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Posts posted by v00m3r

  1. clientinfo na ngayon.. wlaa ng sclient.. make sure yung luafiles mo eh.. directory d2 na luafiles514/luafiles. data.ini mo? make sure na unang read yung custom grf mo.. tska tama cia.. make sure yung read data folder first eh nakadisable.. kung ayaw padin follow sir judas thread. and also yung read lua before lub disable dapat. http://rathena.org/board/topic/65579-judas-client-side-area/

    kung ano date client mo make sure eh yung lua mo gnun din date or pataas

  2. well..i have tested around...43 times if i am not mistaken...nothing goes wrong..still work fine with it.

    anyway, i am going to add auto shut down even if no one join / able to answer it so that it wont stay open all the time.

    wait for the next release , i will release it when i got time... currently busy with my school exam and events.

    - sir your right. i think there is no wrong. ive seen this morning. the npc work fine.. my players dont have anything or experience something wrong.. i dont know why when i was the one i cant get the correct answer. :S

  3. on diffing your client.. did you check read lua before lub? what extension are you using? .lua or .lub?

    what client date are you using?

    read data folder first: false <- make sure your files are in the grf..

  4. Try this..

    change this


    to this one.. dont forget the underscore. It should always have underscore..


  5. @v00m4r

    did you edit anything in the script ?

    when answering the question, your character must only said the answer without any extra words..

    - yup only numbers.. I only edit the place of the monsters.. and i use flowers.. and the place of the npc.. i mean is.. if the npc automatically starts then no one joins.. then again the time comes that it will automaticall start again. when you answers correctly nothing happens..

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