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  1. Secrets's post in OnPCDieEvent was marked as the answer   
    Change ".death" to "death".
    Variable prefixed with a . means it is a variable attached to an NPC.
    I also recommend you to change the variable name to something unique when dealing with player variable to avoid conflicts like "MyEvent_Death".
  2. Secrets's post in Difference between VPS and dedicated server for RO was marked as the answer   
    VPS is a virtual machine running on a real server. A server usually runs more than one virtual machine. That means resources on the server are shared between multiple VPS (based on OpenVZ virtualization which VPS providers usually use).
    Dedicated server is a whole real server that you rent from the provider.
  3. Secrets's post in Q > Setting up new server was marked as the answer   
    Uncommenting PRERE define is all you need to do to enable pre-renewal.
    You have to use a client that is older than 2012-03-07 if you want that old character creation interface.
  4. Secrets's post in * getmobdata * setmobdata Source was marked as the answer   
    *getunitdata <GID>,<arrayname>; *setunitdata <GID>,<parameter>,<new value>; This is used to get and set special data related to the unit. With getunitdata, the array given will be filled with the current data. In setunitdata the indexes in the array would be used to set that data on the unit. Both getunitdata and setunitdata will return -1 if the given GID does not exist. Note: When adjusting a unit's stat (STR, AGI, etc) the unit's respective statuses are recalculated (HIT, FLEE, etc) automatically. Keep in mind that some stats don't affect a unit's status and will have to directly be modified. Parameters (indexes) for monsters are: UMOB_SIZE UMOB_LEVEL UMOB_HP UMOB_MAXHP UMOB_MASTERAID UMOB_MAPID UMOB_X UMOB_Y UMOB_SPEED UMOB_MODE UMOB_AI UMOB_SCOPTION UMOB_SEX UMOB_CLASS UMOB_HAIRSTYLE UMOB_HAIRCOLOR UMOB_HEADBOTTOM UMOB_HEADMIDDLE UMOB_HEADTOP UMOB_CLOTHCOLOR UMOB_SHIELD UMOB_WEAPON UMOB_LOOKDIR UMOB_CANMOVETICK UMOB_STR UMOB_AGI UMOB_VIT UMOB_INT UMOB_DEX UMOB_LUK UMOB_SLAVECPYMSTRMD UMOB_DMGIMMUNE UMOB_ATKRANGE UMOB_ATKMIN UMOB_ATKMAX UMOB_MATKMIN UMOB_MATKMAX UMOB_DEF UMOB_MDEF UMOB_HIT UMOB_FLEE UMOB_PDODGE UMOB_CRIT UMOB_RACE UMOB_ELETYPE UMOB_ELELEVEL UMOB_AMOTION UMOB_ADELAY UMOB_DMOTION ----- Parameter (indexes) for homunculi are: UHOM_SIZE UHOM_LEVEL UHOM_HP UHOM_MAXHP UHOM_SP UHOM_MAXSP UHOM_MASTERCID UHOM_MAPID UHOM_X UHOM_Y UHOM_HUNGER UHOM_INTIMACY UHOM_SPEED UHOM_LOOKDIR UHOM_CANMOVETICK UHOM_STR UHOM_AGI UHOM_VIT UHOM_INT UHOM_DEX UHOM_LUK UHOM_DMGIMMUNE UHOM_ATKRANGE UHOM_ATKMIN UHOM_ATKMAX UHOM_MATKMIN UHOM_MATKMAX UHOM_DEF UHOM_MDEF UHOM_HIT UHOM_FLEE UHOM_PDODGE UHOM_CRIT UHOM_RACE UHOM_ELETYPE UHOM_ELELEVEL UHOM_AMOTION UHOM_ADELAY UHOM_DMOTION ----- Parameter (indexes) for pets are: UPET_SIZE UPET_LEVEL UPET_HP UPET_MAXHP UPET_MASTERAID UPET_MAPID UPET_X UPET_Y UPET_HUNGER UPET_INTIMACY UPET_SPEED UPET_LOOKDIR UPET_CANMOVETICK UPET_STR UPET_AGI UPET_VIT UPET_INT UPET_DEX UPET_LUK UPET_DMGIMMUNE UPET_ATKRANGE UPET_ATKMIN UPET_ATKMAX UPET_MATKMIN UPET_MATKMAX UPET_DEF UPET_MDEF UPET_HIT UPET_FLEE UPET_PDODGE UPET_CRIT UPET_RACE UPET_ELETYPE