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Everything posted by Blahguy

  1. They look identical to me. Edit: I see it now. Thanks
  2. I've made significant changes to skills in the game, but have not touched the traps in battle.c. DEX seems to be adding an absurd amount of damage to traps while INT adds the normal amount. Has anyone run into this problem before and can help me pinpoint something else that might be affecting them? Here is my battle.c for traps: case MA_LANDMINE: md.damage = skill_lv * (sstatus->dex + 75) * (100 + sstatus->int_ / 100); break; case HT_BLASTMINE: md.damage = skill_lv * (sstatus->dex / 2 + 50) * (100 + sstatus->int_ / 100); break; case HT_CLAYMORETRAP: md.damage = skill_lv * (sstatus->dex / 2 + 75) * (100 + sstatus->int_ / 100); break; After some more testing, each point of DEX seems to add 500 damage to Land Mine while INT only adds damage in multiples of 100. A level 5 Land Mine with 66 DEX and 6 INT deals 70,500 damage to a Poring. Raising the INT to 100 added 700 damage to Land Mine, but only once INT was 100 and nothing in between.
  3. I edited my previous comment explaining my blunder. It's all fixed now. Thank you!
  4. Hm yes. I fixed that part of it. Still getting the same errors, though. Thanks for the help regardless! I figured out the error with the lord of the dead card. I'd removed all of the atf_short so it could be used with long range attacks as well, but it requires changing the bonus3 to bonus 2 in order to do so. Aaaand I know why I'm also getting the error on the high wizard card. For some reason I thought the script meant I could ignore a flat amount of mdef. It actually just completely ignores mdef so no number was needed.
  5. That's why I'm confused. Those lines are correct. I have a ";" after the 500 and a "," after demihuman. I'm using mysql for the itemdb. Here are the two lines copied out of it. '4276', 'Lord_Of_Death_Card', 'Lord of The Dead Card', '6', '20', NULL, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500; bonus3 bAutoSpell,\"NPC_CRITICALWOUND\",2,50;', NULL, NULL '4365', 'B_Katrinn_Card', 'High Wizard Card', '6', '20', NULL, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '769', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_Player,20;', NULL, NULL
  6. I'm pretty new to this. I just exported the sql db into a csv file and copied it over to show you, so the formatting might look weird. As far as I know, they look exactly as you've shown. bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_CRITICALWOUND",2,50; Error one expects a comma where the semicolon is after Eff_Stun,500 bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_Player,20; Error two expects a semicolon where the comma is after RC_DemiHuman I've changed quite a few card effects and item effects already, but only these two give me errors
  7. They are slightly modified cards 4276;"Lord_Of_Death_Card";"Lord of The Dead Card";6;20;0;10;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;2;0;0;0;0;"bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500; bonus3 bAutoSpell,""NPC_CRITICALWOUND"",2,50;";"";"" 4365;"B_Katrinn_Card";"High Wizard Card";6;20;0;10;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;769;0;0;0;0;"bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_Player,20;";"";""
  8. I'm receiving these errors when loading the map server and I'm not sure what the problem is. script error on item_db line 1853 parse_callfunc: not enough arguments, expected ',' * 1853 : bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500';' bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_CRITICALWOUND",2,50; [Error]: script error on item_db line 1942 parse_line: expected ';' * 1942 : bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_DemiHuman','20; bonus bIgnoreMDefRace,RC_Player,20;
  9. Thanks for the guide! It helped tons in getting started. Can't wait to start learning
  10. Blahguy


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