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Posts posted by firefox26

  1. Hi guys, can i request for a NPC that can hide npcs which will make it unclickable or unusable and it can show the npc that was hidden or vice versa. This npc is very much useful for event npcs ^^ :D please help me

    Thanks a lot in advance :D

  2. Im using the latest rathena and im having trouble with these:

    OnPvPon: atcommand ""+$BR_Atcom$+"pvpon"; end;

    OnPvPoff: atcommand ""+$BR_Atcom$+"pvpoff"; end;

    br_map1,95,83,3 script Battle#ep1 430,{
    set @name$,"^FF00CCAssistante BR^000000";
    if (BR_Langue == 0) { callfunc "br_fr02";}
    if (BR_Langue == 1) { callfunc "br_en02";}
    waitingroom "Battle Manager",0;
    OnPvPon: atcommand ""+$BR_Atcom$+"pvpon"; end;
    OnPvPoff: atcommand ""+$BR_Atcom$+"pvpoff"; end;
    OnEnd: atcommand ""+$BR_Atcom$+"doommap"; end;
    br_map2,79,61,4 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep2 430
    br_map3,122,147,4 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep3 430
    br_map4,29,178,4 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep4 430
    br_map4,84,36,4 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep5 430
    br_map5,95,52,3 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep6 430
    br_map5,80,156,4 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep7 430
    br_main,65,98,4 duplicate(Battle#ep1) Battle#ep8 430

  3. Hey.... guys, i have this problem that every time i use other jobs and start viewing the skills im having an error. like when i change my job to genetic and start pressing alt+s to add and to view skill. it will error.... mostly it errors on 3rd job skills.... how can i fix this error stuff???

    Thank you in advance :)

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