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Everything posted by angelwarrior

  1. Hi guys, I can't enable an instance npc with those scripts. My idea is when you kill a mvp(1296) the warp become enabled and you can pass to next level. But when i kills him the warp not appear. I use 2 scripts: To create instance: prontera,150,150,0 script Instanced Prontera#a 101,{ set .@instance$, "Primer Jefe"; if (instance_id()) { if (select("Enter Instance.:Cancel.") == 2) end; if (instance_enter(.@instance$) != 0) { mes "Instance entrance ^FF0000failed^000000."; close; } } else { if (select("Create Instance.:Cancel.") == 2) end; if (instance_create(.@instance$) < 0) { mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000."; close; } mes "Instance created."; close2; instance_enter(.@instance$); .@map$ = instance_mapname("pvp_n_1-3"); .@label$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,0,0,"--ja--",1296,1,.@label$,2; } end; OnMyMobDead: enablenpc instance_npcname("warpmvp1"); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); disablenpc instance_npcname("#warpmvp1", instance_id()); end; } to warp appear when i kill mvp (npc is in map): pvp_n_1-3,83,116,5 script PoringSpawner1 139,{ end; OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1296) { /* - if player kill several monsters in few seconds, spam of enable/disable Set a variable when timer start then clear when end */ getmapxy(.@mapa$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@mapa$ == "pvp_n_1-3") { enablenpc instance_npcname("warpmvp1"); end; } } end;// <- add end to stop the script here otherwise if players kill another monster than 1296 or 1296 on another map than pvp_n_1-3, the warp is disabled .@map$ = instance_mapname("pvp_n_1-3"); .@label$ = instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster .@map$,0,0,"--ja--",1296,1,.@label$,2; } end; OnMyMobDead: enablenpc instance_npcname("warpmvp1"); end; //Disable the warp when the server starts. OnNPCKillEvent: enablenpc instance_npcname("warpmvp1"); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("warpmvp1"); end; } //My Example //Warp NPC pvp_n_1-3,100,140,0 script warpmvp1 45,2,2,{ warp "piso1",178,223; end; } Thanks for help me!
  2. Sorry for doble post but i can't disable npc with this. My script is : prontera,150,150,0 script Instanced Prontera#a 101,{ set .@instance$, "Primer Jefe"; if (instance_id()) { if (select("Enter Instance.:Cancel.") == 2) end; if (instance_enter(.@instance$) != 0) { mes "Instance entrance ^FF0000failed^000000."; close; } } else { if (select("Create Instance.:Cancel.") == 2) end; if (instance_create(.@instance$) < 0) { mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000."; close; } mes "Instance created."; close2; instance_enter(.@instance$); .@map$ = instance_mapname("pvp_n_1-3"); monster .@map$,0,0,"--ja--",1296,1,0,2; } end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); disablenpc instance_npcname("warpmvp1"); end; } pvp_n_1-3,100,140,0 script warpmvp1 45,2,2,{ warp "piso1",178,223; end; } EDIT: I put the script inside a npc in instance map and i can solved it. But i have another problem but i go to post it
  3. okay, inside the same script. Thanks!
  4. ok, and if i want to put a boss in this map? where i should write the code line ?
  5. I have a problem. When i enter to my instance all npc are enable and there are no mobs. I have a warp portal inside that map and i dont want it is enabled because it enabled when players kill mvp from this map. How i can disable it? prontera,150,150,0 script Instanced Prontera#a 101,{ set .@instance$, "Primer Jefe"; if (instance_id()) { if (select("Enter Instance.:Cancel.") == 2) end; if (instance_enter(.@instance$) != 0) { mes "Instance entrance ^FF0000failed^000000."; close; } } else { if (select("Create Instance.:Cancel.") == 2) end; if (instance_create(.@instance$) < 0) { mes "Instance creation ^FF0000failed^000000."; close; } mes "Instance created."; close2; instance_enter(.@instance$); } end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; }
  6. Hi guys i have a script that is not working okay. Yesterday it worked fine, but today when i kill monster, the warp dissapear pass 10 seconds or sometimes 3 seconds. pvp_n_1-3,83,116,5 script PoringSpawner1 139,{ end; OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1296) { getmapxy(.@mapa$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@mapa$ == "pvp_n_1-3") { enablenpc "PoringWarp1"; sleep 120000; disablenpc "PoringWarp1"; end; } } //Disable the warp when the server starts. OnInit: disablenpc "PoringWarp1"; end; } //My Example //Warp NPC pvp_n_1-3,100,140,0 warp PoringWarp1 1,1,aldebaran,143,57
  7. I don't know how i can open mapcache? mapcache.exe? and how i can edit there?
  8. I kill it monster and it Doesn't work Map doesn't says nothing Thank you . It work for me too. But i do not know that you can put a " ; after a command and other command with ; before. You optimized the spaces o.o
  9. mmm I try change that close; for end; but nothing happend : - script cofresdeltesoro -1,0,5{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1732) { set var, rand(1,10); switch (var) { case 1: getitem 909,1; end; case 2: getitem 7126,1; end; case 3: getitem 7300,1; end; case 4: getitem 909,1; end; case 5: getitem 2610,1; end; case 6: getitem 728,1; end; case 7: getitem 909,1; end; case 8: getitem 909,1; end; case 9: getitem 7126,1; end; case 10: atcommand "@monster 1474"; end; } break; } // End if end; } Can you make the modification that you mention please? or teach me with an example =)
  10. I want to put a type of mob in moc_prydb1(thief guild) but i can't. I try put that in other files(moc pyramid dungeon) but nothing happend. I make reload, reset server, etc.. What happend? Help me please.
