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Everything posted by Leehalt

  1. - Cool thanks, so where do i store the music? data/wav? or does it have to be in bgm? - Umm, I searched high and low but I dont seem to have a mp3nametable.txt, do i have to pull this one out of rdata/data.grf?
  2. - This has been in my mind for some time now, How do i put BGM on custom maps? -> I wanna know the directory to store the music in [does it have to be in bgm or can i have it in grf?] -> What file do I edit? - Oh and how do I change patcher music? =x - Thanks for the help guys.
  3. - start button -> search box: "cmd" -> right click cmd hit run as admin -> in cmd window: "cd path/to/luac5.1.4.exe -> type luac5.1.4.exe -o outputhere filehere .........1............................2..........................................3....................................................................4.......................................5......................... [1]-[2] : start button -> search box: "cmd" [3] : right click cmd hit run as admin [4] : in cmd window: "cd path/to/luac5.1.4.exe [in my case it was cd C:\Users\Auldrich\Desktop\Server Files\Client side\lua2lub] [5] : run the file by calling it, giving it a command [ luac5.1.4.exe -o skilldescript.lub skilldescript.lua ] - Note that all files need to be in the same directory. As shown in the final image, the compiled lub file will also be created in that same directory. - Try that, see if it works for you? - Lol, I compiled a fresh skilldescript.lub so i can demonstrate the thing with screenshots xD Oh and as always, you can just click on the image to make it larger since its an attachment. =x
  4. May I ask you Leehalt, what's wrong with your luac.exe? Maybe you didn't use the right syntax? - lua2lub.exe looks for luac5.0.2.exe exclusively, but since I have luac5.1.4.exe, it didn't work, I had to use luac5.1.4.exe via CMD - Also, the reason why i didn't have [or dont use] luac5.0.2 was because it's compiles doesn't seem to wanna work with my client, once i switched to luac5.1.4, there were no errors, and my items were translated ingame. I remember seing something about how luac5.1.4 is best for the err, more recent clients, though I can't really back that up, since thats just what I remember, and through all this, I've gone through a crap ton of data from site building, publishing, DNS, to serverside, to client side, soo I can say for certain, my memory will get messed up at some point xD I need to get used to stuff before i start remembering them properly lol.
  5. - That works but it retains the size, when you compile it via luac5.1.4 or anything else, its size goes down, great for adding stuff in the grf, because it gets alot smaller. - Still thanks for pointing that out, i'm sure some people would prefer that route over mine xD
  6. - Hmm, I see the problem now, I couldnt compile my lua to lub because the txt to lua thing errors with something like "expected to close at line 75999" so i got one from svn and compiled that, but luac5.0.2 wouldnt work so i tried luac5.1.4, lua2lub wouldnt accept it so i went the old fashioned way start -> cmd -> Run as Admin -> Type CD [directory to luac.5.1.4] (would look like cd c:/users/desktop) -> Type in "luac5.1.4.exe -o itemInfo.lub itemInfo.lua" to compile lua. - Worked like a charm, might help those using windows 7 x64 as it has issues with the lua2lub compilers, youre going to have to use the command line for this one guys.
  7. - Omg I've been looking for those lubs, tanks nanaki!
  8. - Wait so, in the end, how was this resolved? I used item converter to get itemInfo.lua then convert that to lub and put it in my system folder, but my items are still in korean o.o...
  9. - Like I said, this doesnt seem to work for me, I have my DATA.ini edited aswell as having my client diffed to accept multiple grfs, if anyone doesnt mind, can someone compile a list of resources for client stuff [clients, lubs, weediff compatible plugins, client resources, data folder ] in one post, specify a "preferred" or "Stable" setup, get it pinned, so we can see it for reference when we encounter snags like this? >.< - I'd do it myself but I'm solo deving my server including the site, so its going to take me a while to actually get this done since im going to need to actually remember/look for the places i got these files from, which shouldnt be that hard but still, whom ever else wants to do it, it would be great, otherwise, I'll do that once im not too busy, unless we dont wanna do that o.0 ============================================================= Edit ============================================================= - Okay so, I found out what the problem was after hours of pondering and not sleeping lol. - GRF has to be compiled from where the "data" folder is, not from the data folder itself so, its C://GRF/data/... Can't believe I missed that. Just didnt think it wouldnt add the folder itself since it did say "Add folder" not just folder content xD Either ways, that was my miss, thanks though for the help.
