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Linkin Park

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Posts posted by Linkin Park

  1. So when you try to connect with a client, it times out?

    What message do you see in the map-server?

    Does it show any characters logging in?

    When I try to connect using my RO Client, it passes the login and char server, however, after I selected my character, it fails to connect to the map-server when the map-server is online, but the client displays 'Server Closed(1)' when the map-server is down from HostB.

    No messages on map-server console after I selected my character.

    Bumps on this..

    help, anyone?


    I want to use 2 separate hosts for my server, 1 for login and 1 for char and map server. Both running on CentOS.


    My Questions are the following:

    1. Do I need to have exact copy of my server files on both host?

    2. How would I run the login server only on HostA, then run char and map server on HostB on putty? I know I have to use ./login-server_sql or something like that, but I don't know how to logout putty with killing the process, because if I use CTRL+A+D, it doesn't work when I started only the login server. CTRL+A+D works if I started the whole server using ./athena-start start

    3. How is the conf setup for different IPs?


    Thanks everyone!


    1. HostA needs the server config files for login & char servers

    HostB needs everything else.


    2. You could start 'screen' first, then ./login-server_sql &

    and ./char-server_sql &


    3. HostA: in /conf/char_athena.conf

    char_ip: <IP_of_HostA>

    HostB: /conf/map_athena.conf

    char_ip: <IP_of_HostA>

    map_ip: <IP_of_HostB>


    SQL settings on both hosts should point to the MySQL Server on HostA.

    Your clientinfo.xml should point to HostA (the one running login-server_sql).



    I tried using the following setup and didn't work :( Still fails on map-server, although the map-server is connected to the char server located on HostA.


    However, when I closed map-server on HostB, I get Server Closed(1) after selecting a character.



    Bumpin this up, really need some help.. Sorry for the bump within 12 hours.

  3. I want to use 2 separate hosts for my server, 1 for login and 1 for char and map server. Both running on CentOS.


    My Questions are the following:

    1. Do I need to have exact copy of my server files on both host?

    2. How would I run the login server only on HostA, then run char and map server on HostB on putty? I know I have to use ./login-server_sql or something like that, but I don't know how to logout putty with killing the process, because if I use CTRL+A+D, it doesn't work when I started only the login server. CTRL+A+D works if I started the whole server using ./athena-start start

    3. How is the conf setup for different IPs?


    Thanks everyone!

  4. I want to remove those messages from frost joke and scream. Instead of shouting thost fancy texts, I want it to only shout the Skill Name.



    case DC_SCREAM:


    if I make it like

    case DC_SCREAM:


    it doesn't shout anything at all.

  5. I can run RO on an ubuntu release with POL (PlayOnLinux), the problem is that when I try to run the client with harmony, it doesn't load. Stucks with an unknown error bla bla sht. Anyway, I hope Sirius will support it :(

    Now, I wonder if using a non-harmony client for Admin accounts will work?

  6. -	script	dshfkdsfjhksfj	-1,{
    .@origin = getcharid(3);
    attachrid killedrid;
    if ( !getcharid(2) ) end;
    if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) == getcharid(0) )
    	getitem 7227, 20, .@origin;
    	getitem 7227, 10, .@origin;

    I'm currently using this and it's working, but is really easily abusable.

    Can it be set to as you can only get the item if the GM of the guild killed has at least 10 online members in his guild and only applicable to current active castle (Euphy's Controller)

  7. prontera,155,181,5	script	Woe Points	100,{
    .@nb = query_sql( "select * from woe_point order by points desc limit 3", .@guild_id, .@points );
    if ( !.@nb ) {
    	mes "no record yet";
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    	mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ getguildname( .@guild_id[.@i] ) +" -> "+ .@points[.@i];
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 30; .@i++ ) {
    	.@castle_guild_id = getcastledata( getvariableofnpc( .Castles$[.@i], "WOE_CONTROL" ), 1 );
    	if ( getvariableofnpc( .Active[0], "WOE_CONTROL" ) & 1 << .@i && .@castle_guild_id )
    		query_sql "insert into woe_point values ( "+ .@castle_guild_id +", 1 ) on duplicate key update points = points +1";
    OnBreakEmp: // put doevent under OnAgitBreak ...
    query_sql "insert into woe_point values ( "+ getcharid(2) +", 1 ) on duplicate key update points = points +1";

    why make things so hard ?

    EDIT: ops, forgot the SQL create

    create table woe_point (
    guild_id int(11) unsigned primary key,
    points int(11)
    ) engine = myisam;

    EDIT2 ... wait a moment, I change the layout

    ok here, I think better use existing table because if the guild gets deleted,

    the row will also be deleted from the source itself

    alter table guild add column woe_points int(11) default 0 after emblem_data, add index (woe_points);

    prontera,155,181,5	script	Woe Points	100,{
    .@nb = query_sql( "select name, woe_points from guild order by woe_points desc limit 3", .@guild_name$, .@points );
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) {
    	if ( !.@points[.@i] ) break;
    	mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .@guild_name$[.@i] +" -> "+ .@points[.@i];
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 30; .@i++ ) {
    	.@castle_guild_id = getcastledata( getvariableofnpc( .Castles$[.@i], "WOE_CONTROL" ), 1 );
    	if ( getvariableofnpc( .Active[0], "WOE_CONTROL" ) & 1 << .@i && .@castle_guild_id )
    		query_sql "update guild set woe_points = woe_points +1 where guild_id = "+ .@castle_guild_id;
    OnBreakEmp: // put doevent under OnAgitBreak ...
    query_sql "update guild set woe_points = woe_points +1 where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2);

    Hi Annie,

    This will work even if on the same day there's 2 castles active on WoE?


    Sunday (7-9pm) prtg_cas01 and prtg_cas02 are active..

    then Monday to Friday I have 1 castle enabled which is Second Edition castle :)

    Thank you for the script Annie <3

  8. This will only add points to the castle that is active on that day? I mean, it should not add points to those guild that owns a castle that is not active during the WoE on that day.


    Monday = Kriemhild and Fad

    Guild A owns Hohen, the points will be added only to the guild that owns Kriemhild and Fad.

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