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Everything posted by dave23

  1. Hi, I have this events such as diguise jumper mushroom poring catcher but i want them to work like as euphy or emistry dice and poring catcher script. Can anyone provide it to me please? How can I enable them using this: Not sure how can I enable this to each of my event npc, I need this so that I can manage their time hourly and accurately. Thanks for who will help me with this. I attached my scripts. ^ cluckers.txt disguise.txt jump.txt mushroom_event.txt
  2. Hi please check my screenshot and the deluge is black. Can someone provide me the old one it's like the normal effects. Thanks!
  3. Are there anyone who can have this code for me please? I really need this one. Thank you. I had downloaded the version 16815 and this code have one unlike the new versions. My code from status.c was: When I check it from 16815: can someone tell about this please? UP up UP!
  4. I guess not. Not sure how to do to all of my scripts to automatically start every hour like diguise first then after an hour will be other event etc..
  5. Does it work like npc will start every other hour?
  6. Oh okay. Thanks about that. How about the duration for it? does it decrease too?
  7. Hi, Can someone help me how to get it back to old freeze status source code? What I actually need is like if they reach this certain stat, the player will be unfrozen and if ever didn't it will only decrease the duration of the freeze status. Thanks. I tried to look for it but I fail. Here's my status.conf if ever it will help you.
  8. Where to check that Luciar? Sorry.
  9. Hi, I need help with my events here: disguise dice poring catcher jumper clucker How can i change them to start hourly? Like disguise started next hour is dice then next hour is poring and so on. I tried this code: - script DiceTrigger -1,{ OnMinute00: if(gettime(3) % 3 == 0) donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger"; end; } - script PCETrigger -1,{ OnMinute00: if ( gettime(3) % 2 ) donpcevent "pcetrigger::OnCatcherTrigger"; end; } Not sure if it will help. Thanks!
  10. How can i check that? Sorry for the late reply.
  11. <?php /*SQL Configuration*/ $address = "IP"; //Database Address $username = "db"; //Database Username $password = "db"; //Database Password $database = "dbname"; //Database Name $connect = mysql_connect($address,$username,$password) or die("Cant connect to the database"); $select_db = mysql_select_db($connect,$database) or die("Failed to connect to the database"); /*SQL Query*/ $query = "SELECT * FROM `cp_news` ORDER BY modified DESC"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("Failed to make select query command"); ?> <html> <head> <title>Notice</title> <style type="text/css"> body{ margin:0px; font-family:Arial,Tahoma,Verdanna; background-color: #000000; } th{ font-weight:bolder; font-size:9pt; padding:5px; } td{ padding:5px; font-size:9pt; } </style> </head> <body> <?php while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin-bottom:10px;"> <tr> <th> [<?php echo htmlspecialchars($fetch['created']); ?>] - <?php echo htmlspecialchars($fetch['title']); ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo $fetch['body']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Posted by: <?php echo $fetch['author']; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> </body> </html> Here's the code i edited but it's not working *I remove my ip address and user pass for privacy. up! can anyone help me here please? up ^ Help here please!
  12. Hi, I'm new here. May I request a npc that summon only thanatos but will require an item and it only appears or be usable every 3 hours. THanks! up!
  13. yes it had custom items. just this day it got error but last night and from the start of the day of our server, it doesnt give any gravity error like that
  14. I've got a gravity error at the first login i dont know why it happens but last night and from the start there is no error like this and it made me sick because i cant fix it please help!
  15. yes ive try it already the v2 one still nothing change
  16. I already added the skip packet obfuscation still nothing happens
  17. me too ive done it already several times. still rejected from the server
  18. Sir please help me with this client because i always have session 6 with unknown packet version error i dont know why. packet_Db version is 28 In my patcher also i included skip packet obsfucation still im getting this error and on my mmo.h i also change that to 20111122 PLEASE HELP!
  19. Guys can somone make me a script for this nidhogg dungeon? 1. A NPC that warps to the entrance of the dungeon. 2. A NPC that tells about nidhoggr and the time it will respawn which is 4 hours. 3. Then It will warped to the dungeon and success to the maze and finish. only every 4 hours can enter nidhoggr dungeon.
  20. dave23

    taekwon combo

    so still no fix for this skill yet?
  21. can some one give me a fix for this bug? because even though i already have the mission the combo skills still have delay and the ready kick were not working with others.
  22. Here the features: @warp at entrnce then an npc where they need to talk and a fee before they enter the level 1. then walk in level 1 and 2 then enters level 3 Nidhoggr Shadow will respawn every 4 hrs BUMP! ^
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