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Everything posted by chelsea45

  1. yes, i read lua before lub for the Luffy_Hat_1 the _1 it's present for all my hat (I tried to remove and i solved the crash but not the Luffy hat) i edited the lub but any difference and i can see my ragexe it's too stange beacause sometimes he crash and other times he doesn't crash but for this i think it's my Super Saiyan Hat beacause i don't have the act and spr in the ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
  2. when i change the ClassNum in iteminfo my aragexe crash (run in administrator) accessoryid.lua ACCESSORY_Luffy_Hat_1 = 2514, accname.lua [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Luffy_Hat_1] = "_Luffy_Hat", iteminfo.lub [29539] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Luffy_Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "Luffy_Hat", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "?Implant?par logiciel Mehat ?", "Class: ^777777Costume^000000", "Defense: ^7777770^000000", "Weight: ^777777100^000000", "Required Level: ^7777771^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000", },identifiedDisplayName = "Luffy_Hat", identifiedResourceName = "Luffy_Hat", identifiedDescriptionName = { "?Implant?par logiciel Mehat ?", "Class: ^777777Costume^000000", "Location: ^777777Haut^000000", "Defense: ^7777772^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000", "Required Level: ^7777771^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000", }, slotCount = 2, ClassNum = 2514, },
  3. ItemInfo.lub [29539] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Luffy_Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "Luffy_Hat", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "?Implant?par logiciel Mehat ?", "Class: ^777777Costume^000000", "Defense: ^7777770^000000", "Weight: ^777777100^000000", "Required Level: ^7777771^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000", },identifiedDisplayName = "Luffy_Hat", identifiedResourceName = "Luffy_Hat", identifiedDescriptionName = { "?Implant?par logiciel Mehat ?", "Class: ^777777Costume^000000", "Location: ^777777Haut^000000", "Defense: ^7777772^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000", "Required Level: ^7777771^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000", }, slotCount = 2, ClassNum = 0, }, for more information i use aRagexe 2015-11-04 for the moment i doesn't use a grf
  4. Help please T-T (sorry if my english it's bad)
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