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Everything posted by Xanthor

  1. 2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe.patched. Tried many different options, even different clients. All result to logging in with no background, black screen with npcs. You can't walk, but can interact with npc's nearby. Here is a clip from my server. Oh, music does play. The only issues that sounded similar actually had nothing to do with this issue as well, which was login screen. Here as you see above there I'm logged in. I'm not closing this issue yet as I'm trying to find the cause. The quick fix was to download client from another running server and plug my data settings into it. This ran fully with some issues so once done will post the fix.
  2. I finally am able to log into my server, but now have a weird issue. When I log in, there are two npcs there I can talk too. The entire room is black as if the background is not loading in. My character can swing room around, talk to npc's, but cant move, as if glued to the spot .
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