  6. 1 minute ago, SpiritD said:

    You don't need a combo for -70%...

    kiel card = bonus bDelayRate,-30; (each)
    expert ring = bonus bDelayRate,-5; bonus bUseSPrate,5; (each)

    i know i dont need a combo but i just want to get the kiel + er combo 

  7. 2 minutes ago, SpiritD said:

    so I don't understand what's the problem???

    The problem is my kiel + er combo failed to work i equipped 1 er 1 kiel its working -70% after cast delay thats my script

    2703,Expert_Ring,Expert Ring,4,30000,,100,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ if ( isequippedcnt(4403) >= 2 && isequippedcnt(2703) < 2 ) bonus bDelayRate, -70 / isequippedcnt(4403); else bonus bDelayRate, -30; bonus bUseSPrate,5; },{},{}


  8. 2 minutes ago, SpiritD said:

    ... Kiel card goes on Headgear and there are no 2-slotted headgears unless you add it custom. Therefore you cannot have 2 Kiel card on at once I thought?

    What are you trying to achieve, -70%? And you're saying with the items above, you do NOT get that -70%?

    I dont have 2 slotted headgears in my server. Yep -70% only works if equip by 2 expert ring and 2 kiel

  9. 2 minutes ago, SpiritD said:

    I'm sorry but I do not understand. Could you explain again in as much detail as you can?


    2kiel cards + 2 expert ring = -70% after cast delay

     wont work without the two rings.. 2 kiel worn together, only one kiel will take effect.. only one kiel should take effect even wearing 2-3 kiels considering kiel is -30% after cast delay..

  10. Can you help me with this gympass npc not adding weight

    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= 
    //= Gym Pass Cash Item NPC
    //===== By: ================================================== 
    //= Kisuka
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.3
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= [Official Conversion]
    //= Exchange Gym Passes to learn "Enlarge Weight Limit"
    //= iRO NPC situated in Payon beside Kafra Shop.
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
    //= 1.0 First version [L0ne_W0lf]
    //= 1.1 Fixed the NPC saying you "00" [L0ne_W0lf]
    //= 1.2 Replaced effect numerics with constants. [Samuray22]
    //= 1.3 Updated script, and fixed potential errors. [L0ne_W0lf]
    payon,173,141,4	script	Ripped Cabus#GymPass	899,{
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "Hey, there. People aren't";
    	mes "as physically active as they";
    	mes "used to be. Even if you fight";
    	mes "for a living, your body might";
    	mes "be weak and flabby in some";
    	mes "areas. Know what I mean?";
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "Hey, train with me, and I can";
    	mes "guarantee that you'll be able";
    	mes "to lift and carry more of your";
    	mes "stuff. Just gimme your";
    	mes "^FF0000Gym Pass^000000 each time,";
    	mes "and we'll be good to go.";
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "But don't get too excited:";
    	mes "no matter how much training";
    	mes "I take you through, you can";
    	mes "overdo it. You ever hear of";
    	mes "anyone that got too buff?";
    	mes "That's cuz they're dead. See?";
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "I'd say that it'd be safe";
    	mes "for you to seriously train";
    	mes "with me and increase your";
    	mes "item carrying capacity ^FF000010 times^000000.";
    	mes "So... Are you ready to sweat?";
    	switch(select("Yes:No:Um, my workouts wore off.")) {
    	case 1:
    		if (gympassmemory < 10) {
    			set .@add_carry,gympassmemory + 1;
    			set .@remain_carry,10 - .@add_carry;
    			if (countitem(7776) > 0) {
    				mes "[Ripped]";
    				mes "Oh, awesome, I see you";
    				mes "brought your Gym Pass.";
    				mes "Alright, just do what I do,";
    				mes "and try to feel the burn.";
    				mes "Ready? Let's do this.";
    				specialeffect2 EF_EARTHSPIKE;
    				specialeffect2 EF_DEVIL;
    				specialeffect2 EF_COIN;
    				specialeffect2 EF_SIGHTRASHER;
    				mes "[Ripped]";
    				mes "There, you should be able";
    				mes "to carry more stuff with you.";
    				mes "Let's see, we can increase";
    				mes "your item carrying capacity";
    				mes "^FF00000" + .@remain_carry + "^000000 more times if we continue";
    				mes "training together like this.";
    				delitem 7776,1; //Max_Weight_Up_Scroll
    				set gympassmemory,.@add_carry;
    				skill "ALL_INCCARRY",.@add_carry,SKILL_PERM_GRANT;
    			else {
    				mes "[Ripped]";
    				mes "Dude, what'd I tell you?";
    				mes "You gotta bring me your";
    				mes "^FF0000Gym Pass^000000 if you wanna";
    				mes "work out, and build up your";
    				mes "item carrying muscles.";
    		else {
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "Dude, I don't think we can";
    			mes "build up your item carrying";
    			mes "muscles anymore than that.";
    			mes "It's too dangerous for your";
    			mes "body if we even tried! C'mon,";
    			mes "I told you about the limits.";
    	case 2:
    		mes "[Ripped]";
    		mes "Aw, that's too bad.";
    		mes "Well, come back if you";
    		mes "change your mind. Tell";
    		mes "your friends about me:";
    		mes "if they're flabby, I'll help";
    		mes "get them in shape.";
    	case 3:
    		if (gympassmemory > 0) {
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "What happened?";
    			mes "You let your item carrying";
    			mes "muscles just atrophy? Lucky";
    			mes "for you, there's such a thing";
    			mes "as muscle memory. It's won't take";
    			mes "as long to build 'em back up...";
    			specialeffect2 EF_EARTHSPIKE;
    			specialeffect2 EF_DEVIL;
    			specialeffect2 EF_COIN;
    			specialeffect2 EF_SIGHTRASHER;
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "How about that?";
    			mes "Your item carrying";
    			mes "muscles grew back,";
    			mes "just like that! Try not to";
    			mes "wimp out again, okay?";
    			skill "ALL_INCCARRY",gympassmemory,SKILL_PERM_GRANT;
    		else {
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "Uhh...";
    			mes "We didn't work out";
    			mes "together before.";
    			mes "I'm sure about that.";


  11. 36 minutes ago, Sryx said:

    You can find the CashPoint variable on acc_reg_num.

