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Posts posted by hexor9

  1. OnTimer190000:
            Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0;
            getitem 7539,10;
        }else if(.point[2]>.point[1])
            Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0;
            getitem 7539,10;
            Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0;
        sleep2 3000;
        callsub OnEndd;    

    Is this Correct for having prize?

  2. Script 3: Logs -> History DB
    (should be started 2 times a month)


    mysqldump -hDBSERVER_IP -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWORD --compact --no-create-info RAGNAROK_DB atcommandlog branchlog charlog chatlog npclog picklog zenylog > PATH_TO_RO/temp.sql
    mysql -hDBSERVER_IP -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWORD -DRAGNAROK_DB -e"DELETE FROM atcommandlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM branchlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM charlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM chatlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM npclog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM picklog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM zenylog WHERE 1=1;"
    rm PATH_TO_RO/temp.sql

    (before you start this script, you should insert a structure only dump into your history database)

    how to make crontab by here 
    * * * * * 
    (before you start this script, you should insert a structure only dump into your history database) and also this HOW

  3. PVP arena every 30minutes or configurable


    NOTE: timelimit is 10minutes Highest Point win
    NOTE2: All players Died will be warp in Starting Point and Invulnerable 3secs
    NOTE3:Please make the script edit able(If can't it is ok)

    1. All players in server have a dialog box menu Do you want to Join Angel vs Demon Arena Yes or NO
    1.1 NPC Registration Broadcast where is this with time remaining to register
    2. all players join will be random in team the Angel and Demon.

    3. All player in Angel team have fake hat 5269 http://ratemyserver.net/re_item_db.php?item_id=5269&ird=0&small=1&back=1
    4. All player in Demon Team have fake hat  5376 http://ratemyserver.net/re_item_db.php?item_id=5376&ird=0&small=1&back=1

    fake hat is like @afk command with afk hat OR if can do the fake hat You can make ENEMY team will be red name like aggre monster

    5. Timer on Event start and they will warp in the map
    6. Angel warp random here two coordinates guild_vs4 8x 49y and 49x 91y
    7. Demon warp random here two coordinates guild_vs4  91x 49y and 49x 8y
    8. Event Starts Highest Points(kill on other team) will be the winner. The Score is displaybottom every increase of score(or any you code)
    9. Prizes all players in winning team = 7606, 7539 and 7773

    10. The winner announce if Demon or Angel


  4. that is not crafting there is no percent rate on there!
    and also effect of like casting skills when crafting


    i will try this thanks emistry please help me also here http://rathena.org/board/topic/81011-any-one-can-edit-this-script/#entry191637

    On 4/5/2013 at 2:52 AM, Emistry said:

    like this ?



    // craft settings
    .craft_rate = 50;
    setarray .item_id,607,608;
    setarray .item_amount,1,2;
    .item_id_size = getarraysize( .item_id );
    // item gain
    .craft_gain = 7539;

    My problem is the crafted item removed the slot i add an item with slot and when i success in crafted the slot of the item is remove

  5. how about making this npc lots of item can craft with different requirements (like setting array)

    and announce when success crafted

    and also the crafted item get the name of the crafter 

    sorry bad english

  6. how to make this script the Rewards have % to drop or like
    607,10,100% or 10%

    The Game is unlimited to enter until you have the ticket

    Also change the requirment to a
    Need Ticket to enter (501)
    Need All party members have it

