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Everything posted by lionellex

  1. did everything u said, created GRF files from data folder, but i do not know how to include "izludefix.grf" in the "data.ini cos mine looks like this. 0=earthfall-ro-update.grf 1=earthfall-ro.grf 2=rdata.grf 3=data.grf So where do I put my izludefix.grf And yes izludefix.grf is in my game folder.
  2. yes sir. I'm really new, could you please guide me on a little? I've downloaded the system, data file. What should i do next?
  3. Guys, I'm having this problem with Izlude. Picture above. This warp will send you to the weapon/armor shop. Swordman's guild warp is gone. Anyone know how to solve this? Thanks.
  4. Hi, I tried looking for this but I couldn't find it. EDIT: Forgot to mention i'm in PRE-RE. thanks guys!
  5. Sorry sir, This section "announce "Current Earthfall rates are: 3."+($@brate-100)+"x 3."+($@jrate-100)+"x 3."+($@drate-100)+"x",bc_all,0xFF6060;end;" Does it match the floating rates i set? Because its gonna announce the rates once active right? I don't want the players to get misinformation.
  6. Hi guys, I would like to ask some question about this floating rate script. on the announce area, did I set them correctly? Matching the bonus rates that I'm trying to give?
  7. Hi, I'm a noob server admin... trying to create my own server. Anyways, can someone tell me how to disable/delete this npc in Prontera? Please & thank you!
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