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Posts posted by Shade

  1. Hi,


    I'm trying to make players who are 10+ levels higher than the monster receive zero EXP by adding the line below:

    But I still get ~10% exp as a level 99 when I'm killing low level mobs (like poring and poporing).
    If I were to set it to (1%) it works but not for 0%:
    Does anyone know why this happens? I would really like to have 0% EXP for high level players.
  2. Hi,


    I'm looking forward to edit some of the exp calculation for renewal (i.e. how fast the exp drops depending on the level difference) but I couldn't locate where it is. 


    I know this is kinda a dumb question but I really do appreciate a quick help.





    It is in level_penalty.txt. 

  3. Hi,


    I'm trying to reduce the limit of poison damage from 25% to 10% but I couldn't get myself to understand what is going on the status.c:

    case SC_DPOISON:
    // Lose 10/15% of your life as long as it doesn't brings life below 25%
    if (status->hp > status->max_hp>>2) {
    int diff = status->max_hp*(bl->type==BL_PC?10:15)/100;
    if (status->hp - diff < status->max_hp>>2)
    diff = status->hp - (status->max_hp>>2);
    if( val2 && bl->type == BL_MOB ) {
    struct block_list* src = map_id2bl(val2);
    if( src )
    status_zap(bl, diff, 0);
    case SC_POISON:
    // Fall through
    val3 = tick/1000; // Damage iterations
    if(val3 < 1) val3 = 1;
    tick_time = 1000; // [GodLesZ] tick time
    // val4: HP damage
    if (bl->type == BL_PC)
    val4 = (type == SC_DPOISON) ? 2 + status->max_hp/50 : 2 + status->max_hp*3/200; 
    val4 = (type == SC_DPOISON) ? 2 + status->max_hp/100 : 2 + status->max_hp/200;

    I don't get what the if condition means:

    if (status->hp > status->max_hp>>2) {

    Shouldn't it be:

    if (status->hp > status->max_hp*1/4) {

    Looking forward to gain a better understanding of this.




  4. Hi,


    Just to extend to this, I want to learn to edit some of the parameters in the skill, how do we add damage with condition?


    For example, I want to make Bash hits with 100% more damage if the target's HP is lower than 25%. 


    I understand that I have to put an if-condition (tstatus-> hp > tstatus->max_hp*3/4) but not sure how to add damage.




  5. Hi all,


    After 2 years of work, I finally have some room to breathe. But knowing myself, I can't live without doing some big projects so I decided to come back to rAthena. But it has been so long since I check rAthena or eAthena I need some clarification at the state of this emulator.


    It would be very useful if I get some up-to-date info on these (I don't want to code something that is already working or being worked on):


    1. Is the online cash shop fully-functioning? No, not NPC-based shops but the one that they have on the real servers (top-right cash shop button).

    2. Last time I was here, a huge chunk of 3rd job skills are still being implemented. How far are we now? Is it fully implemented with minimal bugs or are we still trying to implement those skills?

    3. Have there been any movement from Gravity to stop private servers? Well, who knows?

    4. If I were to start a server, what would be the best Ragexe to start with? (one that is best for rAthena, stable, good features and minimal bugs)


    Looking forward to you guys' reply. Also, if there's anything else that you want to update me about, please don't hesitate.




  6. Hello there,


    I am looking forward to start a big project that requires big modification almost on every aspect. Therefore, I am planning to use one of rAthena's revision and start working my way from there. I don't really have to update through rAthena anymore since most of the modification is too big and it would take a lot of time and effort to keep updating the rAthena. 


    I am just wondering, what revision of rAthena would be the best to start a big project as such? What would be the best and stable client to be used with it?




  7. The longer you run the server, the harder it is for new players to catch up. They will be inferior compared to old players. It is true about risk and what you have to sacrifice, but doesn't mean there's no way you can help the newbies. What you can do is making a cap that increases as time goes by for example every month.

    Old players would still be able to farm but you're not making it impossible for the new players to catch up with them.


    The idea is good to keep a server alive but with balance, you can achieve much more. I have my own ideas on keeping a server alive and it is similar to yours. Perhaps once I complete my server I'd be able to test out how well it works.


    Another way to make players stay is to add in new features such as maps, quest, tournaments and etc, keeping the server active and lively.


    Back to the topic, good modification, definitely one of many ways to keep a server alive but in my opinion needs a limit. There are casual players and hardcore players, old and new. When you're making a major modification, if is important to see it on different perspective.

  8. bonus2 bExpAddRace,n,x; Increase exp gained by x% vs. enemies of race n

    Hi, does this apply to both Base and Job EXP? I have to add all the races from 1 - x?

    oh so like Caracas ring (#2841)rental item 10% xp , sadly for genetic and sorcerer which you should edit :[

    2841,Caracas_Ring,Caracas Ring,5,0,,0,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,136,,99,0,0,{ bonus bInt,2; bonus bDex,2; bonus bMdef,2; },{},{}

    I checked the Caracas Ring but there is no script related to the EXP bonus, I don't get how it will give extra EXP / Drop.

  9. Hi there,

    I know there are such item effects like Bubble Gum and Battle Manual, but is there a way to make an equipment to have such effect that will last as long as the user is wearing that equipment?

    This means that EXP from all sources will be increased by 50% both BaseEXP and JobEXP.

    Thanks in advance.

  10. Hi there,

    I am trying to add in some new effects using function. Most of the other item scripts work but not autobonus for some reason. Am I missing something?

    function script F_Specialization3 {
     if (Class == Job_Lord_Knight) {
     skill 2003,10;
     bonus bDefRate,40;
     autobonus "{ bonus bAllStats,10; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MISC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_FIRESPLASHHIT; }";

    Thank you so much in advance.

  11. Well, that is weird, can I see the image.

    Uploaded using forum now.

    Should be fine now.

    Fix the fonts - tbh, I don't think a single one of them fits your overall theme. The second slider image and second news image are way overused. The black borders/backgrounds can also be redesigned.

    Thanks for your comment.

    Yeah I guess the font seems out of place.

    Was only putting that for preview, but oh well I'll change that.

  12. Hi there,

    After seeing a few sites design, I decided to try designing one myself. Yes, I know, I have a lot to improve. I am not satisfied with the result but I am not sure what to improve. Hoping you guys could give me some advice and pointers. :)



    Is it coded?

    And no it is not coded. Thinking about getting it coded after I am satisfied with the design.

    Will you release it?

    Well, not this design for sure. Just looking for some advice to improve on future designs.

  13. Hi,

    I am pretty sure this has came up sometime ago but I am still not clear about it.

    It is still possible to make two servers (different IPs and machines) with one login like how iRO splits the server. In other words, when player launch the client, he will login first before choosing server instead of choosing server before logging in.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

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