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Posts posted by SlashGeeGee

  1. Hi rAthena,


    Just recently I added 2 custom weapons, but then it gave me errors in console. it say's insufficient columns with item id 0 but there is item id 0. there's also invalid format.


    here are my entries :

    1633,Custom Staff,Custom Staff,5,20,,1000,200,,1,4,0x00818314,63,2,2,4,80,1,10,{ if(BaseClass == Job_Sage) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_FIREBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_COLDBOLT",10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,10; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_FIREBOLT",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_COLDBOLT",5; if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_FIREBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_COLDBOLT",10; bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus bInt,10; } } } if(BaseClass == Job_Wizard) { bonus bInt,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_STORMGUST",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_METEOR",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_VERMILION",5; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bInt,5; bonus bMatkRate,10; if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bInt,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_STORMGUST",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_METEOR",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_VERMILION",10; } } } if(BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { bonus bHealPower,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AL_HOLYLIGHT",20; bonus bInt,5; bonus bVit,5; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AL_HOLYLIGHT",5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AL_HOLYLIGHT",10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus bInt,5; bonus bVit,5; } } } },{},{}
    1482,Custom Spear,Custom Spear,5,20,,1000,200,,3,4,0x00004082,63,2,34,4,80,1,5,{ bonus bVit,10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_DEVOTION",10; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bVit,5; bonus bStr,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bVit,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bDef2Rate,-50; } } },{},{}

    here's the error :





    hope somebody could help me :D thanks in advance :) !




    BUMP. actually only this entry is causing error (modified it actually still not working) :

    1633,Epsilon_Lite_Staff,Epsilon Lite Staff,5,20,,1000,200,,1,4,0x00818314,63,2,2,4,80,1,10,{ if(BaseClass == Job_Mage) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_FIREBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_COLDBOLT",10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_STORMGUST",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_METEOR",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_VERMILION",5; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_FIREBOLT",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_COLDBOLT",5; bonus bInt,5; bonus bMatkRate,10; } if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_FIREBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_COLDBOLT",10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_STORMGUST",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_METEOR",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_VERMILION",10; } } else if(BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { bonus bHealPower,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AL_HOLYLIGHT",20; bonus bInt,5; bonus bVit,5; if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AL_HOLYLIGHT",5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; } if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AL_HOLYLIGHT",10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus bInt,5; bonus bVit,5; } } },{},{}




  2. There are no issues with your map files; this warning comes from an invalid gat cell type (in the map cache). Have you tried to overwrite your map cache with WeeMapCache (overwrite it with drag/drop)?


    tried already many times. i don't know how to check if a map has an gat error. can you check ?




  3. Hi rAthena ,


    When I start my server an SQL error pops out. and other problems too. MVP's and mobs can't move but can be killed by a player. it's like free boss drops :D


    here's a screenshot in putty :





    it say's try to repair it :)


    Hope somebody can help me :D




  4. i guess it is, but seems like it will cast  frosty mist


    i guess too that for the burning effect, the script will look similar lol


    yeah for burning effect. you must autocast dragon breath :))))


    seems like rA has no official crystallization effect yet.




  5. Found this one:


    Sropho Card

    Description: Inflicts Crystallization status effect at a certain chance on melee attack
    Compound on: Weapon
    but the script is like this.
    { bonus3 bAutoSpell,"WL_FROSTMISTY",1,30; },{},{}
    is this ok for crystallization effect ?

    This link is not complete.. :(



    >found it in the forums some time ago. credits to whoever made it.


    Here: attachicon.gifidnum2itemdesctable - pre RE descs.txt





    This thanks! Can you link it to me? The whole package?



    you only said on your topic item description. anyways . i've only got that one.


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