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Everything posted by Chunin

  1. My friend, I am having the problem for some time and server affected badly Do you have a solution to the problem the following map which is symbolized by the number 862? I want to shut down by their knowledge or at least http://up.harajgulf.com/do.php?img=1016194
  2. Hello my friend Thanks for your reply But I do not mean how to make a NPC in my server but I want the poem fitting shape in another meaning (I want to use the following command to switch *@disguise 3062* ) http://up.harajgulf.com/do.php?img=1016132 Any other words I want to learn how to add a particular form of a certain number As well as map My friend, I am having the problem for some time and server affected badly Do you have a solution to the problem the following map which is symbolized by the number 862? I want to shut down by their knowledge or at least http://up.harajgulf.com/do.php?img=1016194
  3. Hi, I own Ragnarok server But I want to add and installation ( 3026,FIREPIT ) in my server I did not find any explanation in YouTube Thank you
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