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Everything posted by slicks90

  1. hier ist die lösung https://rathena.org/board/topic/103620-equipment-window-bug/
  2. i'll got it fixed with jadelights in the chat. problem was i didn't had any keys in my packet_db for obfusaction. I had to add those and diff a new client with the packet obfuscation keys and its working. But Thanks Haziel for your support Cheers!
  3. yes serveral times and also if i use a different client date recompile etc
  4. already done this should be fine packet_db / Main packet version of the DB to use (default = max available version) // Client detection is faster when all clients use this version. // Version 23 is the latest Sakexe (above versions are for Renewal clients) //packet_db_ver: 25 packet_db_ver: 45 //2013-08-07Ragexe (Shakto) packet_ver: 45 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x035F,6,ticksend,2 0x0202,5,changedir,2:4 0x07E4,6,takeitem,2 0x0362,6,dropitem,2:4 0x07EC,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0364,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x096A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0365,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // 0x363,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD 0x0281,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8:12 0x022D,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0802,26,partyinvite2,2 // 0x436,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK 0x023B,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0361,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0887,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 mmo. #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20130807 //#define PACKETVER 20130807 #endif client <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>PjRO</display> <balloon>Ragnarok</balloon> <desc>Ragnarok</desc> <address>x.x.x.x</address> <port>6900</port> <version>45</version> <langtype>0</langtype> <registrationweb></registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> </aid> </connection> </clientinfo>
  5. Hi, i got the following issue, i setup a server with the current version of rA. The hole setup was quite fine but now i facing the following situation. I've made a client with 2013-08-07 I've diffed and hexed the client by following a guide from here and i re done this several times with no result. Every time when i try to equip an item it works but i don't see it in the equipment window - i have do to a refresh or a map change to see it in there. i also found the following topic https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/255which describes my issue perfectly. There is a video in this topic where you can see what i'm talking about. The solution to change the packet version doesn't work for me. i can't see anything in the console of the servers. And to be honest I've no idea what i can do... PS: i also tried to take a different client date - didn't get it working. Cheers!
  6. Hallo zusammen, ich habe folgendes problem ich habe mir mit der neusten rA version am Freitag einen Server aufgesetzt auf einem Ubuntu V-Server. Das setup hat alles ohne Probleme funktioniert, allerdings habe ich nun folgendes Problem. Ich habe einen Client mit der 2013-08-07 exe gemacht - gedifft - gehexed und bekomme folgendes Problem nicht in der Griff. Wenn ich etwas equippen möchte funktioniert das auch, allerdings bekomme ich das EQ nicht im EQ-Fenster angezeigt. Ich muss erst einen relogg oder ein refresh machen das ich es sehe. habe auch folgendes gefunden https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/255was genau mein Problem beschreibt - auch das in dem thread gepostete Video ist genau das Verhalten meines Problemes. Hat jemand eine Ahnung woran es liegen kann? Cheers!
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