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Posts posted by ryusama2007

  1. The command below shows the script overall message to sever all, but I want to change a detail help me please.


    announce "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",0;


    if I want to do so if the player is with the set titu01 it will appear ( announce "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",0; ) if it is with set titu02 will appear else ( announce "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",0; ) how can I do this is to help me give an example?

  2. hello people need a great help from you guys want to use the same system to create the getitem2 getitem3 but this getitem3 item gets stuck in the account and not leave the same only more if sold in NPC.
    Please help me one more time .......

    getitem2 @itemid, @qtditem, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,.@CHECK;

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