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Posts posted by dave23

  1. Hi,


    I have this events such as diguise jumper mushroom poring catcher but i want them to work like as euphy or emistry dice and poring catcher script. Can anyone provide it to me please?


    How can I enable them using this:


    - script DiceTrigger -1,{

    if(gettime(3) == 0 || gettime(3) == 3 || gettime(3) == 6 || gettime(3) == 9 || gettime(3) == 12 || gettime(3) == 15) donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger";


    Not sure how can I enable this to each of my event npc, I need this so that I can manage their time hourly and accurately. Thanks for who will help me with this.


    I attached my scripts.








    // Required luk to gain inmunity to status changes.

    // Luk increases resistance by closing the gap between natural resist and max 
    // linearly. This setting indicates required luk to gain complete immunity.
    // Eg: 40 vit -> 40% resist. 150 luk -> +50% of the missing gap. 
    //     So 40% + (50% of 60%) = 70%
    pc_luk_status_def: 300
    mob_luk_status_def: 300


    Are there anyone who can have this code for me please? I really need this one.

    Thank you. I had downloaded the version 16815 and this code have one unlike the new versions.


    My code from status.c was:


    case SC_FREEZE:

    sc_def = status->mdef*100;
    sc_def2 = status->luk*10 + status_get_lv(bl)*10 - status_get_lv(src)*10;
    tick_def2 = status_src->luk*30; // Caster can increase final duration with luk


    When I check it from 16815:


    case SC_FREEZE:

    sc_def = 3 +status->mdef;


    can someone tell about this please?




  3. Hi,


    Can someone help me how to get it back to old freeze status source code?


    What I actually need is like if they reach this certain stat, the player will be unfrozen and if ever didn't it will only decrease the duration of the freeze status.


    Thanks. I tried to look for it but I fail.


    Here's my status.conf if ever it will help you.




    // rAthena Battle Configuration File
    // Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
    // Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
    // Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
    // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
    // Note 3: Value is a bit field. If no description is given,
    //         assume unit types (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homun)
    // Should skill casting be cancelled when inflicted by curse/stun/sleep/etc (includes silence) (Note 3)?
    status_cast_cancel: 0
    // Will certain skill status-changes be removed on logout?
    // This mimics official servers, where Extremity Fist's no SP regen,
    // Strip Equipment, and some other buffs are removed when you logout. Setting is:
    // 0 = remove nothing.
    // 1 = remove negative buffs (stripping, EF)
    // 2 = remove positive buffs (maximize power, steel body...)
    // 3 = remove both negative and positive buffs.
    debuff_on_logout: 3
    // Adjustment for the natural rate of resistance from status changes.
    // If 50, status defense is halved, and you need twice as much stats to block
    // them (eg: 200 vit to completely block stun)
    pc_status_def_rate: 100
    mob_status_def_rate: 100
    // Maximum resistance to status changes. (100 = 100%)
    // NOTE: Cards and equipment can go over this limit, so it only applies to natural resist.
    pc_max_status_def: 55
    mob_max_status_def: 55


  4. Hi,


    I need help with my events here:



    poring catcher




    How can i change them to start hourly?


    Like disguise started next hour is dice then next hour is poring and so on.


    I tried this code: 

    -	script	DiceTrigger	-1,{
    if(gettime(3) % 3 == 0) donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger";
    -	script	PCETrigger	-1,{
    if ( gettime(3) % 2 )  donpcevent "pcetrigger::OnCatcherTrigger";

    Not sure if it will help. Thanks!

    /*SQL Configuration*/
    $address = "IP"; //Database Address
    $username = "db"; //Database Username
    $password = "db"; //Database Password
    $database = "dbname"; //Database Name
    $connect = mysql_connect($address,$username,$password) or die("Cant connect to the database");
    $select_db = mysql_select_db($connect,$database) or die("Failed to connect to the database");
    /*SQL Query*/
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `cp_news` ORDER BY modified DESC";
    $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("Failed to make select query command");
    <style type="text/css">
    background-color: #000000;
    <?php while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ ?>
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
    [<?php echo htmlspecialchars($fetch['created']); ?>] - <?php echo htmlspecialchars($fetch['title']); ?>
    <?php echo $fetch['body']; ?>
    <td align="right">
    Posted by: <?php echo $fetch['author']; ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Here's the code i edited but it's not working :(


    *I remove my ip address and user pass for privacy.


    can anyone help me here please?



    Help here please!

  6. Sir please help me with this client because i always have session 6 with unknown packet version error i dont know why.

    packet_Db version is 28

    In my patcher also i included skip packet obsfucation

    still im getting this error

    and on my mmo.h i also change that to 20111122


  7. Guys can somone make me a script for this nidhogg dungeon?

    1. A NPC that warps to the entrance of the dungeon.

    2. A NPC that tells about nidhoggr and the time it will respawn which is 4 hours.

    3. Then It will warped to the dungeon and success to the maze and finish. only every 4 hours can enter nidhoggr dungeon.

  8. Here the features:

    @warp at entrnce then an npc where they need to talk and a fee before they enter the level 1. then walk in level 1 and 2 then enters level 3

    Nidhoggr Shadow will respawn every 4 hrs



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