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Posts posted by Zagreuz

  1. Ohh~ I thought you meant to respawn the MVP/Mini Boss. Well, wouldn't you be able to use the "Warper" instead of this NPC?

    yeap, as in term "use" the "Warper" , i would just come with this idea , but in more balance + fasten variety of playing type. I would thinking about that also.

    combining the "Warper" that have "last warp" + "numbers of playing on the map" on the main fact that the "Warper" is only warping on the Certain picked MvP/Mini-Boses only :D

  2. thanks for replying ,


    im sorry, that was not the one im looking for, but anyway thanks for your time :D


    well, actually its not spawning any mobs :D , as it will just warping player to the mvp/miniboss natural habitats ~

    and yes, also for mini-bosses, just list down the map that included on the miniboss natural habitat, like Angeling , then the player can pick which one is thier lucky map to farm the "naturally" spawned MvP/Mini-bosses.


    kinda like Tombstone, but the npc will just warp to the normal habitats of the mvp/mini-boses, or may i show you related picture of the existing npc that i have use on other server :)

  3. Normal MvP Warper

    Requesting MvP related script /ok

    as the title goes, here is my short explainantion on the future npc behalf.

    [MvP Info]

    Menu - Last Warp ( suppose to detect the last warp before )

    - MvP List ( pick an mvp list and warp to the mvp originated map spawn, exp: Fallen Bishop Hibram(abbey02) randomly warped )

    - Mini Boss List ( same as mvp list, but for mini boses )

    When selected on specific mvp ( next ) it will show the MvP information, exp :

    Name : Amon Ra

    Level : 88

    MaxHP : blablabla

    blablabla : blablabla

    and so on

    with the menu below

    (moc_pryd06 [0] <-- player counts on the map )

    click OK then it warps you to the boss lair randomly :D

    i have playing in some server with the same features , if the helping hands want some picture, i will take some screen shots from in game :)

    p/s: if the requested npc exist on any other boards, kindly stick me a link :D

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