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Linkin Park

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Posts posted by Linkin Park

  1. Hi,

    Anyone knows an ubuntu or linux package that has subversion client 1.7?

    I wanna try downgrading the working copy which is 1.7 to 1.6 but the python script doesn't allow it base from the comments in the source

    # Downgrading from format 11 (1.7) to format 10 (1.6) is not possible,
    # because 11 does not use has-props and cachable-props (but 10 does).
    # Naively downgrading in that situation causes properties to disappear
    # from the wc.
    # Downgrading from the 1.7 SQLite-based format to format 10 is not
    # implemented.

    *EDIT* NVM, found a solution


    Add the ppa for the subversion-1.7

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dominik-stadler/subversion-1.7


    sudo apt-get update


    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


     sudo apt-get install subversion

    to check if you have the 1.7.4 subversion,

    svn --version --quiet

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hi,

    We've purchased an ubuntu dedicated server. So it's on 64bit since it has 16GB ram. I've installed ubuntu-desktop and xrdp. I am trying to connect to it using the RDP from my windows 7 local PC.

    I am getting this error


    Any idea why? I know I can just use putty and type tons of commands to configure my server but work would be easier for me to use a GUI.

    I know I can just use windows if I want a GUI, but linux uses less resources even if it has the gui than windows with all the craps removed.

    Anyone could help?

  3. latest post in this thread does show until someone posted something

    Agree, I thought it was my cache fckin up but oh well, I guess I'm not alone.

  4. Blah, when are you going to fix the "click forum link from the nav loads on another tab" thing.


    read the last posts, jguy said it was by default? well, it's kinda annoying and this is not happening during the old forums (before you guys upgrade).

    the one that should be loading on another tab is the "rAthena" link that should redirect to rathena.org

  5. Hi,

    I want to make a Gold room where players are allowed only for a specific time per day. Let's say PlayerA used the gold room for 1hour on Monday, after the 1hr has passed, he will be warped back to his savepoint and then won't be able to use the gold room until Tuesday 12:01am..

    How to make this?

  6. Probably after kicking all Online GMs, you can also set their account(all GMs) into locked state using sql query in script? idk how to do it, but its just an idea :)

  7. ok thanks. I will try this :)

    EDIT: Can you edit it so that when the item is already +7 it can't be refined using the refine deeds?

    EDIT: Thanks, it's working now ;) I just have to set the max refine bitmask to whatever max refine I want to block the usage of the NPC :P

    Thanks a lot Emistry!

  8. This decarder NPC will charge more zeny if you decard without Starcrumb and Yellow Gemstone. This will also have a new and convenient Decard All feature.

    Original Decarder Requirements:
    • 1 Starcrumb
    • 1 Yellow Gem
    • 200k Zeny
    • 25k for each card

    Suggestion Details

    • Option 1: Starcrumb(1), Yellow Gem(1), 250k + 35k for each card.
    • Option 2: 350k + 50k for each card.
    • Option 3: Decard All with Starcrumb(1), Yellow Gem(1), 250k + 35k for each card.
    • Option 4: Decard All with 350k + 50k for each card.
    • Skip unnecessary dialogue to reduce clicks.


    Small zeny sink for the server.

    Convenient full decard option.


    Coding could be a small challenge but will be easy for the very experienced.

    Might take a while to get used to.

    Notes: Decard All option must have a requirement of at least 3 equipped items in order for it to work. If you only have 1 item to decard, choose the option that only decards 1 piece of equipment. The zeny requirement must be adjusted according to the server's economy and how fast you can earn zeny. I was hoping this modification would turn the decard function into a valued privilege as well as a zeny sink instead of an inconvenience like how it is for most high rate servers.

  9. The Mouse Exclusive and /showname seems not working for me. I'm using 2011-03-15 with Harmony.


    Noticed that all options from the new Setup is not saved or is not working for me. Any help? or are there some files needed?

    I'm running the client as Administrator.

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