  11. Hi guys, I am making a script called treasurechest is simple you kill a chest(woechest) and you can get an item or spawn a mimic. But because i am noob scripter i don't know why it doesn't works. - script cofresdeltesoro -1,0,5{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1732) { set var, rand(1,10); switch (var) { case 1: getitem 909,1; close; case 2: getitem 7126,1; close; case 3: getitem 7300,1; close; case 4: getitem 909,1; close; case 5: getitem 2610,1; close; case 6: getitem 728,1; close; case 7: getitem 909,1; close; case 8: getitem 909,1; close; case 9: getitem 7126,1; close; case 10: atcommand "@monster 1474"; close; } break; } // End if end; } Where is error? or how i can do it? Console map doesn´t says nothing The script should be global cause treasure chests will are in many maps.
  12. Hi guys, I want delete this npc but I can't find it. I look in google and not appear . I have no idea in what file is. Help me please. Thank you! https://gyazo.com/6cfbbdc6acb58cef931f02436b5c99fc EDIT: I Find it . She is in lightalzen quest ....lol close post please.
  13. I put a poring as example monster. But it should be a mvp in dungeon. I will try with that, and i tell you. Thanks! ahh: There is a way to make it without npc? a event that execute in a map? where I should put it? same way?
  14. sorry but idk how put it? or where i can find those files? The problem is that builiding give Lag when i walk between it
  15. I have a problem(see images): https://gyazo.com/2e9c2fbbec30cb5eced21a68361bc330 https://gyazo.com/2be73ba668977d2195936ca97ec1dba8 is as if all building are moved a cells how i can fix it? can i put old prontera? how?
  16. Hi, I need a script that spawn a warp portal when the users kill a boss. this warp dissapear when pass 1 minute. I were looking for commands to make it possible. I think with: OnNPCkillEvent : But i don´t know how combine it correctly. Adding i have a noob question, the script i should to put in a npc? is it global? idk. thx prontera,157,169,5 script Espadachín2 119,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1002) { getmapxy(.@mapa$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@mapa$ == "prontera") { sleep2 10000; atcommand "@addwarp morocc 156 93 boss01"; sleep2 10000; atcommand "@unloadnpc boss01"; set LQuests, LQuests | 1; } // End if } // End if end; } I make it, but i think that it can be improved. because if people kill monster one time they can click npc and it execute anyways... =/ Warp appears off me
  17. I should to make a npc and inside him i put this script? how i can activate it?
  18. Hola, como pusiste los Tab? #Offtopic Si, ahí funcionó. Yo la verdad soy nuevo en esto de los script, he estado aprendiendo mirando ejemplos y cosas. Pero aún sigo tan noob que te hare una pregunta , para que sirven esos Oninit o ON cosas? saludos Son labels, digamos en programacion son como Lisenners, cuando pasa una accion se activa OnInit: Cuando se carga el NPC (se inicia la variable con ese valor en el caso del script). https://rathena.org/wiki/Basic_Scripting#Labels.2C_Goto.2C_and_Endaqui estan algunas, busca en la wiki ahi estan documentadas Amigo puedes responderme por acá lo de el script del warp matando al mvp, que lo han borrado allá en la otra parte. saludos
  19. Hola, como pusiste los Tab? #Offtopic Si, ahí funcionó. Yo la verdad soy nuevo en esto de los script, he estado aprendiendo mirando ejemplos y cosas. Pero aún sigo tan noob que te hare una pregunta , para que sirven esos Oninit o ON cosas? saludos
  20. I want make a room with one mvp. When people kill mvp the barricade dissapear, because i want make a warp behind barricades. If that is not possible, put the barricade as wall behind mvp: players fighting with Mvp------ wall------warp ( it can teleport you to other map) Sorry for my english.
  21. de que manera se podria hacer que lo diera una vez y luego nunca más? prontera,154,173,5 script Capitán 657,{ OnInit: set .@Level, 15; end; mes "Ando en busca de aventureros para"; mes "adentrarse en el dungeon de La Ciudad"; mes "de los Inicios"; next; mes "Necesitas ser sobre nivel 15"; if (BaseLevel => 15) { if(itemEntregado != 1){ getitem 12622,1; set itemEntregado,1; }else{ mes "Ya te hemos dado el item"; } } else { mes "Lo siento te faltan "+.@Level - BaseLevel+" niveles"; mes "ve a entrenar"; } close; } Variables permanentes de player, no lo probe pero deberia de funcionar, cuando lo pruebes haz un segundo reloadscript para checar que la variable permanece. Suerte Edit para que salga un dialogo de entregado, cambia los espacios de indentacion por Tabuladores Por alguna razón no me carga
  22. de que manera se podria hacer que lo diera una vez y luego nunca más?
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