    Post your script so people here in rA can check your script.

    Wait i post my script. my script is working but cash points not adding up

    -	script	cashpoints	-1,{
        announce "The system have been reloaded, please relog again to get more points.", bc_all;
        .point_name$ = "cash points";
        .point_amt = 1;    // Normal points gained.
        .dlimit = 600;    // Stop points if afk greater then in seconds. 600s = 10 minutes
        .enable = 1;
        .level = 0;
        .online_time = 360; // One hour = 3600 seconds
        bindatcmd "ht", "cashpoints::OnAtcommand", 0, 100;
        if (BaseLevel >= .level)
            #idle = 0;
            @backup_time = 0;
            if (!#acctick || #acctick > .online_time)
                #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time;
                #acctick += gettimetick(2);
                @idle_time = checkidle();
                if (checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1 || @idle_time >= .dlimit)
                    #acctick += @idle_time; // Add idle time
                    #idle = 1;
                    dispbottom "The hourly points event haulted because you were vending, chatting, or idle.";
                    dispbottom "Please relog again.";
                    sleep2 1000;
                    @backup_time = .@time_left = #acctick - gettimetick(2);
                    if (.@time_left <= 0)
                        #RP += .point_amt;
                        #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time;
                        dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #RP + " points.";
                        .@time_left = .online_time - .@time_left;
                        .@Time$ = "";
                        .@Minutes = .@time_left / 60;
                        .@time_left -= (.@Minutes * 60);
                        if (.@Minutes > 1)
                            .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minutes, ";
                        else if (.@Minutes > 0)
                            .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minute, ";
                        if (.@time_left > 1 || .@time_left == 0)
                            .@Time$ += .@time_left + " seconds";
                        else if (.@time_left == 1)
                            .@Time$ += .@time_left + " second";
                        if (.@Minutes == 15 && .@time_left == 0 || .@Minutes == 30 && .@time_left == 0 || .@Minutes == 45 && .@time_left == 0)
                            dispbottom "You spend a total of [" + .@Time$ + "] playing.";
                if (#idle)
        // BackUP online time
        if (BaseLevel >= .level)
            if (@backup_time)
                #acctick = @backup_time;
        if (BaseLevel >= .level)
            if (#idle)
                .@Time$ = "";
                .@Minutes = @idle_time / 60;
                .@time_left = @idle_time - (.@Minutes * 60);
                if (.@Minutes > 1)
                    .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minutes, ";
                else if (.@Minutes > 0)
                    .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minute, ";
                if (.@time_left > 1 || .@time_left == 0)
                    .@Time$ += .@time_left + " seconds";
                else if (.@time_left == 1)
                    .@Time$ += .@time_left + " second";
                dispbottom "You been idle for " + .@Time$ + ". Please relog again.";
                .@time_left = @backup_time;
                .@Time$ = "";
                .@Minutes = .@time_left / 60;
                .@time_left -= (.@Minutes * 60);
                if (.@Minutes > 1)
                    .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minutes, ";
                else if (.@Minutes > 0)
                    .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minute, ";
                if (.@time_left > 1 || .@time_left == 0)
                    .@Time$ += .@time_left + " seconds";
                else if (.@time_left == 1)
                    .@Time$ += .@time_left + " second";
                dispbottom "You have [" + .@Time$ + "] left in able to gain a reward points.";



    28 minutes ago, Sryx said:
      #RP += .point_amt;
      #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time;
      dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #RP + " points.";

    Find this line then change the #RP to #CASHPOINTS.

    Okay i will try it now ill be back later thank you


    @Sryx hey bro it worked thank you so much 

  12. // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // -           rAthena Pre-Renewal Primary Scripts File         -
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    //  The idea of this new system is to make scripts more organized
    // since the old system was rather messy with all the NPCs in one
    // file. Now scripts are organized in to files arraged by type.
    //  Custom scripts are now in scripts_custom.conf, all other 
    // scripts are deemed as 'official'. You should place your NPCs
    // in to scripts_custom.conf to follow the trend.
    // Thanks,
    //  Ancyker and the rest of the rAthena Team
    // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//"
    // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves
    // only as information/reference.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------ Global Scripts Functions ------------------
    // Utilitarian functions used by many scripts.
    npc: npc/other/Global_Functions.txt
    // -------------------- Cash Shop Functions ---------------------
    // Used by cash shop items in the Item Database.
    npc: npc/other/CashShop_Functions.txt
    // ------------------- Common Script Files ----------------------
    import: npc/scripts_athena.conf
    import: npc/scripts_guild.conf
    import: npc/scripts_jobs.conf
    import: npc/scripts_mapflags.conf
    import: npc/scripts_monsters.conf
    import: npc/scripts_warps.conf
    // ----------------- Pre-Renewal Script Files -------------------
    import: npc/pre-re/scripts_athena.conf
    import: npc/pre-re/scripts_jobs.conf
    import: npc/pre-re/scripts_mapflags.conf
    import: npc/pre-re/scripts_monsters.conf
    import: npc/pre-re/scripts_warps.conf
    // Test for regressions and such
    //import: npc/scripts_test.conf
    // ------------------- Custom Script Files ----------------------
    // - Your NPCs go in this file!
    import: npc/scripts_custom.conf

    here my pre renewal script_main.conf

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