UPET_ELELEVEL UPET_AMOTION UPET_ADELAY UPET_DMOTION ----- Parameter (indexes) for mercenaries are: UMER_SIZE UMER_HP UMER_MAXHP UMER_MASTERCID UMER_MAPID UMER_X UMER_Y UMER_KILLCOUNT UMER_LIFETIME UMER_SPEED UMER_LOOKDIR UMER_CANMOVETICK UMER_STR UMER_AGI UMER_VIT UMER_INT UMER_DEX UMER_LUK UMER_DMGIMMUNE UMER_ATKRANGE UMER_ATKMIN UMER_ATKMAX UMER_MATKMIN UMER_MATKMAX UMER_DEF UMER_MDEF UMER_HIT UMER_FLEE UMER_PDODGE UMER_CRIT UMER_RACE UMER_ELETYPE UMER_ELELEVEL UMER_AMOTION UMER_ADELAY UMER_DMOTION ----- Parameter (indexes) for elementals are: UELE_SIZE UELE_HP UELE_MAXHP UELE_SP UELE_MAXSP UELE_MASTERCID UELE_MAPID UELE_X UELE_Y UELE_LIFETIME UELE_MODE UELE_SPEED UELE_LOOKDIR UELE_CANMOVETICK UELE_STR UELE_AGI UELE_VIT UELE_INT UELE_DEX UELE_LUK UELE_DMGIMMUNE UELE_ATKRANGE UELE_ATKMIN UELE_ATKMAX UELE_MATKMIN UELE_MATKMAX UELE_DEF UELE_MDEF UELE_HIT UELE_FLEE UELE_PDODGE UELE_CRIT UELE_RACE UELE_ELETYPE UELE_ELELEVEL UELE_AMOTION UELE_ADELAY UELE_DMOTION ----- Parameter (indexes) for NPCs are: UNPC_DISPLAY UNPC_LEVEL UNPC_HP UNPC_MAXHP UNPC_MAPID UNPC_X UNPC_Y UNPC_LOOKDIR UNPC_STR UNPC_AGI UNPC_VIT UNPC_INT UNPC_DEX UNPC_LUK UNPC_PLUSALLSTAT UNPC_DMGIMMUNE UNPC_ATKRANGE UNPC_ATKMIN UNPC_ATKMAX UNPC_MATKMIN UNPC_MATKMAX UNPC_DEF UNPC_MDEF UNPC_HIT UNPC_FLEE UNPC_PDODGE UNPC_CRIT UNPC_RACE UNPC_ELETYPE UNPC_ELELEVEL UNPC_AMOTION UNPC_ADELAY UNPC_DMOTION *Notes: - *_SIZE: small (0); medium (1); large (2) - *_MAPID: this refers to the map_data index (from src/map/map.c), not the mapindex_db index (from src/common/mapindex.c) -- For 'setunitdata', map name can also be passed in as a valid value instead of map ID - *_SPEED: 20 - 1000 - *_MODE: see doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt - *_LOOKDIR: north (0), northwest (1), west (2), etc - *_CANMOVETICK: seconds * 1000 the unit will be unable to move - *_DMGIMMUNE: unit will be immune to damage (1), or will receive damage (0) - *_HUNGER: 0 - 100 - *_INTIMACY: 0 - 1000 - *_LIFETIME: seconds * 1000 the unit will be 'alive' for - *_AMOTION: see doc/mob_db.txt - *_ADELAY: see doc/mob_db.txt - *_DMOTION: see doc/mob_db.txt - UMOB_AI: none (0); attack (1); marine sphere (2); flora (3); zanzou (4); legion (5); faw (6) - UMOB_SCOPTION: see the 'Variables' section at the top of this document - UMOB_SLAVECPYMSTRMD: make the slave copy the master's mode (1), or not (0) - UNPC_PLUSALLSTAT: same as 'bAllStats'; increases/decreses all stats by given amount Example: // Spawn some Porings and save the Game ID. // - Keep in mind, when the 'monster' script command is used, // - all the spawned monster GID's are stored in an array // - called $@mobid[]. monster "prontera",149,190,"Poring",1002,10; .GID = $@mobid[9]; // Store and modify the 10th Poring spawned to make him stronger! // Save the strong Poring's mob data in the @por_arr[] variable. (@por_arr[1] being level, @por_arr[13] being class, etc.) // With this data we can have the NPC display or manipulate it how we want. This does not have to be ran before 'setunitdata'. getunitdata .GID,@por_arr; // Set the max HP of the Poring to 1000 (current HP will also get updated to 1000). setunitdata .GID,UMOB_MAXHP,1000; Follow the link in my signature if you want to read more.
