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Everything posted by WolfRawr

  1. Hello ! I'm having some trouble with the server i created recently and i couldn't find a way to solve this, almost everytime we try to log in we get this DB Error in logserv and we get the message LOST CONNECTION TO THE SERVER but then after a few tries we can get in... Another issue similar to this one is that when we use foods the same thing happens, we don't lose connection to the server but we get the DB ERROR message on mapserv and we cannot move, we cannot do anything for like 5 seconds. Same thing happens when we use commands, not any specific command, any command can cause this even @night @day, anything. I'm leaving the log of the logserv down here : DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\login\account.c:514 - SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass `,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,` lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`character_slots`,`pincode`, `pincode_change` F ROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = 2000002 [SQL]: DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\login\account.c:514 - SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass `,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,` lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`character_slots`,`pincode`, `pincode_change` F ROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = 2000001 I'm leaving the log of the mapserv down here [Info]: 'AlphaSix' logged in. (AID/CID: '2000002/150013', Packet Ver: '55', IP: '', Group '99'). : DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\map\log.c:370 - INSERT DELAYED INTO `atcommandlog` (`atcomman d_date`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`, `map`, `command`) VALUES (NOW(), '2000002', '150013', ?, 'prontera', ?) [Info]: Character 'AlphaSix' logged off. [Info]: 'AlphaSix' logged in. (AID/CID: '2000002/150013', Packet Ver: '55', IP: '', Group '99'). [Info]: Character 'AlphaSix' logged off. [SQL]: DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\map\mapreg.c:239 - UPDATE `mapreg` SET `value`='786' WHERE `v arname`='$DTS_Time' AND `index`='0' LIMIT 1 [SQL]: DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\map\mapreg.c:239 - UPDATE `mapreg` SET `value`='796' WHERE `v arname`='$DTS_Time' AND `index`='0' LIMIT 1 [SQL]: DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\map\mapreg.c:239 - UPDATE `mapreg` SET `value`='806' WHERE `v arname`='$DTS_Time' AND `index`='0' LIMIT 1 [SQL]: DB error - Lost connection to MySQL server during query [Debug]: at ..\src\map\mapreg.c:239 - UPDATE `mapreg` SET `value`='816' WHERE `v arname`='$DTS_Time' AND `index`='0' LIMIT 1
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