  10. - I have a question, but first off, I noticed that regardless of how i diff my client to read data folder first or not, the client doesn't wanna read ANY of my grfs for some reason, [ I diffed it to read multiple GRFs aswell ] - So on to the question, how do I add GRFs for my client to read? The old usual way was editing DATA.ini but even if i do that, nothing really happens. Client: 2012-04-18
  11. - Ahh thanks for the advice, I figured out what my problem was. The code missing was: 0x007d,2,loadendack,0 - The problem was that Somehow packetver 5 was magically deleted, I just got a copy from the SVN and plugged in my ver31, since i didn't see any 0x007d with the find function, as you suggested xD
  12. - I had that same problem, try using a client with the default icon instead of switching to your custom icon.
  13. - Hey guys, I've gone around looked for fixes and stuff but couldn't find a fix for this one Map Server log: [Warning]: clif_parse: Recieved unsupported packet <packet 0x007d, 2 bytes received>, disconnecting session #3 - Map server tells me the character is disconnected from the mapserver, but clientside, youre online and cant do anything, have to alt+f4 to exit game. My Packet Version: //2012-04-18aRagexeRE packet_ver: 31 0x01FD,15,repairitem,2 0x023B,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0361,5,hommenu,2:4 0x08A8,36,storagepassword,0 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,4:8 0x0802,26,partyinvite2,2 0x022D,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x0281,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x035F,6,ticksend,2 0x0202,5,changedir,2:4 0x07E4,6,takeitem,2 0x0362,6,dropitem,2:4 0x07EC,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0364,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x096A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x08E5,41,bookingregreq,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections 0x08E6,4 0x08E7,10,bookingsearchreq,2 0x08E8,-1 0x08E9,2,bookingdelreq,2 0x08EA,4 0x08EB,39,bookingupdatereq,2 0x08EC,73 0x08ED,43 0x08EE,6 0x08EF,6,bookingignorereq,2 0x08F0,6 0x08F1,6,bookingjoinpartyreq,2 0x08F2,36 0x08F3,-1 0x08F4,6 0x08F5,-1,bookingsummonmember,2:4 0x08F6,22 0x08F7,3 0x08F8,7 0x08F9,6 0x08FA,6 0x08FB,6,bookingcanceljoinparty,2 0x0907,5,moveitem,2:4 0x0908,5 0x08D7,28,battlegroundreg,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections
  14. - Hey guys, does any one know how to get the skill's unit ID for skill_unit_db.txt? I wanna add a few skills to that so it bypasses cicada. - Thanks in advance. Layout: ID,unit ID,unit ID 2,layout,range,interval,target,flag Sample: 27,0x81,0x80, 0, 0, -1,all, 0x00E //AL_WARP - Soo, how do they get 0x81 and 0x82? Is that assigned randomly or am i suppose to find specific unit IDs for skills?
  15. - Dang, that's close enough but i kinda want something like an HPvanishrate where they lose x% hp n% of the times - Thanks tho - Guess there isn't any, thanks for helping XD
  16. - I just wanted to know if there was any way you can deal damage depending on the enemy max health? Like how percentheal works but it affects the target instead of yourself? - Thanks.
  17. - Does anyone know if there is an onequip script or any kinda item script for the miracle of star moon and sun? Kinda wanna put it in a SG Book. - Btw SG Means Star Gladiator or Taekwon Master - Also, no I dont want to set it so that miracle is always on by conf. - Thanks.
  18. - First off, hello everyone, I'm Leehalt, I'm new here at rAthena. Nice to meet you. - Anyways, I wanted to know if the anyone knew if there was a something we can you in the script to check for account id instead of character id. Like for example: function script ryx1 { set @chnam$,strcharinfo(0); if (@chnam$ == "GM%%%") goto L_TEA; end; L_TEA: [insert desired effect here] - I wanna know if there are some other variables we can use to replace strcharinfo(0) to get account id (user name or the id itself, persay 2000005 or whatever) - Would changing the value to 1 or 2 do anything? [ strcharinfo(0) ---> strcharinfo(1) ] ================================================================================================================================== - Edited! Thanks for anyone that saw this and tried to look it up but I solved my own problem. Case Problem 1: Replacement for strcharinfo *getcharid(<type>{,"<character name>"}) This function will return a unique ID number of the invoking character, or, if a character name is specified, of that character. Type is the kind of associated ID number required: 0 - Character ID number. 1 - Party ID number. 2 - Guild ID number. 3 - Account ID number. 4 - Battle ground ID Case Problem 2: strcharinfo value *strcharinfo(<type>) This function will return either the name, party name or guild name for the invoking character. Whatever it returns is determined by type. 0 - Character's name. 1 - The name of the party they're in if any. 2 - The name of the guild they're in if any. 3 - The name of the map the character is in. If a character is not a member of any party or guild, an empty string will be returned when requesting that information. - This was actually in the scripting manual, Its nice and useful. You will find it at rAthena/doc/script_commands
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