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Posts posted by 312200492

  1.           hello everyone!I want to make a star map like "dali.rsw",I use "browedit R620" software to make a map, and rename it to Dali to replace the original map" , I should set the content and mapcache settings and have logged into the game, but can't walk normally in the game, please don't doubt is ”mapcache”, I can sure it's right, because I have a certain level of production, Who knows where the problem is?

  2. On 2017/3/29 at 10:12 PM, Olrox said:


    关于动画你有2个选项,我在我的频道上做了两个视频,一个是RSM ro模型(只支持老客户端)或者npc GR2模型(所有客户端都支持) 


    thanks  Olrox,I'm going to see your video right now!^_^

  3. On 2017/3/24 at 4:06 PM, Azura Skyy said:

    〜Azura Skyy


    On 2017/3/28 at 11:20 AM, Olrox said:



    thinks Azura Skyy and Olrox,I tested the 9000 faces of the model can also be used in the game,:D


    I'm learning how to make a dynamic models,For example, fountains, waterfalls

    I would like to ask whether there is a learning tutorial or video can learn?

  4. I come from China.My English is not fluent, please don't mind,I use browedit and 3Dmax to make the models(.rms),I know that too many faces in the models can lead to the RO error.

    Excuse me,My question is:how many faces can be used at most in a models will not tips me fail in RO?

  5. :rolleyes:My English is not very good,I don't know why this happens,If you use r586 to open the map will appear some errors, such as the pop3.rsw, but you can use r620 to open,I think this may be related to some model,If you know the answer, please let me know。

    In addition, I would like to ask you, how to make a model, whether there is a tutorial to learn?

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