  5. Secrets's post in Can't Seem to Compile Properly was marked as the answer   
    Visual Studio 2015 is supported by rAthena.
    Make sure you use rAthena-14.sln as the solution file for the project.
  6. Secrets's post in Soul Link Effects was marked as the answer   
    Because changes on this scale aren't some minor changes. You either attempt to do it yourself and ask for help when you stuck somewhere or hire people to do it for you.
    Asking for a "spoonfeed" won't help.
  7. Secrets's post in R>Item Script was marked as the answer   
    bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,100,ATF_MAGIC;

  8. Secrets's post in Variable was marked as the answer   
    += operator isn't compatible with string variable in rAthena engine if I recall correctly.
  9. Secrets's post in Error when Compiling Source Code (CentOS) was marked as the answer   
    Use `cd rAthena` or `cd ~/rAthena` instead. The guide is outdated.
  10. Secrets's post in help installing visual studio was marked as the answer   
    If you really want VS2015, no.
    You can fall back to VC++ 2010 Express, though.
    I'm not sure if VS2013 supports Win7.
    But hey, update your OS. The thing is outdated!
  11. Secrets's post in Usable item by Time, please need your help :( was marked as the answer   
    501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ if(gettime(3) == 21 /* Hour */ && (gettime(2) >= 15 && gettime(2) <= 45) /* Minute */ )itemheal rand(45,65),0; },{},{}

  12. Secrets's post in Please help! #KAFRAPOINTS and #CASHPOINTS was marked as the answer   
    It's now in acc_reg_num table.
  13. Secrets's post in pvp not showing pub and cannot duplicate was marked as the answer   
    prontera,150,190,4 script PVP Warper 105,{ mes "Hello I can warp you inside the PvP Arena!";
    mes "Where do you want to go?";
    menu "Normal PvP [" + getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") + " / 40]",normal,
    "No Party PvP [" + getmapusers("pvp_y_2-2") + " / 40]",np;
    if (getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") > 39) {
    mes "The PvP Arena is full";
    warp "pvp_y_1-2",0,0;
    if (getmapusers("pvp_y_2-2") > 39) {
    mes "The PvP Arena is full";
    warp "pvp_y_2-2",0,0;
    waitingroom "PvP Arena",0;
    geffen,101,71,5 duplicate(PVP Warper) PVP Warper#gef 105
    hugel,88,147,5 duplicate(PVP Warper) PVP Warper#hug 105

  14. Secrets's post in db/re latest updated error was marked as the answer   
    Update your source code and recompile your server.
    I've minified some item scripts by replacing ternary operators with min/max calls which are new script commands implemented recently.
  15. Secrets's post in HyperBuffer Require Item to Buff was marked as the answer   
    if(countitem(501) > 0) { // Apple 1 ea     delitem 501,1;     //dosomething } else {     //if player doesn't have required item do this instead. } For SP issue, if your server has renewal enabled. The Champion/Sura won't be able to gain any SP for like 5 seconds after using Asura. Please check if that's the case.
    However, atcommand @heal bypasses that restriction. So, you can use this code below instead of percentheal.
    atcommand "@heal";
  16. Secrets's post in Create Account On First Login was marked as the answer   
    You can enable `new_account` in login_athena.conf to do that.
  17. Secrets's post in [ask] about itemdb script was marked as the answer   
    { .@eaj=eaclass(); if((.@eaj&EAJL_UPPER)){ .@mhp = 100; } if(roclass(.@eaj&EAJL_UPPER) == 0){ .@mhp = 150; } bonus bMaxHPRate,.@mhp; }

  18. Secrets's post in what is the BEST OS in Ragnarok Server? was marked as the answer   
    I prefer Linux, especially Debian and Ubuntu because,
    I like Linux systems' package manager. Just a few keystroke and you have a service running. Its stability. Linux systems are well known for their stability. Less setup complexity for single server and multiple servers. Security. Linux is based on UNIX which was designed from start to be a multi user OS. Also, Linux viruses are less common than Windows virus (difference is not that much tho). It's free. As in free beer and freedom and it's open source. Linux also has its cons as nothing in the world is perfect like high learning curve, etc.
    Finally, it all comes to your preference and your knowledge. Why use the so-called "Best" OS if you don't know how to configure it or utilize its advantage over other OS properly. But I'm not asking you to not learn about new OS if you want to, that's a good thing.
  19. Secrets's post in 2015-10-29aRagexeRE Korean to English was marked as the answer   
    Check iteminfo_Sak.lub
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