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Linkin Park

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Posts posted by Linkin Park

  1. Hi,

    I would like to request a script that will give a point to whoever has the castle on a specific time


    I have set a 2hours WoE time (7pm to 9pm)

    Whoever guild has the castle during 7:30pm scores 1point, at 8:00pm, scores another 1 point.. Every 30minutes until end of WoE (9pm)

    Every break of the Emperium will also give the guild 1 point.

    and there will be an NPC Ladder to show the Top 3 Guilds with most points..

    I'm using Euphy's WoE Controller: https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/npc/custom/woe_controller.txt

    Thank you in advance to whoever will make this..

  2. From the word "Emulator" itself, devs should be focusing on emulating the official servers. Official servers doesn't have Pre-Re so why do devs here still bother about the pre-re and re settings to be disabled or not. I agree to branching out pre-renewal to git since there are so many servers that uses pre-renewal.

    Again, devs should be focusing on emulating the official ones.

  3. I'm having a problem with this. Sometimes it drops random items like refined sakkat box. I'm using mobitemadder mapflag for 3 monsters on the same map and 1 monster is dropping refined sakkat box. Others drop Falcon Flute.

  4. It broke 6 of my src modification that uses tabs and had to re-do it to use spaces which took me a lot of time wasted hitting space bar just to make it more readable. Good thing my space bar didn't break lol.

  5. bumps,

    I can't update since I have a lot of src mod that will conflict. So I'm updating only those important fixes by hand. But this devo thing is different, I want to know how would I calculate the 'damage' on status.c? so the damage that will be absorbed by devo is the total damage not the total hp of the character he is devoing.

  6. Well, I want the devotion to work like the old one, the damage should be received by the pally devoing let's say a lord knight.

    Right now, the LK also receives the damage while the pally also receives the total damage. I want it to be only the paladin receives the damage and LK will remain undamaged when in devo

    I'm using an old revision where the devotion is still being calculated in status.c and the damage being absorbed by devotion is capped on the devotee's HP.

    How would I pass or calculate the total damage over to status.c?

  7. It still doesn't drop :(

    Here's the whole script. Does it matter if I'm testing using an Admin account?

    new_pront,119,159,4 script Premium Account::premiummap 422,{
    if( isPremium() == 0 ) goto NotPremium;
    mes "[Gatekeeper]";
    mes "Where do you want to go?";
    switch(select("Private Drop Event"))
    case 1:
    if( #Daily == gettime(5) ) {
    mes "You can only enter once a day";
    set #Daily,gettime(5);
    addtimer 300000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTimeLimit";
    warp "new_zone04",60,179;
    message strcharinfo(0),"Time's Up.";
    sleep2 3000;
    warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    mes "[Gatekeeper]";
    mes "You are not a Premium Account Holder!";
    while (1) {
    if ( getmapusers("new_zone04") ) {
    while ( checkcell( "new_zone04", set( .@x, rand(8,31) ), set( .@y, rand(168,191) ), cell_chknopass ) );
    makeitem 501, 1, "new_zone04", .@x, .@y;
    sleep 100;
    new_zone04 mapflag noskill
    new_zone04 mapflag nowarp
    new_zone04 mapflag nowarpto
    new_zone04 mapflag noreturn
    new_zone04 mapflag nobranch

    I replaced that part with yours so I'm using the guild_vs2, and it worked.

    I guess I have a problem with this part

    while ( checkcell( "new_zone04", set( .@x, rand(8,31) ), set( .@y, rand(168,191) ), cell_chknopass ) );

    I don't know how to properly check the x and y coords for a map

  8. How can I make it so that whenever there's a player inside the map, it will continuously makeitem? and if there's no one inside the map, it'll stop from makeitem?

    while( 1 ){
    if( getmapusers("new_zone04") )
    while ( checkcell( "new_zone04", set( .@x, rand(8,31) ), set( .@y, rand(168,191) ), cell_chknopass ) );
    makeitem 969,1,"new_zone04",rand(8,31),rand(168,191);
    sleep 100;

    Still there's no item dropping.

    THis is the area where I want the items to randomly drop


  9. I don't think this will work, I need to attach the character so that he'll be the only one to be warped out and leave the other players who has still time inside the map.

    This is where I copied the script and modified it


    Fixed, I just forgot the close; part lol. -_-"

    This part however is not working

    while( 1 ){
    if( getmapusers("new_zone04") )
    makeitem 969,1,"new_zone04",rand(8,31),rand(168,191);
    sleep 100;

  10. I have this script where premium accounts can only enter 5minutes per day but when I warped into the room, I got warped out after a few seconds only.

    mapname,119,159,4 script Premium Account::premiummap 422,{
    if( isPremium() == 0 ) goto NotPremium;
    mes "[Gatekeeper]";
    mes "Where do you want to go?";
    switch(select("Private Drop Event"))
    case 1:
    if( #Daily == gettime(5) ) {
    mes "You can only enter once a day";
    set #Daily,gettime(5);
    addtimer 300000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTimeLimit";
    warp "new_zone04",60,179;
    message strcharinfo(0),"Time's Up.";
    sleep2 3000;
    warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    mes "[Gatekeeper]";
    mes "You are not a Premium Account Holder!";
    while( 1 ){
    if( getmapusers("new_zone04") )
    makeitem 969,1,"new_zone04",rand(8,31),rand(168,191);
    sleep 100;

    Can anyone help?

    Fixed, I just forgot the close; part lol. -_-"

    This part however is not working

    while( 1 ){
    if( getmapusers("new_zone04") )
    makeitem 969,1,"new_zone04",rand(8,31),rand(168,191);
    sleep 100;

  11. Anyone can help me about this?

    The crash only happens when a biochemist logs in.

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    0x0810aa58 in buildin_isequipped (st=0xb7f88be4) at script.c:13503
    13503								   if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid != id)
    (gdb) bt full
    #0  0x0810aa58 in buildin_isequipped (st=0xb7f88be4) at script.c:13503
    	sd = 0xd5d5b30
    	i = 0
    	j = 14
    	k = <value optimized out>
    	id = 2701
    	index = 26360
    	flag = <value optimized out>
    	ret = <value optimized out>
    	setitem_hash = 0
    	setitem_hash2 = 0
    #1  0x081028f6 in run_func (st=0xb7f88be4) at script.c:3206
    	data = 0xb0fa274c
    	i = 2
    	end_sp = <value optimized out>
    	__FUNCTION__ = "run_func"
    #2  0x08128902 in run_script_main (st=0xb7f88be4) at script.c:3436
    	c = 3452816845
    	cmdcount = 655343
    	gotocount = 2048
    	sd = <value optimized out>
    	stack = 0xb11e34c4
    	nd = <value optimized out>
    ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

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