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Posts posted by frenzmu06

  1. it will not show, weapon view while attacking is still hard coded on clients, even on xray (it will only show your custom sprite view after attacking/after attack idle view)

    but there is one solution if your really are dying to see the attack view for your customs, you can replace original existing items with your custom ones

    for example you want to make a bow (so the solution would be replace any existing bow in the db with your custom db & clientside(spr) resources so that it would appear for that items as your custom ones

    (idk if there are still free view IDs for each weapon ranges)

    try and test to add your custom weapons at the end of each specific weapon(start your custom weapon IDs from the last free id for bow, daggers, swords, etc.)

  2. i have problem with the bakonawa sprite (i dont know if it's corrupted or idk really the prob), i allready opened it using ActOR and no problems and working fine when playing every frame but i have problem on game with it, i can summon it ingame (i can view upon spawn) but when it turns or faces me my ragnarok crashes. using ragre2011-07-13

    i thought it was only the spr being currupted but allready tried ripping it from datas of different clients (Miruku,pRO,kRO) but still i get same error.

    do others experience this?

  3. @FatalEror thanks this is great , but there is one problem, it only works on the map where you are on (putting other map as parameter doesn't show the mobs on that specific map but still the mobs from where you are on)


    you are at gl_knt then you type "@ml pay_dun04" - it is still showing the monster at gl_knt where it should make an output of pay_dun04

    hope you can fix/add the map parameter thing, i know you can ^_^

    /no1 this code will be very useful for the community

  4. Click the SVN link on rathena website/incase you can't find it LOL, i'll provide links

    DL here - https://rathena.svn....vnroot/rathena/

    How to download?

    Use (tortoisesvn) from - http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html

    *download and install it, after installing right click on your desktop and you will see "SVN checkout..."

    *put the DL/SVN link in URL then choose your desired destination folder/where to save(defaults on desktop if you click it right there) just click "ok" that should do it. (by the way you need to compile it after downloading)

    How to compile?) - Compiling

    If you want pre-compiled rathena version like in http://svn.games-service.net/ which bowie-bowie provides (which do not need to compile/recompile/already ready to use)then here's the link - http://sourceforge.n...na/files/trunk/

    btw rathena uses only sql, don't hesitate to visit the wiki in case you got problems wit this

  5. Request: pk mapflag

    What will it do:

    it will make the map on pk mode like setting the server to pk mode but only on the map with pk mapflag

    if given a value, it will make the damage calculations depending on the given value (affects only PvP calculations/doesn't affect PvM)

    if value is not given then calculation will do 100% like the pk mode server damage (default) does as written on misc.conf

    which are:

    pk_short_attack_damage_rate: 80

    pk_long_attack_damage_rate: 70

    pk_weapon_attack_damage_rate: 60

    pk_magic_attack_damage_rate: 60

    pk_misc_attack_damage_rate: 60


    mapflag <flagname> <damage modifier>

    mapflag pk 80 -->will do 80% damage/-20% less damage from default calculation

    mapflag pk 90 -->will do 90% damage/-10% less damage from default calculation

    mapflag pk 120 -->will do 120% damage/20% more damage from default calculation

    mapflag pk 200 -->will do 200% double the default damage calculation

    mapflag pk 30 -->will do 30% damage/-70% less damage from default calculation

    if set to 0 or less (well its obvious that putting 0 is non-sense so it will go to default value as 100% calculation)

    for those who will help. thanks

  6. Request: @mapmoblist/@ml

    shows the current monsters and monster counts in the map

    if given a map value it will show the given map's monsters

    while if not, it will show the monsters where you are on


    --------Monster List--------

    Mapname: prt_fild03 >specified map name

    Monsters: Poring(1002)/20 >monster name(id)/count


    MVP: >mvp if there is/are

    Ex 2:

    --------Monster List--------

    Mapname: pay_dun04

    Monsters: Dokebi(1110)/40

    Nine Tail(1180)/30


    Archer Skeleton(1277)/15

    Am Mut(1301)/1

    Skeleton General(1290)/1

    Cat o' Nine Tails(1307)/1

    Shining Plant(1083)/2

    Red Plant(1078)/10

    White Plant(1082)/6

    MVP: Moonlight Flower(1150)/1

    for those who will help. thanks

  7. or edit at your items.conf located at conf\battle folder

    // Required level of bNoMagicDamage before Status Changes are blocked (Golden Thief Bug card).

    // For example, if left at 50. An item can give bNoMagicDamage,40;

    // which reduces magic damage by 40%, but does not blocks status changes.

    gtb_sc_immunity: 50

    set it to higher than 50/the number you want to put on your gtb card

  8. also, i always get error when entering the custom map... i dunno but some maps work and some errors, all the necessary files are fine. i dint have errors on my 1st rebuild but when i tried to rebuild my map cache again since i (removed about 10 maps from my custom map.grf from the original) i made i got this problem. used the default mapcache builder/weemapcache also but same errors on some map upon warping. (and ofcourse im warping to those map i din't remove)


    try here from your other post

  9. solved mine.

    try to open your rsw file with notepad and see if the listed mapname.gat', mapname.gnd inside corresponds to your customized map mapname, if no then thats simply the problem.

    don't rename your map manually
    use BrowEdit to rename it
    or else it will still read the resources from the original map which you copied for your custommap.

    this should fix it if this is the case (hope it helps)
    • Upvote 1
  10. how about setting it to:


    this way we can remove the "common_drop.adv_flag" setting and will work same way, but no more config

    so we can just put 0 in monsterid field instead or an actual monsterid if we want the item to have the global specified drop rate

    if we put 0 in monsterid then it will affect all monsters with elunium drop


    985,1,1150 // it will set moonlight_flower's elunium's drop rate to 0.01%

    985,1,0 // it will set elunium's drop rate to 0.01%

  11. PK mapflag with a variable for setting damage penalty for player vs player but doesnt affect pvm on a map specified...

    sample: mapflag PKON 90

    which does: enables pkmode on map specified with pvp damage calculation of 90%

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