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Everything posted by deso

  1. deso

    disable email veri

    Sir I tried to make account but when I try to login the password but when I look at the phpadmin the password is changed.
  2. Guys how do you disable email confirmation on flux cp.
  3. Anyone could fix this error?
  4. Any idea how to fix this?
  5. Does anyone have a idea why my client stop working? My kro is update when clash on woe it always happend almost all of the players receive this error.
  6. deso

    Edit pvp map

    I tried these but didn't work getmapusers("guild_vs3") menu "Guild_Vs3",R_Izlude,"Cancel",R_Cancel;
  7. Can someone edit these that you can see how many people are on the map. pvp.txt Thx in advance
  8. deso

    update svn

    I tried to type svn update but there's an error Subversion 1.7 something. anyone know how to update? My host is asurahosting.
  9. deso


    I update it with svn checkout. Sir how will I execute it?
  10. deso


    I tried to update my svn from 17339 to 17400. My problem is all of my items are lost.
  11. Does anyone know how to edit if the woe end you don't have to invest and the treasure box will respawn after woe.
  12. deso


    I'm using rAthena 17339 and I'm thinking if it has a problem because Euphy Quest Shop don't work only jellopy come out and when I put lvl 15 skills and if the skills is range like sharp shooting storm gust the range of skill doesn't work it need go closer to the place or enemy to cast that spell. I tried to update it but still the same.
  13. deso


    What time does treasure box spawn and It is it possible to change it to 9:30 PM. Thx in advance.
  14. deso

    Help with bts

    I just change the quest requirements for ronnel. I tried to replace it but still same problem.
  15. When I finish the quest and announce there's a problem and if anyone possible could you edit price if they finish quest of ronnel it will give snow crystal and 30056 id. TY bts.txt
  16. Thank your for your help guys.
  17. I tried to edit thief figure and make it luk +10 and if thief class aspd + 5% but the thief aspd + 5% won't work. 2770,Thief_Figure,Thief Figure,5,0,,0,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ bonus bLuk,10; if(Class==Job_Thief) bonus bAspdRate,5; },{},{}
  18. deso

    Multi Currency

    Where will I put in and how will I show that he/she buy that item?
  19. Guys does anyone how to edit multi currency shop by emistry when a player buy it his/her name will be broadcast that he buy that item.
  20. I use this http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2742-poring-catcher/
  21. Can anyone edit the poring catcher every 1:30 hr and the price is gold coin and 5% chance of winning gpipe. Thx in advance
  22. Thanks for the reply!
  23. Somtimes there's an automatic woe on prontera castle like 9 pm. anyone knows how to disable it?
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