    remove other requirment in code only ^

    guild_vs5,50,50,5 script Stage Game 437,{
    // Monster ID / Amount Initiating ( Check db/Mob_db.txt || db/Mob_db2.txt )
    setarray .Stage[0],
    1001,10, // Stage 1 + Amount
    1002,12, // Stage 2 + Amount
    1004,14, // Stage 3 + Amount
    1005,16, // Stage 4 + Amount
    1007,18, // etc......
    1008,20, //
    1058,30; // Final Stage ( Max. ~64 Rounds )
    // Reward ID / Amount Initiating ( Check db/Item_db.txt || db/Item_db2.txt )
    setarray .Reward[0],
    607,10, // Reward 1 + Amount
    608,5, // Reward 2 + Amount
    501,3, // etc......
    512,1; // Last Reward 1 ( Max. ~64 Items )
    // MapFlags Initiating ( Check db/Cont.txt )
    setarray .MapFlags[0],0,1,2,3,4,5,11,13,14,15,22,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,38,41,43,44,47,49;
    for( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize( .MapFlags ); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 )
    setmapflag strcharinfo(3),.MapFlags[.@mf];
    if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),"all" ) > 0 || .Level > 0)
    dispbottom "Just Kill All the Monster to Win the Game...";
    set .Level,0;
    announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] : [ "+.Stage[.Level+1]+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+" ]",bc_all,0x37FDFC;
    monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,"[Slave] "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+"",.Stage[.Level],.Stage[.Level+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill";
    waitingroom "Left ["+mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" )+"] Monster",0;
    if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" ) == 0 && .Level < ( getarraysize( .Stage ) - 5 ) )
    set .Level,.Level + 2;
    waitingroom "["+((( getarraysize( .Stage )/2 ) - .Level/2) - 1)+"] Rounds to Go.",0;
    for( set .@t,5; .@t > 0; set .@t,.@t - 1 )
    announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] in "+.@t+" Seconds",bc_map,0x4EEE94,0,35;
    sleep2 1000;
    announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] : [ "+.Stage[.Level+1]+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+" ]",bc_all,0x37FDFC;
    monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,"[Slave] "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+"",.Stage[.Level],.Stage[.Level+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill";
    if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" ) == 0 && .Level >= ( getarraysize( .Stage ) - 5 ) )
    set .Level,.Level + 2;
    announce "BOSS Stage",bc_map,0xFF0000,0,90;
    specialeffect 563;
    sleep2 2000;
    for( set .@t,5; .@t > 0; set .@t,.@t - 1 )
    specialeffect 563;
    announce "BOSS STAGE in "+.@t+" Seconds",bc_map,0xFF0000,0,60;
    sleep2 1000;
    announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] : [ "+.Stage[.Level+1]+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+" ]",bc_all,0x37FDFC;
    monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,"[BOSS] "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+"",.Stage[.Level],.Stage[.Level+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill";
    waitingroom "Left ["+mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+( ( .Level-2 ) > ( getarraysize( .Stage ) - 5 ) ? "BossKill":"MobKill") )+"] Monster",0;
    if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill" ) > 0 )
    waitingroom "Left ["+mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill")+"] Monster",0;
    waitingroom "REWARD TIME",0;
    specialeffect 709;
    announce "Congratulation to Team [ "+getpartyname( getcharid(1) )+" ] who had just finished the Stage Game. ",0;
    getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    getpartymember getcharid(1),2;
    set @Location$,strcharinfo(3);
    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i +1 )
    if ( isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i]) )
    attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i];
    if( strcharinfo(3) == @Location$ )
    unittalk getcharid(3),"Yeehaaa !! We Beat ALL the Monster !!!";
    unitemote getcharid(3),e_heh;
    specialeffect2 709;
    for( set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize( .Reward ); set .@a,.@a + 2 )
    getitem .Reward[.@a],.Reward[.@a+1], $@partymemberaid[.@i];
    dispbottom "Gained those items as Reward for Finishing Stage Game";
    sleep2 5000;
    mapwarp strcharinfo(3),"prontera",155,180;
    set .Level,0;
    waitingroom "Click Me",0;
    prontera,146,188,5 script Stage Game#Register 794,{
    mes "Hello, i am ^FF0000Stage Game Manager^000000. How can i help you ?";
    mes "^0000FFRegistration Status^000000 : "+( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 ?"^FF0000OFF":"^00FF00ON")+"^000000";
    mes "(^FF0000Only Leader can Register^000000)";
    mes "";
    mes "It is In ^FF0000BETA Test^000000.";
    switch(select("^00FF00Stage Game Information^000000",
    ( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 || getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) )?"":"^0000FFRegister for Stage Game^000000",
    ( getmapusers(.Map$) < 1 || getgmlevel() < 60 )?"":"^FF0000Reset Stage Game^000000")) {
    Case 1:
    mes "^FF0000Stage Game^000000 is a small game that have alot of monster to be kill from round to round.";
    mes "With every increase or round you manage to reach, the monster could be stronger than before.";
    mes "You could win up some ^0000FFUnique^000000 prize upon you finished the whole ^FF0000Stage Game^000000";
    mes "In order to ^0000FFRegister^000000 for ^FF0000Stage Game^000000, all your party member must meet the ^0000FFRequirements^000000";
    mes "[ ^00FF00Requirements^000000 ]";
    mes "^0000FFBase Level^000000 : "+.Level+" Level";
    mes "^0000FFZeny^000000 : "+.Zeny+" Zeny ";
    mes "^0000FFParty Members^000000 : "+.PartyMember+" Members";
    mes "(^FF0000Level / Zeny only Applied on Leader ^000000 )";
    Case 2:
    // if( getgmlevel() < 80 ){
    // mes "Stage Game is under Debugging Development. Simple Game but Hard ";
    // close;
    // }
    getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    getpartymember getcharid(1),2;
    set @Count,0;
    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i +1 ){
    if ( isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i]) ){
    set @Count,@Count+1;
    if( @Count < .PartyMember || BaseLevel < .Level || Zeny < .Zeny ){
    mes "[ ^00FF00Requirements^000000 ]";
    mes "^0000FFBase Level^000000 : "+.Level+" Level";
    mes "^0000FFZeny^000000 : "+.Zeny+" Zeny ";
    mes "^0000FFParty Members^000000 : "+.PartyMember+" Members";
    mes "(^FF0000Level / Zeny only Applied on Leader ^000000 )";
    set Zeny, Zeny - .Zeny;
    mes "Your party will now be warped into the Destination to start the Game.";
    dispbottom "Click on the NPC inside to start the game.";
    delwaitingroom "Stage Game";
    announce "Team [ "+getpartyname( getcharid(1) )+"] has joined STAGE GAME.",0;
    warpparty .Map$,0,0,getcharid(1);
    killmonster .Map$,"All";
    set getvariableofnpc(.Level,"Stage Game"),0;
    Case 3:
    mes "The Game has been Reset.";
    killmonster .Map$,"All";
    mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,180;
    announce "A GM has RESET the Stage Game, Sorry for the Incovenience.",0;
    set getvariableofnpc(.Level,"Stage Game"),0;
    delwaitingroom "Stage Game";
    waitingroom "NULL",0;
    set .Level,1;
    set .Zeny,0;
    set .PartyMember,1;
    set .Map$,"guild_vs5";
    waitingroom ( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 ? " NOT":" " )+" Available",0;
  7. How about to make this script:

