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Everything posted by Kohagura

  1. I made a hairstyle using Photoshop, and noticed upon opening the original unedited bmp, I had to check it from "Indexed" to "RGB" color in order to edit it... so I did that, and when I finished with each frame, I saved it after re-checking the "Indexed" color. It looks great in the folder, but as soon as I converted it to .spr, and tested it in-game on a test server, I could see there were obvious problems... not only with the frames I had edited, but even the frames I never touched! The second picture shows how the original hairstyle turned a funky pink-green-gray color, and that was one file I never opened, edited, or touched. Did I do something wrong when converting the files back into a .spr? I was expecting only the 3 frames which I did edit to turn wonky, but was totally not expecting it for the unedited ones. Also, I didn't change the size or names of any images, only drew over existing ones. Is it because I used the female hair to replace a male hair? I use Spr Conview, by the way. I've never tried or heard of any other sprite programs since I haven't done any since the late 2000's (didn't have these issues back then, but I was using MS Paint back then too...), so if there's any suggestions for better sprite programs, please do tell. >_< How it SHOULD look (only these 3 frames): How it looks on test server:
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