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Posts posted by imahman

  1. // Restricted zones - configured by 'restricted <number>' mapflag
    // 32 - restricted in zone 1
    // 64 - restricted in zone 2
    // 128 - restricted in zone 3
    // 256 - restricted in zone 4
    // 512 - restricted in zone 5
    // 1024 - restricted in zone 6
    // 2048 - restricted in zone 7



    I've trouble with mapflag ... I know this question has been asked numerous time already. I've read this topic "https://rathena.org/...uip#entry293780", i've read the mapflag wiki page and item_noequip.db. (I am on pre renewal).


    I might be dumb or something, but I still don't understand how to use it. I know that If you want to disable Fly wings on map zone 7, you just have to write "FlyWingsID",2048 on item_noequip.txt.


    But, for exemple, If I want to disable itemX on guild_vs5, itemY on payg_cas01, and itemZ on prt_cas05. How can I do that ? Because i don't want to disable one item on every GvG map, I want to disable one in certain castle only.


    My question is : How do I set a new zone ? If i want "payg_cas01" as zone 8, and payg_cas02 as zone 9, how do I do ?




    Hi, RandomKey1,

    You can edit or add a new map at trunk\npc\mapflag\restricted.txt.

    Hope this will help. :)

    • Upvote 2
  2. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Shield_Chain



    • Weapon ATK and Weapon refinement affect the damage .
    • Can use elemental property to dealing extra damage, but its forced to Neutral. Thats means ghost property still reduces the damage.


    Not working on my rAthena, no damage is increased or element is applied if a weapon is equipped.


    Found this but link is dead or broken provided by Ind to me: https://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5411-rapid-smiting/?gopid=7391


    Element works now, but Damage granted by Weapon issue still remains.

    Note: Issue also applies to Shield Boomerang. Weapon damage is not being added to Shield Boomerang's damage.

    If i not mistaken, Weapon damage does not add damage to shield boomerang. Shield Boomerang damage is affected by str and minor damages by dex and luk and also the weight of the shield. :).


    Correct me i am wrong. :)



    use turtoise svn , right klik file patch in server folder and selecet apply patch

    where should i select the folder?.. can you be specifically  explain where is the location of it?.. should i just select the server folder or src/map or any other place?



    input patch file to server folder /root

    right click and apply patch [turtoise svn] or git


    if you wrong version [server and svn emulator] patch get error, contact 



    Thanks anyway. I will try it later on. :)

    • Upvote 1

    cant really see the image here


    but take a look at this


    I have edited all 4 lines, the box still remains the same.

    i have:   Item, Fav, Eq & Etc.




    try repack or update your msgstringtable with this one.


    This works, What was different?



    Thanks a bunch!


    It is just the problem of msgstringtable. Maybe you are using the wrong msgstringtable or you messed out with your msgstringtable.

  5. The box is extremely big, Ive searched for solutions but am still having trouble.


    I have updated msgstringtable.txt

    I have edited the correct lines to single letters.

    I am using 08-07-13.


    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance!

    Can you show us a screenshot of the problem?

  6. use turtoise svn , right klik file patch in server folder and selecet apply patch

    where should i select the folder?.. can you be specifically  explain where is the location of it?.. should i just select the server folder or src/map or any other place?

  7. Greetings, Sorry to disturb guys. I have a easy question. How can i apply this patch file to the server?.. do i need any tools?


    Found the way but i got an error saying that "directory.... in not a working copy.". Anyone?

  8. I know there is a npc script that GM can set an amount of cash point at the NPC and then the player can claim the cash point from the npc. The problem is i do not know where to find the NPC. XD. Asking for people to ease my brain.  /ok

  9. May i ask where to remove the guild_vs1 and others from GVG map. Because the maps does not shows damage and auto attack. how to remove the guild_vs1 from GVG map? and enable it to show damage and auto attack like normal maps?

  10. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening sir/ miss/ madam,

    I am looking for any script that will heal homunculus.

    Actually, i am trying to make a homunculus potion. but can not find anywhere in the google.

    Any scripter actually made the script?

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