    Have a requirements item to Enter ex need 607

    And remove stages reward only when kill the final boss

    and summon a treasure chest npc they need to click so they can also have this menu

    ROLL = make a random 1-100 every certain reward if you are the highest in certain reward you will auto get it
    PASS = ignore the certain reward

    the reward have 

            setarray .loot[0], 501,502,503,504,505,506; // Items that will be looted from the box.
            setarray .lrates[0], 1,10000,50,600,700,100; // Rate that item will be dropped by chest. 10000 = 100% / 1 = 0.01% 
            set .tlimit,60; // In seconds in picking in MENU autopass if trigger

  8. npc for warper to the dungeon quest


    1. You need a party before enter
    2. 5x per week entrance per character in account

    3. also npc giving you how many you have entrance to enter.

    4. if the dungeon is failed the entrance is not consume

    5. inside the dungeon you need to clear all monster.

    6. so you can go next level dungeon have 4 level last is for boss


    this for now i will add some details so you will concentrate on 1 - 6 not so many task  ^_^

    NOTE: per dungeon have set of mosnter to respawn 
               When all clear the monster warp again in starting point and summon next set of monster mapbroadcast


        setcell "guild_vs3",19,44,19,55,cell_walkable,1;
        setcell "guild_vs3",18,44,18,55,cell_walkable,1;
        setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1;
        setcell "guild_vs3",81,44,81,55,cell_walkable,1;
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 5",0;
        sleep 1000;
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 4",0;
        sleep 1000;
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 3",0;
        sleep 1000;
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 2",0;
        sleep 1000;
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 1",0;
        sleep 1000;
        disablenpc "WALL#1";
        disablenpc "WALL#2";
        disablenpc "WALL#3";
        disablenpc "WALL#4";
        disablenpc "WALL#5";
        disablenpc "WALL#6";
        disablenpc "WALL#7";
        disablenpc "WALL#8";
        disablenpc "WALL#9";
        disablenpc "WALL#10";
        disablenpc "WALL#11";
        disablenpc "WALL#12";
        disablenpc "WALL#13";
        disablenpc "WALL#14";
        disablenpc "WALL#15";
        disablenpc "WALL#16";
        disablenpc "WALL#17";
        disablenpc "WALL#18";
        disablenpc "WALL#19";
        disablenpc "WALL#20";
        disablenpc "WALL#21";
        disablenpc "WALL#22";
        disablenpc "WALL#23";
        disablenpc "WALL#24";
        disablenpc "Arena Buffer#1";
        disablenpc "Arena Buffer#2";
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Walls are now Disabled.",0;
        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Events STARTS GO GO GO.",0;
        atcommand "@pvpon";


    im stack and no pvpon is use
  10.     mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 5",0;

        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 4",0;

        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 3",0;

        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 2",0;

        mapannounce "guild_vs3","Ready ON 1",0;
  11. When i use @autotrade in map that is unable to vend after the vend cancel my character stuck

    also i include all map in mapflag novending


    // Allow autrade only in map with autotrade flag?
    // Set this to "no" will allow autotrade where no "autotrade" mapflag is set
    // Set this to "yes" to only allow autotrade on maps with "autotrade" mapflag
    at_mapflag: no
    i set this to no and yes but my problem not solved



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